Natural Feeding

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Natural Feeding Empty Natural Feeding

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 1:39

I have been reading some of the posts and what really amazes me is that how can someone be an incarnated vampire and not know how to feed. We are born with this knowledge. Even as a 2 year old I could wipe out dry a whole room full of adults. My parents stopped taking me to gatherings because people would feel exhosted around me. It took me years to learn how to curb it. But knowing how to feed was never an issue. How could one be a vampire and only learn how to feed as an adult? No vampire could survive without feeding for a long time, never mind years. All my life I've been feeding on energy in every which way. The only difference is that as I've evolved and learned and accepted my nature, I've had to teach myself to look for alternative ways of recharging so that I do not have to always take it from people and to least give something back to maintain balance. I have not fed on blood, except for occasionally sucking on my own cuts..Smile I have no problem with drinking blood, in fact I am attracted to it. Used to eat almost row meat and liver with blood. However, I do not have a need for it, and see it more as a ritualistic aspect of vampirism then anything else. Human auric field has so much more to offer..Smile then a shot of As for elemental energy, yes it can be utilized, but the digestion of it requires some work. It always lacks something. With that been said, I've notice so many, particulary young people, go for the blood assuming that it will make them vampires. If they had the need for blood, they wouldn't survive without it... Am I the only one who feels this way? I'd love to hear from others here.

Number of posts : 212
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Registration date : 2009-06-22

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by manwolf15 23.06.09 1:56

I don't know much about it i would thinks about surviving on blood and all that but the vampires WILL tell you what they think and good luck and welcome to the forum. Smile

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 2:40

Thank you for your comment. I am looking forward to hear from others.

Number of posts : 212
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Registration date : 2009-06-22

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Talibah 23.06.09 3:45

empress2K, were you intentionally feeding off of people at the age of 2, or merely something you became aware of as a consequence of their behaviour and response to you being there?

I ask this because generally, when referring to feeding, most are doing it unintentionally to begin with - a feeling of invigoration whilst in a crowd, or during some elemental situation but without any concrete explaination as to why etc - True awareness and control usually happens after the awakening, when the individual becomes aware of their true nature.

Asking for advice with feeding methods could be an indication of an individual awakening, which can be a very confusing time - as the Asetian Bible states.

Learning to feed in a controlled manner and correctly as an adult in my opinion shows that one is attaining a level of awareness that surpasses that of mundane energy sensitivity which many have, but do not utilise correctly or with any understanding of it's deeper meaning.

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 10:16

Dear Talibah,

To answer to your question I would have to explain what I was like as a child. Was I conscious of what I was doing – ABSOLUTELY. Did I know that it was vampiric feeding – of course not. But neither does a newborn when it reaches for its mother’s breast knows that the process is called breastfeeding...Smile

Yes, my experiences were beyond feeling of being “invigoration whilst in a crowd”. My recollection of myself goes back to when I was roughly 8 or 9 months old. I was a strange child who hated to be held and cuddled. By the time I was about 18 months I was able to communicate in sentences, probably because I wanted to be sure that my needs are met and I don’t have to waist a lot of energy on explaining what I needed in a nonverbal form. So back to my feeding. I realized very young (probably around the age of three) that I was able to produce a rise in people which would give me a strong sense of euphoria. I felt the way someone feels after a couple of stiff drinks…J So I would keep doing it, i.e. antagonizing people or bothering them in some other way, just to get them to react and give me that feeling. My mother said there was nothing she could do to control it, so she stopped exposing me to people as much as she could. Which in turn made me a very sickly child with extremely low immune system and ongoing respiratory infections.

Another method I would used, but that came a few years later, would be looking someone in the eyes and lure them in. That would produce a nice flow for me, very different and direct. I was selective of people on this one and had to really like them and how them felt for me. Later as I got older people would tell me that the moment I’d be looking in their eyes with that look would make them feel as if they were merging with me. This skill became handy later on when I tapped into sexual vampirism (again, I did not know what it was called until recently after I read descriptions of what I was doing for years). So I hope it clarified my experience.

Was I always aware of what I was doing and the feeling I was gaining? Absolutely! Did I have awareness of the metaphysical and supernatural? Sure, after all I grew up in Moscow, Russia and my mother had an exposure to paranormal and psychic phenomena going back to the early 60s when she worked for Ministry of Defense. Through my mother, her friends, random encounters with awakened adults and my own visions/lucid dreams I knew I was not your average kid.

Did I think I was causing any harm to others? Nope. That came recently and forced me to look for other ways to feed and to be conscious of my predatory instincts. I hope that answers your question. I apologize if my response is too lengthy.

Number of posts : 212
Age : 55
Location : Los Angeles
Registration date : 2009-06-22

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Daniel09 23.06.09 10:32

I think that the only flaw in your reasoning is that you assume all vampires are as sensitive to it as you are.

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Syrianeh 23.06.09 10:45

Empress, it is always welcoming to hear first hand personal accounts of Vampirism. Thank you for sharing.

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Jonathan 23.06.09 11:28

Thank you for sharing your views and opinions, that is what this community needs. Although I agree with a big part of your post, let me just add that not all vampires are the same. Vampires are very diverse, and the way they interpret their feelings are different too. Most vampires have fed all their lives, however, in most cases, they are only aware of what they are doing and under proper control after awakening. I believe that consciously draining at such younger ages is possible, but I am pretty sure you would not master the techniques as of yet. After all, we are here to learn, and that is a pretty young age to be awakened and self-taught.

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 12:26

Daniel: Thank you for your reminder...Smile Yes, I often forget that there is a diversity in the populus and it is good to be reminded once in a while..Smile

Number of posts : 212
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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 12:28

Syrianeh: It is my pleasure to share.. I believe that is how we can validate or help others to validate their experiences.

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 12:40

Thank you very much Jonathan. I am happy to find an intelligent forum where I could express myself freely. Yes, I agree that there are very many difersity and am learning more about it daily. That is why I am hoping others are also willing to share their own experiences as I have.

Jonathan wrote:I believe that consciously draining at such younger ages is possible, but I am pretty sure you would not master the techniques as of yet. After all, we are here to learn, and that is a pretty young age to be awakened and self-taught.

Of course as a child you just do whatever it takes to feel strong. Hence, in my case I could care less about the fact that people would walk away from me pissed off, I felt good. As I grew older and developed compassion towards people I realized that I had something I could give in teturn, that I could actually make people feel good about themselves. So I've spent years developing this mastery. Now, I can lift pretty much anyones spirit up and in return...Smile I am aloud to dive into their eyes and have as much physical contact as I need..Smile It is a win-win situation for the most part. I do believe that we have a gift of making people feel special and powerful... In return their energy field gets stronger, healthier and bigger.. more to share with us. So the balance gets restored. Now if I feel really low and catch myself on provoking someone or antogonizing them, I consciously stop and become super positive to help their auric field expend. Good for them, good for me..Smile

Number of posts : 212
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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Maxx 23.06.09 20:55

Empress, again, I agree with your overall concept. Also, my favorite city in the world is Moscow. Hong Kong is Second. Also, I was married to a Moscow Gymnastic Champion for nine years. Irina Kovaluva. I love the Russian people.

In line with your original topic. I found myself entering different bodies and seeing through their eyes. In the beginning, I had no control over it. Now, it is my goal to be able to take my memory bank and leave my body for a change and take over completely when time to vacate this anchor (the same as the ancient Egyptian Kings and Queens. I am convinced that Ramses II was capable of this)

Since I visited here last, I have entered the body of Obama and watched as he climbed a circular starway and went into the pastry kitchen in the white house. Other secret passage ways I was able to see. Long story short, I always attempt to verify what I see or what I do OBE and I was able to verify much of what I saw when I entered him.

This technique of which the Vampire is adept, is the method I understand when I can truthfully say.....Vampires Rule the Rule.



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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 21:33


Moscow is great! Those it's been 16 years since I visited last time..Sad One day, when all my kids are grown I'll go again. For now my eyes are set on Egypt. Hopefuly next Spring.

Yes, projecting your consciousness into someone's body is as ancient technique as astroprojections. Some people develop this ability others are born with it already developed. It is also part of the telepathic training to be able to feel yourself in another person's body while you transmit your message to them. With all the technology humanity have been rubbing itself of the essencial abilities, thus creating wider devide between those of us who evolve and those who decend further into helplessness.

I have never attempted what you do, but I am good at spontanious past-life regressions and often can easily see past-lives with various people as I meet them. I also like to check my facts. My favorite ability of mine so far is mediumship. The gratitude level and energy charge I get from the spirits when helping them communicate with their loved once is amazing, needless to say those on this side are happy too. I don't do it for a living, but when it happens I cherish every experience.

Number of posts : 212
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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Daniel09 23.06.09 21:37

Oh, I'm familiar with astro-projecting then. I do it with eagles from time to time, because I love the feel of being in the ear like that. I rarely do it with people, but I can quite easily. It's something I've done for some time now, since I wanted to know what it felt like to be a bird. I don't remember a specific time-frame, it just comes naturally now, especially when I space out.

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Phoenix 23.06.09 22:38

Good thread. Empress, kind of you to share your experiences. Sometimes members are reluctant to be so open. There is valuable information to be learned from your posts.

Maxx, fascinating information on transfering your consciousness. I hope the NSA or other interested government cyber monitors don't take you too seriously.

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by empress2k 23.06.09 23:04

Right on Maxx about NSA, etc... My mother-in-law has been approach a couple of times in this country while studying at the Hypnosis Motivational Institute. So they are surely out there. And thank you for your comment on my post. I believe in honesty in expression of experiences. Otherwise what's the point. Maybe my personal experience will help someone to ease up their own strife. Also hearing from others similar to me, makes this life-time less lonely.

Number of posts : 212
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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Syrianeh 24.06.09 1:07

I have a question for you if I may, empress.

You say you were always aware of feeding on and manipulating people's energy for your own benefit. Even as a child. That is something I can relate to as well. However, it is well known that many people do that and that is does not necessarily mean that they are vampires. Many people learn to vampirize, even subconsciously, because they like the high. It does not make them vampires.

However, there are several underlying layers of depth to vampirism, which is what eventually comes to the surface once the vampire awakes. Those layers might include what you have been experiencing: clairvoyancy, mediumship, etcetera. To others it might be another series of traits or "particularities", such as astral traveling, empathy, astral projection or transfer - such as Maxx has shared. In other cases it is just a question of a special sensibility that might or might not develop in the future. My question is, at what point did you realize what this was all about? Did something in particular happen or did you just arrive at this out of your own volition?

In my case, I was so confused and locked up to reality that it was not until someone directly fed from me so strongly and aggressively that I could feel it physically, that I started to open my eyes.

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by empress2k 24.06.09 2:01

Dear Syrinhen, thank you for your thought provoking question. I am going to respond to each part of it separately to be sure that I cover all areas.

Syrianeh wrote:You say you were always aware of feeding on and manipulating people's energy for your own benefit. Even as a child. That is something I can relate to as well. However, it is well known that many people do that and that is does not necessarily mean that they are vampires. Many people learn to vampirize, even subconsciously, because they like the high. It does not make them vampires..

Yes, it is true that there are others who learn to drain other people energy because they like the high but that doesn't make them vampires. Usually I would say they are conscious of it in one way or another and most of the time are at least in their teens. I don't think you will find a two or three year old who would be doing it to get the sensation... in a child it would be certainly produced by the hunger and need. I was a very sickly child, almost died from double pnemonia soon after my birth. My immune system was so bad that I would catch anything that would float around. Hence, I stayed home sick a lot without much of a company, so when someone would come visit my parents I would "jump" them. I can remember what it felt like and I remember being in constant motion and talking non-stop, my mother tells me that I would become uncontrollable and would not leave that person or persons alone. I did not like to be held or touched by others, but I had a need to touch and hold others myself. I guess that way I could have control how long the physical contact would last.

Syrianeh wrote:However, there are several underlying layers of depth to vampirism, which is what eventually comes to the surface once the vampire awakes. Those layers might include what you have been experiencing: clairvoyancy, mediumship, etcetera. To others it might be another series of traits or "particularities", such as astral traveling, empathy, astral projection or transfer - such as Maxx has shared. In other cases it is just a question of a special sensibility that might or might not develop in the future. My question is, at what point did you realize what this was all about? Did something in particular happen or did you just arrive at this out of your own volition?.
I've always had paranormal experiences. I remember being about 18 month old, laying in bed in our rented summer home and watching this very tall male looking shadowy being standing by the door. At some point he moved toward me and that's when I got scared. I used to be affraid of the darkness because I have a very strong vision in the dark and could see things I did not want to see...Smile so I would sleep with a little night light on, spending countless nights in my parents room. Also ever since I remember myself I have being treating waken hours just like any other dream, thus interpreting omens and signs. I have a very high awareness of natural world, i.e. animals, insects, birds, plants, and all other elements.

I am still able to see other beings even in a daylight if I am in the right state. Even though I grew up in a Communist country I always believed in Higher Powers, ever since I remember myself. Since my early childhood I've had visions, lucid dreams, encounters with highly evolved mystics who taught me their diverse believes. Russia was always very advanced in parapsychological phenomena development and my mother, who used to work for Soviet Ministry of Defence before my birth had being exposed to many research materials. She was also interested in Astrology. Subsequently these subjects were always welcomed in my home. Later on I begun to display healing abilites.

At first I started to notice that people who slept with me would spend a lot of time around me would get healed. However, I did not use this ability consciously until my husband had an MRI done two years ago and discovered that he had a lypoma tumor between the left and right halves of his brain. It was about 2.5 sm in size, but the neurosurgeon told him that he'd rather not touch it since it was not malignan and did not bother him. The doctor told him that he will monitor its grows every year. During the following year I had occasional conscious calling to place my right hand on top of his head and focus on his healing. When he went for his second MRI - the tumor was completely gone. So since then I do occasionally heal. I never studied any modalities and when healing, I rely purely on Aset guidance. Most of the time I get visions while healing.

Syrianeh wrote:In my case, I was so confused and locked up to reality that it was not until someone directly fed from me so strongly and aggressively that I could feel it physically, that I started to open my eyes.

I am on the oposite end of it.. I am so removed from reality that sometimes I wonder how I am still able to function. I've never been any different. When I drive, I hardly ever pay attention to the road. My psychic friends always tell me that I am checked out most of the time. They keep reminding me to ground and center. I've had many occasions of people telling me that I come in their dream to perform various functions. On one occasion someone heard my voice delivering a message upon her awakening from a nightmare.

Ok, I think I better I could keep going and going ... but I don't want to abuse your curiousity. I hope it all makes sense.

Number of posts : 212
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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Syrianeh 24.06.09 5:56

Thank you, empress2k, for the extensive and interesting response, and for sharing.

It is very different for everyone, and yet, so similar. As you said, comparing others' impressions eases the feeling of isolation. I myself am in Spain, and though I have also travelled around it is not easy to come in contact with this sort of thing.

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by empress2k 24.06.09 10:30

Thank you Syrianeh for taking the time to read such a long response..Smile For the past two years I have been blessed with being able to surrund myself with amazing metaphysically educated and psychically gifted friends. I've always had people like that in my life but not to such extend. It really makes a great difference in my life.

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Maxx 24.06.09 19:59


I no longer am concerned about that. I have been in the Bush White House several times as well as the Little Hitler in Iran and now the Obama circus. All the times except one, the secret service was aware I was there, half of them. The other half had no idea. The same percentage occurred when I went into the home of the Iranian President three times. In every instance, they glare at me but never say anything and they do not try to add conflict or cause any trouble. They are aware of me......even Joe Moneagle knows me by another name. The one time there was no secret service was the time right after the election when Obama was getting his cabinet together and I was in awe because there were no secret service personnel at all there.........neither plhysical or astral protection.

There no longer is any such thing as a secret as I have been able to visit a sleeping person and look at them in the bed and read their mind of their thoughts and their past events. This I have been able to verify afterwards regarding the thought process and what they were considering.

This, again, is why I say the Vampires rule the world. A true creature of the night can enter the body, or enter the room and stand there as a shadow in the night while the person sleeps and convey any thought to be put into the persons mind. Political process can certainly be influenced.

I am aware of the effort the Soviet Union and China as well as N. Korea have put into this process. That is why the world now has behind the scene development of people and computers to protect certain rulers and political hacks from those who might attack. Even death by shutting down the persons organs and it looks more common than you might think.

As stated, I no longer have to worry about the it is becoming more and more common.
It is ancient. I do think that Ramses II was very able in the process as well as Seti 1.



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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Phoenix 24.06.09 20:15

Very interesting, Maxx. I am curious. What leads you to believe that Ramses II and Seti I could also do these feats? I am intrigued by your thought processes and possible experiences leading to that conclusion. Thanks.

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Maxx 24.06.09 21:31

Sety was the father of Ramses II, then the ruler was Merenptah for a short time, then Seti II. These rulers had to go through a secret initiation where this process was learned. If they could not learn it, then they were unable to become ruler. The 19th Dynesty under the ruler of the mind of Set is my favorite. Writers have mentioned that the iniation process was lost, the real iniation, not the one for the news media, (LOL) was not lost. It remains hidden for the outside world.

Also, the many children that Ramses II fathered were also for Ramses II to chose which, if any, he would chose to enter upon his death and body hop into one of his own making. You will never see this written any place.



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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by empress2k 24.06.09 21:45

It just amazed me how humans come up with something like Remote Viewing and then claim it to be a new technique..Smile

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Natural Feeding Empty Re: Natural Feeding

Post by Maxx 24.06.09 21:48


When I return to Moscow, I would love to meet your parents if possible. Of course, I would ask that you scan my process first to make sure that I offer them no undue harm or ill thoughts. I am sure you are capable. I would love to chat with them about the earlier lifestyle there from the past.



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