Something for the doubters!

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Something for the doubters! Empty Something for the doubters!

Post by Vertigo 23.07.09 16:08

I have devoured data like the hungry snake of knowledge iam.
I have stumbled upon several things that backup Luis Marques.

First of...
Luis Marques claim that the Amethyst is the most holy stone for the Aset Ka (correct me if iam wrong).

This is possible since Amethyst, togheter with Lapis Lazuli, Malachite and Karneol, was among the stones used by the ancient egyptians as magical stones.

However, they lacked stones like Diamonds and Rubies.

Luis Marques claims in the Asetian Bible that this is the era (or what you call it...) of the snake/serpent.

Isnt it weird that the Christian Bible predict 2012 as the year of the serpent?

Then next is the content of the Asetian Bible...
Read out the book and philosophize about it with an open mind yet criticize it.

You will see that its author know what his talking about and that I find the Asetian Bible as one of the most useful occult books on the market today.

I have read alot of crap as an sorcerer and mystic (sounds better than magician :p) and I have never read a book that I could enjoy page by page as much as I did with this book.

Its just two things that actually back up Aset Ka with pure facts, but these facts are strong.

What I want with this thread?

Simple, I want to back up the Asetian Bible so that even a critic can get the backup desired.

Number of posts : 139
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Something for the doubters! Empty Re: Something for the doubters!

Post by Jonathan 23.07.09 20:35

Well there are many more things, and far "bigger" than the ones you mentioned, that backup the contents of the AB. However, bottom line is that the Asetians need no backup.

Still on the lines of your previous post, I would like to add that some of the most interesting things that exist to backup the Asetian theology and existence are actually engraved in stone in Egypt, as well as in papyrus that are now part of museums worldwide and wealthy private collections. I won't try to pretend that I am an expert on that type of knowledge, since I clearly am not, but I have been shown several things behind the spot lights that are simply incredible in what concerns validation of the Asetian knowledge and culture. But even for those without the resources and contacts for a more enlightened research of Ancient Egyptian material, you don't have to be an Egyptologist to find clues of Asetian material in much of Egyptian artwork and texts. All you need is an open pair of eyes...

Now if we change from the realm of history and into the realm of metaphysics, there is where the Asetian Bible really impresses. The concepts express a depth of knowledge and experience with metaphysics that is very hard to find in any other publication on the occult and magickal arts. The knowledge and concepts they present are not new, but are available to the general public for the first time. Many of the things the AB teaches us, it does not do so in a direct way, but in ways of code and second meanings. It is very intelligently crafted, so that much of the most secret information remains preserved among the words, hidden from the eyes of the unaware, but giving ways for the true seekers and scholars to find their clues, hints and answers. So as I said in the start... this book needs no backup, if someone is bringing the Asetian Bible down and trying to discredit its contents, then they don't deserve to see the true knowledge hidden within this book. Let them roam in ignorance. The AB only opens its doors to the honest readers, since the others will never see the light within it that we are able see. Wink
Just like the song... it's a kind of magic...

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Something for the doubters! Empty Re: Something for the doubters!

Post by Aghrab 24.07.09 0:14

You mentioned that while you read the words of Luis Marques, you feel as if he knows what he is talking about, and that, alone, is a very significant sign that you are listening to someone very wise and knowledgeable, not to mention ancient. I may be wrong, though I highly doubt it, but even energetically, if you focus with enough Will, you can feel that those words are not coming from the mind of someone 'young'. His words have an ancient taste to them. Many times his words imprison you, with such heavy feel, that makes you want to read over and over what you have already read, just because you feel as if a wise Elder is teaching you something magickal and profound, something you so love to know more about, and feel as he is speaking only to you.
To me, his words are like the words of an ancient Master, calm, mature, honorable... as if the room goes silent before he opens his mouth to say his first words. Luis Marques is by far one of the most influential authors within the occult community. People take his words seriously, and what he says, simply is. This is something that you cannot learn overtime. This comes with one's Soul, and Luis Marques is one of those who has the Voice which Moves. There lays a lot of emotions behind his words that perhaps only the aware can truly sense.


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Something for the doubters! Empty Re: Something for the doubters!

Post by Daniel09 24.07.09 0:35

I dunno. To me, he came across kinda like a friend from the past. Like someone who I could talk with for hours and have a good time. Of course, I'd never allow myself to look shabby in his presence. I need my cane for starters. It's part of my life-blood to have my cane.

As for crediting the Asetian Bible, I've found it's information to ring very true with my own studies. Just looking at unexplained paintings and statues, suddenly they make sense because the Asetian history fills in all the blanks. I also think that the tale of Moses makes sense, based off what happened in Egypt's history and the propaganda Moses told afterward about him freeing the Jewish slaves (which have since been proven to never have existed).

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Something for the doubters! Empty Re: Something for the doubters!

Post by Aghrab 24.07.09 0:42

So many have demanded from the followers of the Aset Ka to prove to them that their beliefs are real and that their Order truly exists, and I know that if this was asked to the face of an Asetian, that Asetian would certainly not want to prove anything to anyone about their Truth and existence. The Asetian Bible silently said that they are better off being seen as an untrue Order, to the eyes of the unaware beings.
Secrecy creates unpredictability, and unpredictability equals power.


Number of posts : 492
Location : Where there is always Night and Darkness.
Registration date : 2008-06-06

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Something for the doubters! Empty Re: Something for the doubters!

Post by Syrianeh 24.07.09 1:26

Daniel, would you care to elaborate on the Moses theory?

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Something for the doubters! Empty Re: Something for the doubters!

Post by Vertigo 24.07.09 3:34

Aghrab wrote:So many have demanded from the followers of the Aset Ka to prove
to them that their beliefs are real and that their Order truly exists,
and I know that if this was asked to the face of an Asetian, that
Asetian would certainly not want to prove anything to anyone about
their Truth and existence. The Asetian Bible silently said that they
are better off being seen as an untrue Order, to the eyes of the
unaware beings.
Secrecy creates unpredictability, and unpredictability equals power.


Someone with great power do what he or she wants.

No one can really demand proofs, but the one with great power may prove
him/herself not by the power but by the knowledge of the power.

But then its a bit like an paradox since knowledge is power and by telling the knowledge he/she would also show the power. :/

When I read I tend to hear a voice in my mind as I read.
Not only when I read a book, but also when I read articles and posts on the net.

Each voice is different, the voice from the Asetian Bible was as you said "calm, mature, honorable". Smile

Number of posts : 139
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Something for the doubters! Empty Re: Something for the doubters!

Post by Aghrab 30.07.09 0:29

Laiko Su Katara wrote:Each voice is different, the voice from the Asetian Bible was as you said "calm, mature, honorable". Smile
To absorb the knowledge of Asetianism, for some, is to clear the Soul and feed it what it hungers for. That is the beauty of this path which, as I said, the dedicated individuals get to experience.


Number of posts : 492
Location : Where there is always Night and Darkness.
Registration date : 2008-06-06

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