Semen and Homosexuality in Egyptian heiroglyphics?

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Semen and Homosexuality in Egyptian heiroglyphics? Empty Semen and Homosexuality in Egyptian heiroglyphics?

Post by JWG 06.09.09 15:10

While reading to look more into the contexts used in the Asetian Bible, I stumbled upon this page. I'll provide the link and a few quotes that baffled me. On the subject of dealings between Seth and Horus.

Now afterward, (at) evening time, bed was prepared for them, and they both
lay down. But during the night, Seth caused his phallus to become stiff and
inserted it between Horus's thighs. Then Horus placed his hands between his
thighs and received Seth's semen.
Horus / went to tell his mother Isis: help me,
Isis, my mother, come and see what Seth has done to me. And he opened his hand(s)
and let her see Seth's semen. She let out a loud shriek, seized the copper
(knife), cut off his hand(s) that were equivalent. Then she fetched some
fragrant ointment and applied it to Horus's phallus. She caused it to become
stiff and inserted it into a por, and he caused his semen to flow down into it.

Horus, son of Isis, became furious at his mother Isis and went out with his
face as fierce as an Upper Egyptian panther's, having his cleaver of 16 deben-weight
in his hand. he removed the head of his mother Isis, put it in his arms, and
ascended the mountain. Then Isis / transformed herself into a statue of flint
which had no head. Said pre-Harakhti to Thoth: What is that which has arrived
having no head? So Thoth told Pre-Harakhti: My good lord, that is Isis the
Great, the God's Mother, after Horus, her son, removed her head. Thereupon /
Pre-Harakhti let out a loud cry and said to the Ennead: Let us go and inflict
severe punishment upon him. Then the Ennead ascended those mountains in order to
search for Horus, son of Isis.

Could someone with more background in Egyptian mythology and tales from the translation of hieroglyphs please inform me of both these events and in more laymen terms? Homosexuality a normal and accepted part of practice, and significance and use of semen in Kemet? I look forward to hear a more knowledgeable voice on these translations.

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Semen and Homosexuality in Egyptian heiroglyphics? Empty Re: Semen and Homosexuality in Egyptian heiroglyphics?

Post by JWG 06.09.09 15:12

A few more...

Then Thoth, lord of script and scribe of truth for the Ennead, put his hand
on Horus's shoulder and said: Come out, you semen of Seth. And it answered him
from the water in the interior of the marsh. Thoth put his hand on Seth's
shoulder and said: Come out, you semen of Horus. Then it said to him: Where
shall I come from? Thoth said to it: Come / out from his ear. Thereupon it said
to him: is it from his ear that I should issue forth, seeing that I am divine
seed? Then Thoth said to it: Come out from the top of his head. And it emerged
as a golden solar disk upon Seth's head.
Seth became exceeding furious and
extended his hand(s) to seize the golden solar disk. Thoth took it away / from
him and placed it as a crown upon his (own) head. Then the Ennead said: Horus is
right, and Seth is wrong.

Semen and a golden solar-disk.

Number of posts : 26
Location : Du(Physical World)at
Registration date : 2009-09-05

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Semen and Homosexuality in Egyptian heiroglyphics? Empty Re: Semen and Homosexuality in Egyptian heiroglyphics?

Post by Jonathan 06.09.09 16:34

My first guess would go to very poor translations. But I will have to dig deeper to take any other meaning out of it.

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Semen and Homosexuality in Egyptian heiroglyphics? Empty Re: Semen and Homosexuality in Egyptian heiroglyphics?

Post by Daniel09 06.09.09 19:14

You're kidding right? I mean, this is so absurdly coincidental that I can barely believe what I'm seeing. I JUST read up on all of this these past few days, and here you go posting about exactly what I've been dwelling on.

As for my conclusions, I've determined that I have insufficient information to draw one, so I stick to assertions of uncertainty and hopeful future findings.

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Semen and Homosexuality in Egyptian heiroglyphics? Empty Re: Semen and Homosexuality in Egyptian heiroglyphics?

Post by Maxx 07.09.09 10:12


Different Morals for different times...........Look at the morals of the Egyptians through their eyes during their day. It is different than the Western viewpoint of today.

This episode of Seth's homosexual assault on Horus seems to show him in a bad light, yet he had planned the whole episoce to expose Horus by proclaiming the act himself before the gods' tribunal to help him win his case. The story would have been understood by the Egyptians in terms of the humiliating treatment of a defeated enemy. (You can see this even in some stories from the xtians bible where the defeated king was forced to submit to the winning king in front of both armies in a homosexual act). Thus, when Horus's semen spoke from inside Seth, (and this was in the continuing story of the account) the general mockery was turned on him and he was seen as the defeated adversary. The New Kingdom Book of the Dead implies that homosexuality was condemned, but earlier texts suggest that homosexual relations were not considered morally wrong so long as there was mutual consent.

But I have a hard time seeing two parts of semen talking and making any kind of proclamation to a group of Gods. I tend to see this as some type of metaphor.........(hopefully).

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Semen and Homosexuality in Egyptian heiroglyphics? Empty Re: Semen and Homosexuality in Egyptian heiroglyphics?

Post by godofbattle 07.09.09 15:18

I all ways thoght it was a metaphor to i just couldnt figure it out all the way

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Location : Detroit MI
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