The Asetian Bibles metaphors

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The Asetian Bibles metaphors Empty The Asetian Bibles metaphors

Post by Talibah 23.09.09 6:19

"...and in each human being a mortal Ba was incarnated, that Amon made out of tiny water drops from the ocean of Nun."

I'd like to ask if anyone has any ideas as to what this metaphor could actually stand for?
I say metaphor, because I dont believe these 'tiny drops of water from the oceans of Nun' actually refer to the watery kind as it first suggests.

It would be interesting to hear what others interpretation is of this, and of course anything else.

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The Asetian Bibles metaphors Empty Re: The Asetian Bibles metaphors

Post by Jonathan 23.09.09 12:18

I interpreted it as the Human soul (Ba) being created out of formless chaos, unlike the Asetian soul (Ba) that was created out of the essence of Aset, the Violet Flame.

How do you interpret it?

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The Asetian Bibles metaphors Empty Re: The Asetian Bibles metaphors

Post by Phoenix 23.09.09 22:58

I'll try a reply: Most religions have a central icon saying that humans are actually god/desses - we just don't realize or forgot it. Jesus said something like you are gods and the way to heaven is inside you (apologize for not lookingup the exact quotes). Modern religions keep their tithing flocks by rarely mentioning this fact.

Given the above, I would postulate that the ocean of Nun is the limitless emptiness of space/time that has nothing, is nothing (and metaphysically I am here discounting quantuum concepts such as zero net energy). Yet in that nothing, there exist our souls (Ba & Ka). You either have faith or you don't that we all have a soul and that our forum-response typing bodies are just temporary housing for them. If our souls exist, why should they not further evolve through the grace of Aset?

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