Aging Discomfort?

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Aging Discomfort?

Post by Aghrab 29.06.09 17:38

After speaking to a few certain
individuals who follow the path of spirituality and Asetianism,
about aging, I decided to open up a thread and ask for your

It does not matter if you are young or if you are older, this
question applies to everyone... What do you feel about aging? Do you
see it as a negative part of life?

I have come to feel
that many people here have a very young and fresh spirit, so I
assume aging, for those people who feel young at heart, must be a
very tough and hard phase of life... when they get to a certain age
that they are no longer considered “young”.


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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by empress2k 29.06.09 18:15

This is a very interesting topic indeed...Wink I turned 40 last December. Even though my Soul is ageless, I have always been obsessed with aging in terms of its external physical effect on the body. I try not to look at myself too close at the mirror so that I would not see any wrinkles. I feel better that way...Smile

To be honest, I would not be caught dead looking the way many women and men of my age look, even some younger ones. I Fortunately I have pretty good genes in that area and still look younger then my age, plus my husband is 10 years younger. I have no grays and do not anticipate any for a long time... another genetical advantage, but I am paranoid to think of the time when it will happen.

As for my physical health, while I was extremely sickly as a child with very low immune system, constant headaches and migranes, respiratory infections, throat infections, all of these were my by-weekly occurances. I began to get a little stronger after I turn about 15 or 16. Another words instead of being sick every two weeks, I'd be sick once a month. However with age my body was developing a more strength. I still have issues with my throat and headaches. I am still quick to catch any flue floating close enough to me with my low immune system, but I do not have any chronic illnesses or disorders. After having four children I am still the same size as I was in high school. Naturally I do avoid junk food and tend to be conscious of what goes in, but not to the extreme. So physically I am doing well without much effort on my part.

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Daniel09 29.06.09 19:54

I too, have inherited very decent youthful genes. I am often mistaken for a much younger kid, and no one seems to ever expect that I am about to graduate high school. My views for aging are kind of on the verge of denial. I refuse to age, or show signs of aging. When I was majorly disabled with that bug bite, I found myself feeling aged. I was pained with every breath, walking up stairs was an effort that left me panting, food was unsatisfying... I will hate being old if it means I have to endure that. I see aging as a necessary process that I would rather do without. It serves no purpose than to cause problems.

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by empress2k 29.06.09 23:38

[quote="Daniel09"]I too, have inherited very decent youthful genes. I am often mistaken for a much younger kid, and no one seems to ever expect that I am about to graduate high school. [quote]

You are still a baby...Smile Wait when you get to my age..

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Talibah 30.06.09 0:13

Good question Aghrab.

For me, especially when reading through the posts of some of our younger members I am often reminded what is was like to be 17, 18 etc.
Most would not consider my age to be 'old' but certain inevitable changes that time brings are setting in - the aching back after a long day, creaks in the joints and a few grey hairs here and there.

Sometimes, when I look in the mirror, I expect to see my 18 year old self staring back at me...however, in fact, I am often horrified to see someone more akin to my mother looking back.

Do I see aging as a negative part of life? is an inevitable part of life, and each day I wake I am grateful for the chance to be here. However, each year lasts a little less than the one before, and I find as time goes on I have less and less time to do all the things I once thought I had eternity to do them in.

To feel young and vibrant mentally but stuck in a body that physically doesnt want to adhere to those conditions is frustrating. But it also urges me on to fill each day with as much as I can. Because tomorrow is alot closer than yesterday.

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Syrianeh 30.06.09 1:02

That is a good question you asked, Aghrab. Most of us here have, indeed, a youthful lookout on life. Aging often comes as a painful contradiction.

Yet, however strange that must sound, one has to learn to be young. Our general view of youth is a reckless, fresh-faced individual who just wants to have fun and live fast. That is not what it comes down in the end, though. It is all about being able to surprise yourself with the world and learn, learn something new every day. As long as you are open to learning, to evolution, to having projects in your hands, you are young.

Picasso once said, "It takes a lot of years to become young".

As to me, I think the only period of my life in which I actually looked my age was until I was around 15. After that I somehow "slowed down". At this point I look a good 10 years younger, some times even less. Good genes, perhaps, plus staying away from the sun and "thinking young" - you would be surprised how much that affects one's body.

But still I know that in time there will be wrinkles and sagging and all that, and as Talibah well says tomorrow will be a lot closer than yesterday.

The truth is that, though I will miss physical youth, I am prepared to rely on my path and evolution to make up for whatever is lost in the way.

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by empress2k 30.06.09 17:52

Talibah wrote:However, each year lasts a little less than the one before, and I find as time goes on I have less and less time to do all the things I once thought I had eternity to do them in.

To feel young and vibrant mentally but stuck in a body that physically doesnt want to adhere to those conditions is frustrating. But it also urges me on to fill each day with as much as I can. Because tomorrow is alot closer than yesterday.

Beautifuly said! And so accurate.

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Maxx 30.06.09 18:52

When I was in China the Chinese in the area I was, told me that if a person dies before 120, they have passed on too soon............So I am just a baby in time again.


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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by empress2k 30.06.09 22:23

I will keep it in mind as well..Smile

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Hellen 01.07.09 15:50

Talibah wrote: Sometimes, when I look in the mirror, I expect to see my 18 year old self staring back at me...however, in fact, I am often horrified to see someone more akin to my mother looking back.

This image Talibah, reminded me of a pastlife experience when i also happened to see myself into a mirror for a moment .

From the perspective of past life memories or all we see in astral ,things and feels are quite different .
At least for me , I am free of worries about aging .


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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by sungodaurora 01.07.09 18:28

I would like to say that I love aging! So, no, I do not think of it as a negative part of life. I love knowing that every day I have aged is a day that I have gained physically and mentally. I think this condition is a product of our culture that does everything it can to conceal the loss of youth. So on that note, I believe you have to find out who you are, and be that. You need to decide what comes first, and do that. You will also have to discover your strengths, and use them. Then you can accept your own uniqueness. And learn to set priorities and make decisions, to live with your limitations. Then you will have learned to give yourself the respect that is due. And be a most vital mortal.

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by goingpostal 01.07.09 23:25

agind can be seen 2 different ways: the physical and mental maturity. on one hand aging can cause the physical life to be closer to the end of the current incarnation. and on the other hand if your doing what your suppose to be doing, you reach a more adept mind in all matters, occult and mundane. which is why we respect the elderly, for they are full of knowledge.

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Phoenix 01.07.09 23:59

I am not 100% sure that we cannot find a "kabbalistic-like" reuniting with Aset. To accept the reality of death is to impose the bindings of Western religion and human thought on our souls. I have spent my years working at staying young - healthy, sharp and alive, both mentally and physically.

Bottom line is I reject aging as negative, but welcome continued life experience as positive. When we follow our traditional cultural expectations, we greatly limit our own potential. The path to reuniting with Aset lies within us all, much like the Christian Gnostics believed about their Christ 1800 years ago.

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by empress2k 02.07.09 10:57

Phoenix wrote:Bottom line is I reject aging as negative, but welcome continued life experience as positive.

This phrase resonates with me somewhat. For I do welcome the life experience and wisdome that comes with it, however aging as a physical deterioration process I do reject. As a little girl I used to feel repulsed by naked bodies. My mother loved going to Russian Saunas where women were naturally walking around nude. I absolutely hated it. To me it was like a display for weakness and fragility. With age I got used to it and even learned to appreciate human body, after all I am in one. Yet, the fact that it is so weak and so suseptable to being hurt and eventually go out of order still gets me upset. I am sure there are better bodies out there, but we have to make the best out of this ones..Smile

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Ankhhape 02.07.09 11:34

Phoenix wrote:I am not 100% sure that we cannot find a "kabbalistic-like" reuniting with Aset.
Em hotep Phoenix, what do you mean here?

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Phoenix 03.07.09 2:01

Em hotep, Ankhhape. Embarassed that I do not have the reference available to provide you - recently misplaced among the volumes of my library. I just finished a short book on Kabbalah by a Jewish American author, wherein he postulated that one can reunite with God (in this case Yahweh) on a physical level, without death. It was not deeply metaphysical, nor did it mention the Sephiroth. Very basic intoductory content, actually.

What I found interesting was his hypothesis that death and rebirth are not necessary to reunite with one's diety. As I read his comments I replaced Yahweh with Aset. I then shifted my thinking "out of the box". Why is death necessary to reunite with Aset? Because someone said so? Because modern religions say death is necessary? We are trained from birth to accept death. Why can't we deny death and rejoin our Mother directly from the physical? Do not we, Her children, have that ability within us? Is anyone in the VF absolutely positive this cannot be done?

You were likely looking for a deeper answer.

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Jonathan 03.07.09 11:13

Phoenix I don't remember to read in the Asetian Bible that we must die to reunite with Aset, or am I missing something?
I believe they approach the concept of death and rebirth as a form of spiritual evolution and immortality, since we all know that we can't surely learn it all and become masters of our Self in a single lifetime. Death is something irrelevant to fight, since it is something no one can avoid. The real secret is to die... and return. If we gain the power to always return, and to control that cycle, then we are truly immortal and I believe that is the concept of death and rebirth professed by the Asetians, a form of enlightenment, learning and immortality. Am I wrong in this view?

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Maxx 03.07.09 11:20

That does not sound at all what Maktub was describing in his comment on Boby Hopping.


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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Maxx 03.07.09 11:23

Thinking about it futher, you must have been talking about every one that is looking to go into the death recycle that is common teaching among most populations.


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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by empress2k 03.07.09 13:27

I am not sure what this fuss is all WE DO NOT DIE!!! Our bodies expire and can no longer accomodate us, so we leave them. Sometimes we get forced out of our bodies, but again it has to do with the body no longer being able to function. The only catch in it is most beings inability to remember their previous incornations. Hence, part of the Soul's evolutionary process is to try to remember at least some of it and move forward from that point. There is a Spirit and there is a Soul. The Spirit is what is immortal. The Soul is what is placed into the body and once the body is expired, all the data collected in that lifetime gets downloaded into the Spirit and then the Soul disintergrates, while Spirit move to the other realm to prepare for the next incornation. The Soul (Our Physical Consciousness) is what communicates with our Spirit and through it we learn all that we are meant to learn from our Spirit.

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Maxx 03.07.09 14:16

Jon and I were talking, I think, about the iniation process that the rulers of the Egyptians went through to continue the awareness of their memory bank and take it fully with them to the next body.

Then the distinction that there is a difference between that process and the one where most people die and go through the recycle process where, as a general rule, no memory is carried forward from life to life.


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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Maxx 03.07.09 14:17

BTW, I was not aware there was a fuss.


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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by empress2k 03.07.09 14:54

It certainly felt like it.. lol It's just interesting that we were having a death discussion on an "immortal" forum... it's sort of an oximoron.

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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Maxx 03.07.09 15:05

The world is trained to be deathist. Again, it is the ole 80-20 split. The 80 never will and the 20 percent design the minor and major ad campaigns that the 80 percent follow. Whether todays society or centuries past. The same percentage still applies.


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Aging Discomfort? Empty Re: Aging Discomfort?

Post by Jonathan 03.07.09 16:43

I disagree that everyone is immortal, though, on the statements that we cannot die and how the Spirit/Soul is eternal.
I believe immortality can be conquered or achieved, but it is not something taken for granted or a fact for all mankind... that is just something that many people (and many faiths) want to believe just so they can sleep better at night. Wink

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