Readings, etc

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Readings, etc Empty Readings, etc

Post by empress2k 07.07.09 13:54

Ok, here we go… Before I even opened your pictures, on my way back from my Full Moon ritual, I began to tune in and the word came to me in association with you was “Self-Punishment.” It seems like it has been an on-going theme in your life. I see you having tendency to greet any success you’d achieve with a sense of guilt.

You have an adventurous spirit and like to penetrate new places, worlds, cultures, traditions, yet you always prefer to remain an observer and a loner, while gaining an experience of it at the same time. You have an innate fear of people (I do not mean cowardness) and often times create a certain type of mask for yourself that would protect you from letting people come too close to you. You yearn for deeper connections yet that fear keeps you on your toes. It does run pretty deep, so I am not sure if it’s from this lifetime or previous ones. Often times those threats and attitudes are more perceived by you then are actual reality. In other words you might fear what is not there. I also feel that you have being taken advantage of many times in your life, most likely by women - which deepen the dent you've already had in you when it comes to trust.

You also have a protective quality and often will stand up for someone else if you sense injustice.

You are a very deep thinker and have a mind of a royal jester, where you like to deliver punches with class and a healthy doze of sarcasm. The jester quality is one of the other tools you use to set yourself apart from others and let them all know that you will sort of bite back. While you have been successful in some areas of your life activities, to some degree you feel you haven’t been given enough credit for something you feel you are really strong in and passionate about. I guess I can go back to the jester and say that often jesters were closet philosophers who for one reason or another could not become philosophers but were still in need of a public forum. So they would become jesters finding power in sarcasm.

Behind that bravado is a very shy and gentle man. Someone who has retained his child-like qualities and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect that child from the cruelty of a grown up world. You have a strong sense of humor, however you do not joke aimlessly, you see humor as an opportunity to say something meaningful between the lines and see if your listeners/readers will actually get it. When you see that they are able to read between your lines you feel more inclined to befriend them. Yet, you maintain the boundaries making sure that no one gets too close to you.

You are quite stubborn once you made up your mind about something it is virtually impossible to change your mind. You do not like large gatherings, they overwhelm you. I have a sense that no one really knows you, even those who consider themselves your friends – and there aren’t that many of those.

You have a great sense of discipline and will hardly ever allow yourself to take a leap without giving it much thought and analysis. I sense some time in a military, it could be a past life or this life but not for a very long time.

You are mindful of your physical being and take care of your body. I am sensing some issues with either liver or kidneys. I am also feeling some sort of congestion in your chest – maybe a breathing problem - but I do not see an athma. Something else is here, deeper in the chest - maybe a heart. Ok, I need to go to bed now. Looking forward to your feedback..Smile

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by empress2k 07.07.09 15:00

By the way if anyone else is interested in experimenting with me by email me your photo. Please PM me and I will send you my email address...Smile

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Maxx 07.07.09 18:12

OK, maybe I need to take it line by line to comment.

maybe you could say i have an adventous spirit but that would apply to just about everyone...............I do not like change...that is the biggest thing.....set in my ways. I do not like to all...

Fear of people.......not exactly right........I do not especially like people........I deal with people daily on the job in sales and I put on a face as an actor throughout the entire meeting. Any salesman will do that.
I am very successful at that.

Yearn for deeper connections..........I do not feel this is correct but being a loner is right on. I have been trained to operate as a loner and be self sufficent......cannot get into my training on an open board or what I was trained for.
Trained to always be looking over my shoulder and have several options for anything that happens
at all times.

you feel I have been taken advantage of many times......that is correct as I am or was expendable. Life means nothing in my former profession from the past.

To fear what is not there.......always looking over shoulder would connect but I have also developed psychic abilbities that aids me in this. Whether women or men, I do not trust anyone and never will........that is why it is all important for me to prove all things. I take no word at face value.

Taking up for others because of injustice correct.

Deep thinker and mind of a jester.......probably correct my training leads me to put spotlight on something else for me to operate in secret. But people do not see court jester as you call it and pay close attention to the Jester will direct everything to others and make them the center of attention. But if I am the Jester I am working to misdirect the spotlight in another area. Many times I can write lengthy accounts and move the spotlight away and confuse the issue...Maybe that is why people cannot understand what I am saying many times. smile. That is a part of my training.

I had to laugh at the part where you say I feel I have not been given enough credit.......I have been told by several that I was one of the best there was.......not my assessment....but theirs.

Saying I have a strong sense of humor could be found on the board.....or you might say my attempt at it......not joking hit correct on the nailhead. I always have a reason in the backgorund. That is a way to test the waters of the opposition to see how deep you need to go to pull out what you are after....

you are correct that no one will completely understand me because no will be allowed to get too close...I trust no one.
As much for their protection as for mine.

You are correct in that I am stubborn......I calculate and determine and then I act......LOL. In what I did, I had to make a quick assessment and then act....there is no other choice....I was trained for that.

LOL. Correct in that no one knows me........I have no friends....I have associates.

A great sense of discipline.........that would have to be determined by I do not consider someone judging themselves in a very important attribute as too much merit........but the fact I put so much importance in that....maybe indicates you are correct...

Military.....correct....past life and this one ......for a short time......kicked out for breaking a Col. nose.....then hired by some very nice people and traveled all over the world.

Taking care of my body.........correct.......I am a healer. I am aware of the healing process. I have walked into the hospital room of several that have been given up for dead and I have spent an hour with them.......within the next two days they are discharged from the hospital and live a longer life with the Doctor declaring they do not understand how or why they got better.

About the the tin man in Wizard of Oz....many people say I would have none. But you were probably saying that you thought a heart problem was an issue. I am no longer able to involve myself in the brisk exercise regiman of the past because of my job......but I function better when I train for a purpose.....have not been training lately so I feel bad because of that. Old warriors just go off in the desert and disappear and then are recycled again....LOL. and large,......I must say on many, many things you were correct....but maybe for the wrong reason.......but I suspect in my case it would be hard to compare me with point zero to find how to categorize me...there are not many out there that have experieced a life such as mine.....If I wrote a book no one would believe it as it would look miracleous and impossible, and it would be classified as fiction not fact based.

But there again........Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right of long as I disappear.....I cannot become the target in the center.....LOL.

So based on you assessment, I was going to dismiss your comments on M. Ford on all behind the scenes activity.......but now I will have to go with most of it as being a very real possibility........M. Ford, I still say is a very sincere person and based on what you say about him....I would think his number vibration would be a that you are saying he wants to be the best at everything he does.......that is the life function of a one.


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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Maxx 07.07.09 18:13

OH. i forgot to ask you....was your reading based on the time before or after my sex change operation????????


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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Jonathan 07.07.09 20:07

Thank you both for sharing all of this. Smile

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Talibah 07.07.09 22:59

Maxx wrote:
OH. i forgot to ask you....was your reading based on the time before or after my sex change operation????????


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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by empress2k 07.07.09 23:16

Thank you for such a detail response. I am making my comments to respond to yours.

Maxx wrote:OK, maybe I need to take it line by line to comment.

maybe you could say i have an adventous spirit but that would apply to just about everyone

No the kind of adventurous spirit I am talking about would not apply to just about everyone... You have a taste for odd places and make odd choices for your adventures..Smile in other words you are unconventional in your choices.

Maxx wrote:...............I do not like change...that is the biggest thing.....set in my ways. I do not like to all...

Fear of people.......not exactly right........I do not especially like people........I deal with people daily on the job in sales and I put on a face as an actor throughout the entire meeting. Any salesman will do that.
I am very successful at that.

Not liking change is also about fear.. Fear of finding yourself in a place where you have to readjust again. Maybe "fear" is not the right word for you, for you might have different association with that word...

Maxx wrote:Yearn for deeper connections..........I do not feel this is correct but being a loner is right on. I have been trained to operate as a loner and be self sufficent......cannot get into my training on an open board or what I was trained for.
Trained to always be looking over my shoulder and have several options for anything that happens
at all times.

When I say that you yearn for deeper connection what I mean is that when you catch a glimpe of someone who you sense might be a bit like you or might understand you.. that child within you rejoys, but your guarded grown up self quickly retracts that excitement... it is in your eyes.

Maxx wrote:you feel I have been taken advantage of many times......that is correct as I am or was expendable. Life means nothing in my former profession from the past.
I would also say that you've experienced it in your relatioships as well.

Maxx wrote:To fear what is not there.......always looking over shoulder would connect but I have also developed psychic abilbities that aids me in this. Whether women or men, I do not trust anyone and never will........that is why it is all important for me to prove all things. I take no word at face value.
There comes that "fear" again.. which manifests itself through your complete lack of trust. I have a feeling you do not like word "fear" coming from a military background.. yes you can be fearless when pushed agaist the wall, but you have a "fear" of finding yourself in that situation.. does it make sense?

[quote="Maxx"]Taking up for others because of injustice correct.

Deep thinker and mind of a jester.......probably correct my training leads me to put spotlight on something else for me to operate in secret. But people do not see court jester as you call it and pay close attention to the Jester will direct everything to others and make them the center of attention. But if I am the Jester I am working to misdirect the spotlight in another area. Many times I can write lengthy accounts and move the spotlight away and confuse the issue...Maybe that is why people cannot understand what I am saying many times. smile. That is a part of my training.

Maxx wrote:I had to laugh at the part where you say I feel I have not been given enough credit.......I have been told by several that I was one of the best there was.......not my assessment....but theirs.
You missed an important point here, I did not say that you haven't been given enough credit. What I said is that, "While you have been successful in some areas of your life activities, to some degree you feel you haven’t been given enough credit for something you feel you are really strong in and passionate about." Which means you have gain recognition in certain areas but there is something you feel passionate about where you feel you need to be recognized but are not.

Maxx wrote:Saying I have a strong sense of humor could be found on the board.....or you might say my attempt at it......not joking hit correct on the nailhead. I always have a reason in the backgorund. That is a way to test the waters of the opposition to see how deep you need to go to pull out what you are after....

you are correct that no one will completely understand me because no will be allowed to get too close...I trust no one.
As much for their protection as for mine.

You are correct in that I am stubborn......I calculate and determine and then I act......LOL. In what I did, I had to make a quick assessment and then act....there is no other choice....I was trained for that.

LOL. Correct in that no one knows me........I have no friends....I have associates.

A great sense of discipline.........that would have to be determined by I do not consider someone judging themselves in a very important attribute as too much merit........but the fact I put so much importance in that....maybe indicates you are correct...

Military.....correct....past life and this one ......for a short time......kicked out for breaking a Col. nose.....then hired by some very nice people and traveled all over the world.

Taking care of my body.........correct.......I am a healer. I am aware of the healing process. I have walked into the hospital room of several that have been given up for dead and I have spent an hour with them.......within the next two days they are discharged from the hospital and live a longer life with the Doctor declaring they do not understand how or why they got better.

About the the tin man in Wizard of Oz....many people say I would have none. But you were probably saying that you thought a heart problem was an issue. I am no longer able to involve myself in the brisk exercise regiman of the past because of my job......but I function better when I train for a purpose.....have not been training lately so I feel bad because of that. Old warriors just go off in the desert and disappear and then are recycled again....LOL.

You have completely avoided to comment on the child-like part of you.. is that one of those things you do not want others to see?

Maxx and large,......I must say on many, many things you were correct....but maybe for the wrong reason.......but I suspect in my case it would be hard to compare me with point zero to find how to categorize me...there are not many out there that have experieced a life such as mine.....If I wrote a book no one would believe it as it would look miracleous and impossible, and it would be classified as fiction not fact based.

But there again........Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right of long as I disappear.....I cannot become the target in the center.....LOL.

So based on you assessment, I was going to dismiss your comments on M. Ford on all behind the scenes activity.......but now I will have to go with most of it as being a very real possibility........M. Ford, I still say is a very sincere person and based on what you say about him....I would think his number vibration would be a that you are saying he wants to be the best at everything he does.......that is the life function of a one.


Thank you for allowing me to read you. It was truly a pleasure, to scratch the surface of your depth.

Number of posts : 212
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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Talibah 08.07.09 0:48

Empress, I'm interested, and forgive me if you have already mentioned this previously, but by what method do you rely on to achieve your readings?
Do you attain the knowledge astrally, or through intuitive workings?
And what techniques do you use for verification?

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Syrianeh 08.07.09 1:00

Great reading, I must say.

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by empress2k 08.07.09 1:15

Talibah wrote:Empress, I'm interested, and forgive me if you have already mentioned this previously, but by what method do you rely on to achieve your readings?
Do you attain the knowledge astrally, or through intuitive workings?
And what techniques do you use for verification?

I am a natural clairvoyant. I did not study any method, it just comes to me. One of my astrologers, who uses ancient astrological systems, says that I have a very rare ability to achieve very deep level of concentration very easily which connects me to other realms pretty much all the time. So when I said that I am checked out most of the time, I meant However I am not a transmedium.. I am a conscious medium. Another words I recieve information while fully aware and process it based on my knoweldge and experience. Hence, I am pretty good with symbolism interpretation -- but not because I studied it, because I just know.. I really cannot explain that part. I just know it. I hardly ever studied anything specific for any length of time. I usually I pick up a few pieces here and there and suddenly I have a complete picture with a strong sense that I no longer need any additional information from that particular area. I hope I am making sense.

As for varification, the only feedback I get is from the person I am scanning or reading. If I am working with a Spirit and have someone on this side, then as they confirm what I am saying, I get a warm, loving vibration run through my body.. that is how I usually know that that particular spirit is happy that they were able to communicate through me. It is very rewarding. Funny thing many mediums say that when they feel the presence of the spirit the feel cold, I am the opposite, I feel warmth and love.

I hope I was able to answer your question. I am going to send you my email now. Please let me know if you want me to respond privately or post it here, like with of course if I see something that I feel should not be a public knowledge I will not post here anyways. Then you can just comment on your experience on the forum without getting into too many details.

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Talibah 08.07.09 1:30

Neutral When I said I'm interested, I meant with the content of your reading of Maxx, not in having a reading done for myself...I simply refuse to be responsible for the void you may find yourself in Twisted Evil (joke)

But thank you for the offer anyway. For now, I am interested in seeing how this continues to develop for perhaps other members.

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by empress2k 08.07.09 1:46

I have done readings for other members already, however. They have been done in private. I will ask them to post their comments, if they choose to do so.

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Maxx 08.07.09 9:33

Maybe you might do something for me in regard to the heart issue you brought up. I did not remember that I had a problem with a strange issue...I stopped at a truck stop to eat from the buffet and the meatloaf got me.....I was sick for ten days with food poisoning.

For some very strange reason, while throwing up all those days, I always got the impression that I had swallowed some tin foil and it was lodged in my trach.. but more sanity would tell me that intense pressure created on the right muscle in that ordeal, was something like a tearing of the muscle. Can you tell me about this........are am I really more like the tin man than I thought. No heart and tin foil in me. LOL.


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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Maxx 08.07.09 9:34

Talibah, did you get that book list?


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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Talibah 08.07.09 10:43

I did thank you, Maxx. So I'll be doing plenty of 'reading' of the literary sort.

I'll let you know if anything interests me particularly. Smile

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Jonathan 08.07.09 11:24

Book lists, now that is something that might interest most people around here. Why not share it with everyone?

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Syrianeh 08.07.09 12:55

Jonathan wrote:Book lists, now that is something that might interest most people around here. Why not share it with everyone?


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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Maxx 08.07.09 13:53

No way. I will not put up a book list here as everyone has very different taste. Throw up one and those that have different tastes will start bitching and moaning and putting up their lists and on and on. interests are different and each personality has different walks and paths to take to fullful thier life. I know all can see this if you think about it. no need to waste time on that.


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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by sungodaurora 08.07.09 17:37

Syrianeh wrote:Great reading, I must say.

I agree

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Maxx 08.07.09 17:47

i've got to you and phoenix know each other there in the same area?


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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by empress2k 08.07.09 17:53

Maxx wrote:i've got to you and phoenix know each other there in the same area?


Max, I don't think it is clear whom you refer this question to...Smile

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by empress2k 08.07.09 17:53

sungodaurora wrote:
Syrianeh wrote:Great reading, I must say.

I agree

Thank you very much.

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Maxx 08.07.09 18:37

I was asking about Sungodaurora and Phoenix being in the same state.


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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by empress2k 08.07.09 21:18

Maxx wrote:Maybe you might do something for me in regard to the heart issue you brought up.

What I was picking up felt more like a breathing problem but caused by something non respiratory. Like when someone cannot run because they lose a breath. I hope it makes sense.

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Readings, etc Empty Re: Readings, etc

Post by Maxx 08.07.09 21:26

I cannot connect that one at all... Sorry.

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