blood feeding

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blood feeding Empty blood feeding

Post by devilsC_U_N_T 17.06.09 13:59

i've been feeding for a while. from my expierances i feed close to a shot glase or 2 a day of blood. i was jsut woundering how much other vampires cunsume.

Number of posts : 31
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Registration date : 2009-04-18

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blood feeding Empty Re: blood feeding

Post by Jonathan 17.06.09 14:02

It really depends on the Vampire's energy metabolism. Some may consume blood once a week, others once a month... it really does depend a lot, there is no set rule for what is the best. It varies from Vampire to Vampire.

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blood feeding Empty Re: blood feeding

Post by devilsC_U_N_T 17.06.09 14:04

thats what i thought but i need to find out my anwser

Number of posts : 31
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blood feeding Empty Re: blood feeding

Post by Aghrab 17.06.09 14:06

Within the Asetians, the different lineages, as you know, would consume different amounts of blood. A Viperine, I would expect, would feed more regularly with blood, although it will usually always be within a sexual feeding, I would assume. A Concubine perhaps would not really need to blood feed... but if so, it would be quite less often than a Viperine... and when it comes to Guardians, they rarely need to blood feed. They rely mostly on sexual energy and sexual fluids to satisfy their needs.


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blood feeding Empty Re: blood feeding

Post by devilsC_U_N_T 17.06.09 14:14

thank u for ur help

Number of posts : 31
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Registration date : 2009-04-18

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blood feeding Empty Re: blood feeding

Post by ElizabethBathory 25.11.09 21:29

devilsC_U_N_T wrote:i've been feeding for a while. from my expierances i feed close to a shot glase or 2 a day of blood. i was jsut woundering how much other vampires cunsume.

Oh, I don't actually do would have to be a very special person! Actually drinking someone's blood sparks feelings of intimacy for me, and I do mean that like extreme intimacy. Although I crave it, I don't need to actually physically drink blood to absorb the energy from it. Even strongly visualizing drinking blood is enough to create the feeling I get from being around it to a degree. To actually drink someone's blood... wow, that's like marrying them to me. It's a big deal.

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blood feeding Empty Re: blood feeding

Post by Jonathan 26.11.09 8:29

ElizabethBathory wrote:
devilsC_U_N_T wrote:i've been feeding for a while. from my expierances i feed close to a shot glase or 2 a day of blood. i was jsut woundering how much other vampires cunsume.

Oh, I don't actually do would have to be a very special person! Actually drinking someone's blood sparks feelings of intimacy for me, and I do mean that like extreme intimacy. Although I crave it, I don't need to actually physically drink blood to absorb the energy from it. Even strongly visualizing drinking blood is enough to create the feeling I get from being around it to a degree. To actually drink someone's blood... wow, that's like marrying them to me. It's a big deal.
I totally agree with you on this one...

Number of posts : 3051
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blood feeding Empty Re: blood feeding

Post by Daniel09 26.11.09 19:38

I can also relate and agree with this sentiment.

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blood feeding Empty Re: blood feeding

Post by BluesummerstheWicked 13.05.12 16:53

While in corporeal form, I drink as much as I can get. Similarly, in spectral form, I absorb as much Lifeforce as is available. I find that the more you feed, the more you can take in. Don't overdo it- stop when you're 'full'- but in time, your own energy reserves will skyrocket, and you can replenish more or less as much as you please.


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