Still In Shadows?

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Still In Shadows? Empty Still In Shadows?

Post by Aghrab 12.06.08 12:17

Throughout the time that I began learning about the Aset Ka, I came across quite a few obstacles and questions, when it came to the subject of the Sethians, and the ROS. I am quite sure that most of you that read the marvellous Asetian Bible, came to a point where you had more questions concerning the ROS, or maybe a few of you even tried to find a website that would provide you with information on the Red Order of Seth. My main question, which I would appreciate your feedback and opinion on, is... What do you believe is the reason that the secretive Red Order, is still in shadows, even after the rising of the Aset Ka?

I do understand some reasons, that secrecy is their power, their weapon, or a way for them to control, to rule, as it is their deep desire to, yet I am quite sure many of you may have your own opinion and thought on this.


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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Maktub 12.06.08 12:33

The main central point of the ROS is control. And the only way to achieve that control in this modern society that lacks the spirituality and magickal thinking is by remain hidden and trying to control their network of well positioned contacts in secret. Well established monotheistic religions are the best resource for the ROS system. Those religions were highly influenced and mostly adaptations of the theology created by the Sethian pharaoh Akhenaton, in a highly strategic move by the ROS to reclaim the throne of Egypt and to mine the Asetian influence in those days. So in modern times, the influence of Islam, Judaism and especially, the power of the Christian Vatican, remain the biggest trump of the ROS to their missions and goals.

Revealing would condemn them. So that remains a move of courage and honor that only the Children of Aset are willing to take in the reclaim for supremacy.


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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Victor 12.06.08 13:07

I believe that at this point the Sethians are too afraid to make any sudden or more dramatic move. Especially after the release of the Asetian Bible and how the Aset Ka is reclaiming their position and strength in the vampiric world. This was a bold and agressive move, typical of the Asetians, and the ROS was caught up surprised and without really knowing how to proceed with their plans.
Sethians are mighty and powerful beings, but we must understand that they still cary the scars of the Epic Wars and all that the Imperial Guard of the Aset Ka has made them go though. It is a pain they will carry throughout eternity. And although we are leaving a time that was ruled by the Sethians, as the dark ages of the medieval times and such, known by us as the Djehuty of the Crocodile, we all know that ROS was only able to rule in secret. They lack the honor and the flaming powers of the Asetians to just be. So they proliferate their reigns of terror and control in secret and in silence. But never forget that their ultimate goal is the disruption of the Aset Ka and the destruction of the Asetians. That is all they think of since the times of Ancient Egypt. They could never rest while they could not claim the throne of the Asetian Empire to their own power. They crave the powers of the Asetians, but they can't understand their union.

This is a cyclic immortal war that will never end...

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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Aghrab 13.06.08 18:06

Hello Victor.

I agree that the ROS was certainly not expecting such an aggressive move from the Aset Ka, by the publishing of the Asetian Bible and Rise of the Asetians. However, I am not so sure that ROS is too afraid to take any sudden, more dramatic move, because in my understanding and belief, the wars between both sides endure still, yet in silence.


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Still In Shadows? Empty Question regarding the Sethians

Post by Maxx 02.07.08 11:18

Could this Seth all of you are referring to be the same as Set from the Egyptian past. Set, I know was a God worshiped in the 19th and 20th Dynasty. Set followers seemed to be opposite the Horus followers in a war of take over. In later years, this same Set was written about and changed from being a good God to one that everything was blamed on.

Earlier, Egypt had two Gods that ruled together. When things went badly due to drought in most sections of the country, blame began to be put upon Set as causing the problem and the division was created between these Gods. This was the connection the Church put on Set as the original Devil and having it as its opposition. So, it is my understanding that Set became the Devil in the Christian Bible Book to be the Arch Enemy of the Church and became the scapegoat for all its bad activity.
Hence, the Church created the Devil for its own benefit.

Please enlighten me if I have any of this wrong.



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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Aghrab 02.07.08 11:49

"Could this Seth all of you are referring to be the same as Set from the Egyptian past."

Hello again Maxx. I am glad that you have begun posting on different threads and subjects.

If the part of your previous post that I quoted was a bit unsure about 'Seth' and 'Set', Seth is another name for the Egyptian God Set. I am only saying because it seemed you were somewhat unsure. Smile

Many people can also compare Set (Seth), to Satan, so I believe what you say shows you know quite a lot about the comparison.


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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Maktub 02.07.08 12:42


The Seth being discussed in here is in fact related with the Ancient Egyptian Set. Just another form of writing it.
Anyways, I agree in your parallels about Seth being seen, in some traditions as the Catholic, connected to the concept of Evil/Devil, and as Aghrab stated, related with Satan.
However, in here, we don't see Seth as evil or good. We see it as a deity, just like Aset. When we talk on ROS, we mean the Red Order of Seth, the ancient Egyptian order founded by Seth and his followers, the Sethians, that fought countless battles for the rulership of Kemet (Egypt), against the Aset Ka. The Kemetic Order of Aset Ka, on the other hand, founded by Aset and her children (the Asetians), controlled most of the lads of Egypt in what was known as the Asetian Empire, while Seth had rule of the lands in the West and South of modern Egypt. But ultimately none of the two sides can be considered as evil, but just two opposing "epic" forces of the ancient world - Aset Ka and ROS - Aset and Seth.
Keep in mind however that although some of these battles and disputes endured through dynastic times, in those times happened mostly in secret and hidden behind the obvious, since most of it refers to historic passages that happened in a much more ancient time, in what the Egyptians call the Sep Tepy, a big timeframe before Pre-Dynastic Egypt.
Also, in case you are not familiarized with the Asetian theology, that is why there are many descriptions of the "kill" of Osiris by Seth, and also the battles between Seth and Horus for the throne of Egypt. Osiris and Horus were both connected with the AK, being Osiris the husband of Aset and Horus her elder child, one of the three Primordial Asetians. But on this, you will understand better the view discussed in here if you dig a bit deeper into the Asetian theology and cosmogony.


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Still In Shadows? Empty Many Thanks

Post by Maxx 02.07.08 12:54

Yes, I was hoping you would come in and give me more understanding on this subject. I do not have the Asetian Bible as yet. Should take 10 or so to obtain through mail order. I am looking forward to it. I have only heard of the Asetian group in the last three days past and not before. So you can understand my lack of knowledge.

Also, I was making a post and lost it to answer another aspect of this. I understand that the priests of Set and the priests of Horus were responsible for the trouble that arose in the 19th and 20th Dynasty. The Gods were not good or bad, as you mentioned. It was the priesthood that has caused all the problem on a human level. Continuing the problem on down this priesthood line it becomes so easy for the Catholic Church to create a Devil and blame everything on.

Doing research on the beginning of the Devil, I find this is the time frame this present day Satan began.

I look forward to the educated posts within this forum to explain and enlighten me in regard to the history (actual history) of Aset Ka.

Thank you.


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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Maktub 02.07.08 13:14

Maxx wrote:Yes, I was hoping you would come in and give me more understanding on this subject. I do not have the Asetian Bible as yet. Should take 10 or so to obtain through mail order. I am looking forward to it. I have only heard of the Asetian group in the last three days past and not before. So you can understand my lack of knowledge.

No worries on your lack of knowledge. One way or another we all lack it in here, and that is why we keep our quests in the search for the truth. Although there are no members of the Aset Ka present in this forum, most of us share a common interest, or passion, for the Asetian knowledge and the hidden history of the Aset Ka. Like so, we strive for a responsible research on anything we can find on the subject, involving Occultists, Egyptologists, Anthropologists and also (why not) simple curious people. We try to analyse, study and research these things with a mature mind, not to get our awareness be taken away by many of the things found online that are usually wrong and misinterpreted, when it comes to Asetianism and the Aset Ka.
Anyways, my point was that we are all trying to learn, share experiences and our own views and theories on the Asetian knowledge we can find. So take your time to learn it and share it also with us, because that is the way we can all evolve. No one here is the central truth about this subject, especially since the Order of Aset Ka makes it very clear on their official sources on how anything outside of their structure should always be taken with a grain of salt and questioned over and over. We try to do that, and at the same time provide a valid place of discussion of the tradition without any bashing or ignorance as it is found elsewhere.
We have all kinds of people in this forum, that although recent in its creation, has a highly heterogeneous nature when it comes to its members... there are people here that have been doing research on the Asetians for decades, in Europe and in Egypt, trying to put some of the little pieces of the puzzle together, but we also have many people that just like you, only recently found out about the very existence of the Order. But we take it all as an united community. Smile


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Still In Shadows? Empty I found this interesting conversation in a forum

Post by Maxx 13.07.08 12:46

I also found conversations regarding the dawn of civilization to be found in Siberia and also discussions about Mother/Goddess proof dating back 25,000 years ago.

I found it interesting that I wear a ring and a pendant showing the Winged Solar Disk with the two serpents on its side. I also find truth in the statement showing the Gods coming into rule from the area of Summar before ruling in Egypt.

The below was written by Dawn on another forum. I found it very interesting. Maybe Maktub could comment.

Hi All,
There is a mythical legend supposedly recorded on the walls of the Ptolemaic temple of Horus the Behdetite, in Edfu, about the invasion of the Horus sun worshippers. I don’t know if it is authentic or something that someone fabricated because I can’t find any reliable sources for it. I think that it is supposed to be part of the “Building Texts”. But maybe someone knows. If sun worship, and the worship of the solar disc were imported from Mesopotamia, maybe this myth has some historical value. Maybe it occurred sometime during the Naqada II period. (The Ptolemaic temple of Horus the Behdetite, in Edfu, was founded on the site of a much earlier pharonic temple. In its present, form the temple of Horus was erected over a two hundred year period between 237 and 57 BC, but portions of its inner and outer enclosure walls date to the pyramid age. Some of its inscriptions show evidence of being copied from much older histories.)
The account supposedly first describes events of the “first period of creation” , or “Sep Tepy”, when gods ruled the earth. This “First Time of The Gods” was brought to a violent end which destroyed the “First Temple” of Horus. “The Eye of Horus” wreaks mass devastation. The inscriptions record the events of a people called “Mesniu” or “Blacksmiths” (metal workers), led by their sun-god king Ra-Harmakhis, who came from the west of the Nile, from a country to the south of Egypt, called “Ta-sti” “Land of the Bow”. The text designates the invaders as sun worshippers.
The texts (supposedly) say that Ra-Harmakhis, Horus, was the King of this “Land of the Bow.” He marched into Egypt, overcoming all opposition, and established himself at Edfu. The native inhabitants armed with stone weapons collected a force of opposition southeast of Thebes. The Horus King and his army of blacksmiths equipped with metal spears and chains defeated them in battle at Tchetmet. Again the natives regrouped northeast of Dendera about fifty miles north of Thebes. Again they were defeated by the Horus King with his metal weapons. Still another battle took place at Heben, about one hundred and fifty miles south of Memphis. Here the records (supposedly) show that the Horus King hacked up the natives and offered them to his gods. He then pursued the natives, driving them into the Delta and defeated them wherever they met in battle. In one place a “King of Set” appeared with his followers and fought against the Horus King but Horus drove a spear into Set’s neck, fettered him in chains and beheaded his followers. (Set in the earliest times was the patron deity of Lower Egypt. He represented the fierce storms of the desert.) Horus then sailed over the Delta streams hacking up his enemy and made himself ruler of the Delta. The “Blacksmiths” settled down in the lands given to them by Horus in Middle Egypt. Next the Horus King launched an expedition against the people of Uauat (Northern Nubia). He then sailed back to Edfu, the site of “the First Temple”, and established the worship of “Horus of Edfu”. He ordered a symbol of this god to be placed in every temple of Egypt. This symbol was the winged solar disk with a serpent on each side of it. The Horus King established a form of sun-god worship in Egypt. ( Sun worship was common in the east but the original Egyptian natives were not sun-worshippers but rather star or moon worshippers?)
This is was supposed to be “ the second age of divine inhabitants.” They reclaimed the sacred area of Edfu and were now called the “Shebtu”, the “Builder Gods” They (supposedly) describe themselves as being “living deities who can live in the company of the sun.” They erect the “Grand Seat” or Temple of the Falcon” and fortify it with great enclosure walls.
The catalyst of Egypt’s sudden advances may have involved a wave of Asian immigrants or invaders, perhaps beginning after 3500 BCE during the Gerzean A period, and continuing sporadically into the late third millennium BC. These immigrants, or invaders, may have introduced Sumerian advanced agricultural and urban values, as well as religious ideas. However, these ideas may have also been introduced via the immigration of Sumerian influenced Semitic peoples from Levantine Palestine and Syria, or Anatolia, rather than from Sumer. More than 400 objects of Palestine origin were found in 1988 in the Predynastic U-J Tomb in Abydos.
The archaeological evidence of Mesopotamian influence in Egypt, in technology, architecture and in art, does attest to a large presence of Sumerians or Sumerian influenced Levantines. From about 3300 to 3000 BCE there is a striking resemblance between Sumerian and Egyptian art in style and content with similar motifs.

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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Maktub 21.07.08 11:56

That is quite an interesting text. It touches a subject that the rare few Egyptologists that actually dare to dwell into this dark knowledge of hidden history try to research and study. The fact that Egyptians weren't trying to create any myth... but to actually tell in form of symbolism and stories, facts about their ancient past. Facts that Gods ruled a vast empire on that region, living among the people, incarnated. It is true that many of the temples found in Egypt have modern edifications built on the top of older ones, some locations, especially the ones of cult, dating all the way back to the empire of the Sep Tepy. Because of this, countless of the "modern" temples reflect in the writings, engravings and paintings of their walls pieces of lost history. History that needs to be deciphered, interpreted and correctly decoded. And that is by no means a simple task. Even among Egyptologists we can't find agreement to a full understanding when it comes to interpret the cryptic Egyptian/Asetian symbolism.
Edfu is no exception. Just like the island of Philae, Edfu is known for being an ancient location of an Asetian Temple. Also, some scholars tend to believe that Philae, although having a main sacred temple, was actually more than that... but an actual stronghold of the Asetian Empire, on the border limits of Kemet at one time in history, ensuring the safety of the realms and holding the Sethian continuous strikes from their lands in the South. But there are many more examples than Philae and Edfu.
Anyways, some of those representations in the walls of several temples are quite obvious in what they are representing, in a general approach, even though if the specific episode may not be so easily deciphered. They relate to the Epic Wars. The great battles of the Sep Tepy that prolonged, I believe, into the Dynastic Periods.

As for the reference to a Horus King, it becomes kinda hard to fully trace to which Horus it is referred. We all know Horus was the first Asetian Pharaoh, following the rule of the God Pharaoh Osiris. But after him, many other Pharaohs were paralleled with Horus, others used his name, and others were actually his other reincarnations. Very hard to trace scientifically. But that work is being done by scholars for long.

As for the subject of Sumer, I am sure there are several relations between the Egyptian history and the one of the Sumerians. But I disagree with people that try to find a missing link to prove that the Egyptians were an evolution/settlement of old Sumerians. That is undoubtedly wrong. The Sep Tepy predates, by far, the Egyptian dynastic periods along with the whole Sumerian history. I tend to believe to be more likely for Dynastic Egypt and Sumer to have been both influenced by the Asetian Empire in the Sep Tepy, that certainly influenced many other civilizations, more visible in the Middle East, but who's traces and scattered elements can even be found in some old Asian cultures.


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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Victor 22.07.08 16:27

Maxx wrote:I found it interesting that I wear a ring and a pendant showing the Winged Solar Disk with the two serpents on its side. I also find truth in the statement showing the Gods coming into rule from the area of Summar before ruling in Egypt.
Interesting indeed.
Wings, Solar Disk (Crown Shen) and Serpents. Three highly important and renown Asetian symbols.

I disagree that Gods ruling Egypt came from Sumer though. They came from Kemet, an even older civilization.

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Still In Shadows? Empty Bible

Post by Maxx 24.07.08 20:20


I received the Asetian Bible in the mail today. I will begin to study it........
not only read it, and will get back with you with anything I find that may well bring a question to my mind.

I might even begin to comment or question you on some of the points that
catch my attention as I read and study through it so you will be able to enlighten me on those parts.



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Still In Shadows? Empty A Question

Post by Maxx 15.07.09 22:29

[quote="Maktub) Those religions were highly influenced and mostly adaptations of the theology created by the Sethian pharaoh Akhenaton, in a highly strategic move by the ROS to reclaim the throne of Egypt and to mine the Asetian influence in those days. So in modern times, the influence of Islam, Judaism and especially, the power of the Christian Vatican, remain the biggest trump of the ROS to their missions and goals.

Revealing would condemn them. So that remains a move of courage and honor that only the Children of Aset are willing to take in the reclaim for supremacy.


In reading your above reply, it brought up a question.........would the Church of Satan be considered to be included in your above reference? Also, if so, then all or most of the Black Arts organizations would be included, correct?



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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Maktub 16.07.09 14:51

Maxx wrote:
Maktub wrote: Those religions were highly influenced and mostly adaptations of the theology created by the Sethian pharaoh Akhenaton, in a highly strategic move by the ROS to reclaim the throne of Egypt and to mine the Asetian influence in those days. So in modern times, the influence of Islam, Judaism and especially, the power of the Christian Vatican, remain the biggest trump of the ROS to their missions and goals.

Revealing would condemn them. So that remains a move of courage and honor that only the Children of Aset are willing to take in the reclaim for supremacy.


In reading your above reply, it brought up a question.........would the Church of Satan be considered to be included in your above reference? Also, if so, then all or most of the Black Arts organizations would be included, correct?


You mean if I would include them in the group of organizations under the power of ROS? If so, then no, I would not include the Church of Satan in my reference. I was talking about major religious powers that are under the influence and control of the ROS. The CoS is not powerful enough to be a threat, or a tool, for the ROS. I would also not include most of the black arts organizations under the same banner. Some of them have a good relationship with the Aset Ka, while others have a better connection with the ROS. Both, the AK and the ROS, are Left-Hand-Path orders, being connected with the dark arts in their own ways. Both are highly predatory, manipulative and shadow organizations. The fact that they are natural enemies and nemesis of each other does not turn this into a fight between good and evil, or darkness and light, but merely a confrontation between giants. Very old ones...


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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Maxx 16.07.09 16:31

thank you, as time goes by your replies clarify many things.



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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Maxx 16.07.09 18:03

In looking over this thread, I find there is much gold in the answers here. But I would like to ask you how you are aware that ROS was caught off guard and did not know what to do when the AsetKa Bible was released.........or are you just using words that would best describe how you think they would feel....and how it looks to you personally?

Your words from above....... Especially after the release of the Asetian Bible and how the Aset Ka is reclaiming their position and strength in the vampiric world. This was a bold and agressive move, typical of the Asetians, and the ROS was caught up surprised and without really knowing how to proceed with their plans.


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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Victor 17.07.09 11:42

I've had contact with some lesser arms of this organization a few years ago. However, my views also carry my personal interpretations of the information that is passed down to me, so please keep that in mind. I am in no way a definitive source for Asetian or Sethian knowledge.
Now that you speak of it, I would say that being caught off guard might not be the best way to put it, but that the move from the Asetians, not only with the release of the Asetian Bible but with all the engine they have set in motion in the Occult world, has disrupted several of ROS plans for the beginning of this Era (Djehuty). In the last few centuries, the ROS has ruled in many ways above the AK, and has done so virtually untouchable... but those days are ending. I am sure they knew it was a matter of time for the Asetians to reappear and reclaim their position in this realm, but many details of how they did it came as an unexpected surprise, especially given all the silence and lack of resources from the AK during the last centuries.
Did it make more sense now?

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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Maxx 17.07.09 18:32

Most certainly......being caught off guard...... threw me for a loop and would mean that you would be in the middle of it to experience or recognize that emotion. Thank you for clearing that up for me.

Also, I am glad to see the statements made recently here again to show the Aset Ka and ROS are both left hand path groups and they should not be viewed as light and dark, or right or wrong.........A little warble off the path in the past by some seeing the two that way might confuse a few. I am glad to see it clarified.



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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Jonathan 17.07.09 19:48

I agree with Maxx, it is important to keep in mind that both orders are LHP, at the edge of the dark paths, and their wars and issues should not be seen as the typical hollywood dilemma of good versus evil. I find that very important to understand both orders. Thank you all for pointing it out.

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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Anto 13.12.22 19:02

You know That in Romania in the last 3 years that are two rappers called Azteca and Ian,uhm ..both were best friends and had some tracks they fuc**ed ul all the teenagers then they fight and the reason is unknown!

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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by 8lou1 14.12.22 3:25

Anto, there was grave digging in romania and i have had several interconnecttions dealing with that as i thought it was just a dracula story. One specific was a sjaman who wasnt able to deal with the protection asked a male while a female was ordered by spirit to protect the group and you are watching the outcome up close. I had someone on a discordgroup also dealing with it and it went also wrong. Old words with new meanings could be one of the reasons an angry death mob isnt happy. Ive had some old ones complaining about drescode. So you got a nasty group of spirts there anto.


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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

Post by Tehom 03.12.23 7:02

Reading that post from Dawn made really shows just how unprepared the enemies of the Horus King live fated to be. ;)

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Still In Shadows? Empty Re: Still In Shadows?

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