Michael W Ford

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Michael W Ford Empty Michael W Ford

Post by Ankhhape 02.07.09 17:35

Can I get some feedback on Michael Ford from some of you, just curious what comments might come forth.

Dua Netjer

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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by empress2k 02.07.09 18:51

I was not familiar with him until you mentioned it. So I did a bit of research and discovered an e-version of his book the Vampire Gate. What can I say, he is cultivating the very thing Asetians are against. To promote development of darkness only for the sake of personal power with no regard for the greater good. To say that "you are the only God" to me is a blasphemy. While ultimate evolvement leads to the complete evolution of consciousness and a Godlike state... we are certainly not there. Otherwise there would be no need to be on Earth and go through all the troubles of staying on the path...Smile

In addition he is making a claim that anyone can become a vampire if they would invest enough time to cultivate their darkness. I think what he does is takes what is already widely known occult and metaphysical information and then dresses it up in a cult-style vampire outfeet to make it sellable. That is my immediate opinion. Anyone else? For now I am going to remain open and see what others say about him and his work.

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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Jonathan 02.07.09 18:56

He has some books that are nice, like in the case of the Witch Moon, but when it comes to Vampirism I fully agree with empress2k. He has some good texts when it comes to Luciferianism, but on Vampirism he does not know that much and his texts are very poor in quality and content. So I guess it really depends on what you read from him, it has good and bad, but if you want to learn about Vampires you better ignore his stuff.

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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by empress2k 02.07.09 19:16

From Wikipedia: "Ford studied the history of occultism and magick for some time before joining various left hand path orders from 1993 to 1995." Just read more of his bio. He reminds me of our other all time favorite Michelle B... Very entreprenural when it comes to occult. What I am finding interesting is that both Paths - the Left adn the Right, The so called "light" and so called "dark" - aim at the same thing which is the evolution of the spirit and the empowerment of the individual. The main difference is in intentions behind it. Because of the pop-culturalization of goth and gothic occult many individuals who seek empowerment for their personal Ego drivern gain only - floak to the Left Path and remain there. Ultimately most of them gain neither empowerment nor evolvement and just keep reincornating until one day their spirit pershishes.. what a waste. On the other hand Asetianism promotes learning and understand all Paths for the purpose of evolvement of the Spirit but not to feed the Ego... but to extract the Ego.

Number of posts : 212
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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Ankhhape 02.07.09 19:41

I'm not getting any Belanger-like vibes from him myself.

As we know Asetianism embraces Luciferianism and I am finding Ford's beliefs to be very aligned with the AK's.

But, please do continue with the comments, I value everyone's opinions.


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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by empress2k 02.07.09 19:51

I have printed his book and will look at Youtube as well. Let me dwell on it some more and I will come back with more comments once I am more informed. I am sure seeing his image will help to. I am not able to access Youtube from work.

Number of posts : 212
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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Victor 02.07.09 19:52

Actually if we talk about the Luciferian traditions and inverted-Kabbalah, explorations on the Tree of Death and ritualistic vampirism, Michael Ford is a fairly reasonable author. His writing style is a bit poor sometimes, and his books are deeply chaotic and rarely include an index, table of contents or references of any sort, but despite that unscholarly talent, his contents on those subjects are pretty solid and contain valuable information for anyone wanting to grow in those fields of the Occult. However, when the subject is Vampirism, I must agree with Empress2k and Jonathan above. His views of Vampirism are not only biased and incomplete, but I would dare say rather ignorant. They completely give the wrong idea about Vampirism and on the reality of the Vampire community. His basic ritualistic principles are valid under a ceremonial magick approach, but his philosophical and spiritual tenets are very misinformed. He simply tried to adapt elements from modern Satanism and Luciferianism and call it a new form of Vampirism, that has nothing substancial about it that it could connect to the vampiric spirituality.
So bottom line is, if you are interested in learning more about Luciferianism, basic Satanic principles under a modern and non-traditional perspective or some ground on basic ritualistic concepts found within ceremonial magick, then you are in good hands reading Mr. Ford... but if what you wish to learn about is Vampirism, ranging from its magick, rituals, practices, spirituality and predatory nature... please don't even go near Mr. Ford's texts.
I disagree when Ford gets compared to Belanger, though. Ford may not know much about Vampirism and represent a bad source for information on that level, but he clearly has some knowledge on the Occult and magick, particularly in the fields of ritual. At least he does not try to reach higher by the dishonorable actions of lying and insulting others, but then trying to use those same others' credibility to their own profit, unlike someone we know.

Number of posts : 576
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Registration date : 2008-06-12

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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by empress2k 02.07.09 19:58

The reason I compared Ford to Belanger is because they both use censationalism and the somewhat recent hype around Vampires to make a buck and to raise their popularity. That is where I have an issue. Just like I have an issue with Doreen Virtue and her poppularization of working with Angels and charging people arm-and-a leg for her training without any regard for their innate ability to communicate with other realms.

Number of posts : 212
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Registration date : 2009-06-22

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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Maxx 03.07.09 15:16

I am aware of your reason on this one and another topic that you brought up here, Ankhhape, and I chuckled when I saw them. You continue to make me smile with your selection of your posts. I enjoy all of them.

On this topic, I have not made any comment at all as I am waiting for the followup from empress2k after she looks at the youtube or myspace or where ever she wants to view showing M. Ford. Of course, I intended to weigh in on this one. Laughing


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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Jonathan 03.07.09 17:11

I will be waiting for your opinion on this, Maxx.

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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by empress2k 04.07.09 12:47

Weekends are hard for me with three small children and my husband who hardly sees me during the week...Smile I will try to get on youtube tonight though.

Number of posts : 212
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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by empress2k 05.07.09 15:12

Maxx wrote:On this topic, I have not made any comment at all as I am waiting for the followup from empress2k after she looks at the youtube or myspace or where ever she wants to view showing M. Ford. Of course, I intended to weigh in on this one. Laughing


Ok, Maxx, here come my comments as I am listening to Michael W. Ford voice and glancing at his YouTube video. Keep in mind, I am not listening to the contect of what he is say, for it is non-essential for me.

So... he he is a quite unbalance individual, who is increadable volnurable in his relationships. A lot of who he is - is his own conscious creation, i.e. pretense. As a child he experience substantial amout of insecurities and often found himself in the shadow of others, which made him work harder at finding a nitch which would make him unique. He is more mental then spiritual, meaning most of his awareness has been developed through extrernal source and books. He is not an otherwordly dweller... meaning he does not have easy access to other realms. There is a lot of nervous energy in him greatly steming from his personal insecurities, not in his knowledge but in other areas of his life. He like to dominate though intellect and his sense of authority. He feels that through this domination others will not have opporutunity to discover his many weaknesses. He is not harmful ("evil") in a metaphysical sense, but he also doesn't possess the power to advance someone towards enlightment as a Spirit to Spirit either. He lacks vitality to a large degree mainly because much of his energy is used to maintain the image he has created for himself instead of being who he really is. That is my take on him from the little I saw.

Number of posts : 212
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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Maxx 05.07.09 17:17

That was not the kind of summation that I expected regarding M. Ford. The personal info was not the type of info regarding this man that I was wanting to compare.
Your type cast of him is good info....but......in my case, that is why I try to verify all the things I see in the astral. If I cannot verify it, I will put it on the shelf until I can or cannot verify it. So, what you say I have to just put on a shelf as there is not way right now to prove what you are saying about him.

So let us do this. You and I have spoken behind the scenes but not that much. If you will send me a PM here where I can send and e mail you two pictures of me then you can give me a scan as you did Michael. I want you to do it on the open forum and do the same thing that you would do with anyone and not pull any punches at all. If you see dirt, call it what it is, as you cannot embarrass me at any point with anything you would say, true or untrue. LOL. If you see sunshine, tell it like it is.

This is how I can compare your assessment of Michael......if you are right on with me....or if you hit it only part ways....or you do not hit me at all..........The comparison will be the kicker as to how much you may possibly be correct with M. As I said, i was not looking for a personal assessment of the individual that way.

I am familiar with his method and why he does it. i do get in touch with him every so often. His research is fantastic as he shuts himself off from other outside sources while he is invoved with it. His investigation will have him researching ancient rituals and the reason behind them from different cultures. Most of the Black Arts people seek recognition by being different from ordinary society, I agree. I think I am an exception to that crap. But....maybe not. But I am interested in his research due to the fact that he will seek a balance between the dark and the light. With him, I must agree with you and everyone else that commented on his lack of Vampire knowledge. But he has spent much, much time in research and I credit him for this. There are not many people that would be that focused on the type research he is capable of. Actually, there is not much research out there that is of any value and combined how he has done it. He has not put it together in an easy to read method and you have to bounce from book to book to find what you are looking for. It is not compiled all together but piece meal.

I have asked astral questions of his group from top to bottom and find there are not many, if any, with astral knowledge but the writings tell me he as come across info from his studies of the actual ancient teachings of those that have that knowledge. I have even asked him but he pasted me off to his 2nd or 3rd man who is supposed to be on his way to meet me in person within two months.

As to the many typo and errors in his books, I cannot understand that at all. Everyone comments on it. I do not understand why he cannot have someone do proof reading on the material at least once..if not twice, as it stands out so bad with misspelling and errors. Even a comma every so often would help....but...........Maybe it is an IQ test to see how many typo errors you can find in his books.

In one area above you asked Jon what part of the county he was living in and your question was if he was a loner or whether he spent time with groups. Myself, as you know, I am a loner. I do not spent any time with many other than the indians. I can see one thing in your life that I would not like at all. Many people called spiritual beings all rubbing shoulders with each other. I see that as influencing your thoughts and ideas about what you say you do in meditation. etc,.......anyway



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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Victor 05.07.09 17:53

Despite the known inaccuracies in relation to Vampirism, I would agree with you Maxx, when it comes to Mr Ford's research. Even though his work is a bit confusing and could be done paying more attention to detail, it still reflects effort and dedication, in a field that many were not willing to venture. As I said, he is a good resource on the subjects of Luciferianism and modern Satanism.

You made an intelligent proposal to Empress2k. It would be an interesting mechanism to proper analyze her own interpretations of Mr. Ford's psyche. I will be following this development closely and take my own conclusions as well.

Number of posts : 576
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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by empress2k 05.07.09 18:08

Your point on his research abilities is precisely what I've stated... he is much more mental then spiritually aware, which is when one is connected to the source of knowldge vs collection of human products, aka books. I am looking forward to reading Maxx pictures. I will have to do it tomorrow though, since it is hard for me to find peace at home on the weekend.

Number of posts : 212
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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Maxx 05.07.09 19:01

Frank in stene is tough, I know.

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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Maxx 05.07.09 20:38


I sent to the address you gave me and the mailer demon returned it saying that person did not have a yahoo account.


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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by empress2k 05.07.09 22:15

Sorry I missed an "f" after o. I was rushing out. I am resending you email to you now.

Number of posts : 212
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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Talibah 05.07.09 23:54

Victor wrote:
You made an intelligent proposal to Empress2k. It would be an interesting mechanism to proper analyze her own interpretations of Mr. Ford's psyche. I will be following this development closely and take my own conclusions as well.

I couldnt agree more, Victor. I look forward to reading more on this.

Number of posts : 287
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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Syrianeh 06.07.09 2:51

This looks like fun Smile

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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Maxx 06.07.09 7:46

All I am trying to do is to point out that in everything we post here, there is a big problem that much of the postings are not verified. The postings, as a whole, are just the opinions of the poster and from there it takes off and is given a life of its own as the statement being fact.

This process we are doing here is not 100% certain but it lends a bit of an attempt to try and keep the postings legit. That is the big issue I have always had with this forum. Maybe we can begin to clean up this rumor activity in the future by trying to make the posts as being those that are verified. Just my hope.


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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Ankhhape 06.07.09 8:05

I can run empress' reading past Mr. Ford if everyone thinks it would be of some use here.

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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Talibah 06.07.09 8:14

If he would be willing to entertain that, Ankhhape, then I see no reason why he wouldnt go one step further and perhaps pop in and join the discussion in person...

It would certainly make for incredibly interesting reading, and give him the chance to put forward his own thoughts, rather than having to pass them on through another...(no offense intended).

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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Syrianeh 06.07.09 13:04

Talibah wrote:If he would be willing to entertain that, Ankhhape, then I see no reason why he wouldnt go one step further and perhaps pop in and join the discussion in person...

Now, that is a good idea.

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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Maxx 06.07.09 13:17

that would be fine except he hardly can be contacted on his own group forum much less someone else's forum. Plus, I doubt if he would be that open with a group of strangers talking about his emotional makeup.......Think about it....LOL
I imagine I would be the only one I could imagine that would be crazy enough to do that.


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Michael W Ford Empty Re: Michael W Ford

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