South Wall Hieroglyphs of Pyramid texts.

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South Wall Hieroglyphs of Pyramid texts. Empty South Wall Hieroglyphs of Pyramid texts.

Post by Maxx 02.07.08 17:01

This is under spells in the Pyramid Texts

Utterance 246

252: See! This Unas stands among (you), two horns are on his head (like) two wild bulls, for you are indeed the black ram, son of a black sheep, born of a bright sheep, suckled by four sheep-mothers.

253. He comes against you, Horus with blue eyes. Beware of the Horus with red eyes, whose anger is evil, whose power one cannot withstand! His messengers go, his quick runners run, they announce to the One-who-lifts-his-arm-in-the-East

254: that the Unique One in you is going away, (of whom) the God(?) said:
"He will give orders to (my) fathers, the gods".
The gods are silent before you, the Ennead has put their hands before their mouths, before the one in you of whom the God said:
"He will give orders to (my) fathers, the gods".

255: Step to the doors of the horizon, and the doors of the Cool Region open (themselves).
You stand there, ruling over them as Geb rules over his Ennead.
They come in, they strike down evil (with magical spells),
they come out, their faces are lifted up.

256: They see you as Min, who rules over the Two Shrines.
He stands, who stands behind you;
Your brother stands behind you;
Your relative stands behind you;
You do not go under, you will not be annihilated,
your name remains with men,
your name comes into being with the god.

Questions? In 252 and 253 it appears that Unas/Horus is one and the same. The description here is of different Horus'. This sounds like each one is a Pharoah or different individual? Is this so, or not? The two horns make it appear this is so. Is this a description of a particlur ruler, born of a black sheep, and now a black ram, born of a bright mother? Or does this mean born or two natures such as good and evil? Suckled by four sheep mothers......Could this indicate the protection of the four Holy Ones....The four Winds....The four horsemen, etc?

253 seems to speak of two different Pharaohs. then the one who lifts his arms in the East....must mean or refer to Re? Yes, No? Red eyed Horus may mean ROS? Blue Eyed Horus may mean Asetian leadership?

254. Does this mean like a change in AEons descriptive of what A. Crowley and also Col. Michael Aquinos has declared like the change of a being ruling over the universe? Also, aligns with the picture like the age of Scropio, etc.?

Who is Ennead? This appears to be a specific army. Who is Geb? Also it looks as if the Keepers enter here to protect through magic?

They see you as Min? Who rules over the Two Shrines? The two kingdoms and the different type of worship like One principle God among many....and the Poly God worship of various beings? Who is Min?

I hope I have not created a nightmare here, but this entire section is such beautiful writing and I wonder if any here might help us break it out and understand better.. Thanks to any and all of you.



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South Wall Hieroglyphs of Pyramid texts. Empty Re: South Wall Hieroglyphs of Pyramid texts.

Post by Maktub 03.07.08 11:10

Maxx wrote:Questions? In 252 and 253 it appears that Unas/Horus is one and the same.
Pharaohs were usually seen as Horus. This was because Horus was the real Asetian ruler of Egypt for a long part of the Empire in history. As if all Pharaohs were in fact Horus or not, I believe that depends. It is most likely that Horus, having like the other Elder Asetians power over the reincarnation cycles, embodied several Pharaohs during dynastic periods. But I find it unlikely for him to be all. Those positions were certainly shared and cycled through other Asetians, in a silent control from the AK over the rulership of Egypt. A control that was not always perfect, since we can see an obvious failure of the AK in the rulership of the Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, formerly known as Akhenaton, who is usually said to be a member of ROS that broke the Asetian system, later to be restored by Tutankhamon (the return of the Asetians to power... probably).

Maxx wrote:253 seems to speak of two different Pharaohs. then the one who lifts his arms in the East....must mean or refer to Re? Yes, No? Red eyed Horus may mean ROS? Blue Eyed Horus may mean Asetian leadership?
Can't be sure if that refers to Sethians and Asetians as both 2 rulers/Pharaohs. Makes sense, though. That was my thought when reading it, but yet, I just can't be sure. Kemetic religious texts are highly cryptic and many times point us in some direction just to drive us away from the real meaning.

Maxx wrote:254. Does this mean like a change in AEons descriptive of what A. Crowley and also Col. Michael Aquinos has declared like the change of a being ruling over the universe? Also, aligns with the picture like the age of Scropio, etc.?
The Asetians describe a system of spiritual/universal formula similar to that of Thelema as described by Crowley. However there is a major difference, there are 4 eras (called Djehutys) in Asetianism, unlike the 3 we can study in Thelema. Basically because Thelema lacks to describe the first era of all, the period of the Sep Tepy, where Gods ruled and walked the Earth, in their kingdom of Egypt. In Asetianism this first era is called the Djehuty of the Scorpion.

Maxx wrote:Who is Ennead? This appears to be a specific army. Who is Geb? Also it looks as if the Keepers enter here to protect through magic?
Ennead is the Greek name for the Egyptian Pesedjet. A concept sometimes used to describe the group of the Elder Gods, in which Aset and Seth are part of. To understand the correlations between this group it is better to observe the Asetian Tree of Life (not to mix with the Kabbalistic one).

As for Geb, he is the representation of the Earth. Geb and Nut, the Earth and the Sky. Two Egyptian Elder Gods, the parents of the 4 rulers of Egypt (Aset, Osiris, Seth and Nephthys).

Maxx wrote:They see you as Min? Who rules over the Two Shrines? The two kingdoms and the different type of worship like One principle God among many....and the Poly God worship of various beings? Who is Min?
Min is an ancient God of fertility, but I believe his usage on this passage is not really relevant. However, the "who rules over the Two Shrines" is.

I hope I didn't make my answers confusing. You made some nice questions in here, but to analyse these things is not always easy and quick. And sometimes I lack sufficient knowledge to study those texts with the desired precision. But anyways, those are my opinions...


Number of posts : 113
Location : From the forgotten sands of Kemet.
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South Wall Hieroglyphs of Pyramid texts. Empty Fantastic

Post by Maxx 03.07.08 12:02

Fantastic info. From your other posts I began to look at the Pyramid Texts and Coffin Texts. So much material. I am very impressed with your knowledge and I know you have spent much time up to your elbows in

Thank you so much in explaning these questions I had.

I am looking with even more excitement to the arrival of AsetKa Bible.



PS. I found the study of the eye of Horus and the six parts to really be an "eye opener".

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South Wall Hieroglyphs of Pyramid texts. Empty Re: South Wall Hieroglyphs of Pyramid texts.

Post by Hellen 13.07.09 15:14

This utterance name is “King is the ruler of beyond “.

And I think it marks the moment when King comes forth as the ruler of both sides , on Earth and Beyond .

That is why I am thinking if we can interpret this passage as symbolizing the duality of the King as born in human form and son of the Gods , considering the Ram symbolism which leads to Khnum who is creator and the King becomes, identifies with the God , molding men ( which is at some extent King's mission on Earth ) , but in the same time he is son of two mothers ( as in translation of Faulkner -”ewe “ female , fertile sheep ) and “whom the four teats suckled “( >two women) ( *Faulkner translation )
which could be meaning son of both a Goddess and a earth mother .(> King on Earth and Beyond ; Faulkner translates black sheep /white sheep ,another interesting symbolism )

In passage 253 I see neither two Pharaohs , nor Seth , but Horus in his greatness and his majestic duality - high divine wisdom and enlightenment ( blue eyed Horus ) ,and fierce , warrior side ( red eyed Horus ), the one who cuts heads ( some even unexpected , according to some legends Smile)

But I can possibly see Seth in passage 256 (in Faulkner translation) :

“Someone stands behind you , your brother stands behind you , your relative stands behind you , and you shall not perish , you shall not come to an end , but your name shall endure among men and your name shall come into being among the gods “ ( again the duality )

“behind “ having the meaning of “under “ , “lower than “

The term “brother “ at the same time mean the identification with Osiris (the throne is of Osiris ) which also is symbolized at the beginning in the "two wild bull horns “.( in my understanding this could mean a simultaneous Khnum -Osiris identification in the person of the King as lord of the 'living' and the 'dead ' -sic-)

Please forgive any flaws in this interpretation of mine , but it was all in the idea of reviving a beautiful thread , (and the truth is I could not find other interpretation for the sheep at the moment Smile )

I am willing to hear to other interpretations , inspired by the complexity of only this single passage .


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South Wall Hieroglyphs of Pyramid texts. Empty Re: South Wall Hieroglyphs of Pyramid texts.

Post by Victor 13.07.09 15:35

Very interesting post, Hellen. I will do some further research over my translations of the Pyramid Texts with your views in mind.

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South Wall Hieroglyphs of Pyramid texts. Empty Re: South Wall Hieroglyphs of Pyramid texts.

Post by Maxx 13.07.09 20:44

Thank you so much for this effort. This is one reason I put so much emphasis in the education of learning the astral and moving from physical body to physical body to enable an initiation spoken of in the Asetian Bible.



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