kitty cats....
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kitty cats....
is is just a mith or do cats have some weird abilities( see spirits etc...)
goingpostal- Outsider
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Re: kitty cats....
Cats can sometimes be mysterious creatures... or at some cases, in the right hands, metaphysically dangerous. However, to answer your question in a way it may make more sense, is to look back at Ancient Egypt, where cats were many times worshiped. Also, one of the highest Asetian females - Bastet - is symbolized by the Cat. There must be a deeper reason behind why cats are such magickal creatures, other than simply saying "because they have mysterious abilities". I have a strong feeling that the answer lies within Anciet Egyptian minds, and to unveil it, we must first understand why they were so divine to the Ancient Egyptians. I look forward towards researching on this interesting topic.
Aghrab- Adept
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Re: kitty cats....
What I've heard in regards to cats, is that they are basically connected to the divine spirit at all times, astral traveling as they sleep. I don't know exactly where I heard this however. I believe I picked up a random book at the library.
Daniel09- Expert
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Re: kitty cats....
The ancient Egyptians greatly revered cats, and also numerous other animals during their long reign -- as evidenced by thousands of ibis and crocodile mummies. Do not forget the reverently mummified Apis bulls, each entombed in its own stone sacarphogus. The sacred exists in all of these creatures. Were we to truly know why. . .
Phoenix- Insider
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Re: kitty cats....
I have two cats at home, and I have always felt that they have the ability to clean the energy of their surroundings. My cats tend to settle in areas of the house that need spiritual cleaning, kind of like little ionizers.
Saylamine- Insider
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Re: kitty cats....
Saylamine: Interesting; I have two cats as well. They are extremely sensitive to subtle energy and the currents caused by energy work and meditation, as I have been able to observe.
Syrianeh- Expert
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Re: kitty cats....
That is really interesting...
What do you think about the connection of cat's magick and sensibility to Bastet?
What do you think about the connection of cat's magick and sensibility to Bastet?
Jonathan- Master
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Re: kitty cats....
In pretty much every culture Cats have always been connected to Magick and the paranormal. I think in Kemet they were considered guardians or protectors. And i know from experience they are very connected to the astral plane, both my cat and dog often saw the entities at the same time i did when i was a child, and stayed inbetween myself and the other to protect me. I'm not sure of other animals capabilities in these thing, though i'm fairly certain horses are empathic.
I have also heard from witch friends that have cats that assist them in their magickal workings, they say cats are very beneificial in casting protective circles and grounding. I have to say of all the Egyptian god/desses Bastet has always been my favourite. Her duality has been a great help in giving myself something to strive for, to be like.
I have also heard from witch friends that have cats that assist them in their magickal workings, they say cats are very beneificial in casting protective circles and grounding. I have to say of all the Egyptian god/desses Bastet has always been my favourite. Her duality has been a great help in giving myself something to strive for, to be like.
Lyprith- Outsider
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