The role of the Ego

Lupus de Umbras
Divine 277
Sinata Anika Asti
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The role of the Ego - Page 2 Empty Re: The role of the Ego

Post by Divine 277 24.12.16 3:46

Maxx wrote:miles of material just copied and inserted?  

Should issue a username for wikipedia so they can post their own material here.

Maybe you should, maybe you would learn a bit more outside your own comfort zone Very Happy lolz..
Divine 277
Divine 277

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The role of the Ego - Page 2 Empty Re: The role of the Ego

Post by Lupus de Umbras 24.12.16 10:08

I agree some of the previous posters on this topic that the ego is a useful component of one's own composite identity, for it is a tool of differentiation; Particularly regarding our own identity in relation to others.Furthermore, it is a survival tool, preventing the subjugating of one's own needs and interests for another's. Especially those who are dominated by ego. For, if the ego is allowed to outgrow the true self unchecked, it will only be concerned with it's own needs, and not one's spiritual development.
Divine: I would be interested in hearing your own perspective on the ego.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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The role of the Ego - Page 2 Empty Re: The role of the Ego

Post by Divine 277 24.12.16 14:26

Lupus de Umbras wrote:I agree some of the previous posters on this topic that the  ego is a useful component of one's own composite identity, for it is a tool of differentiation; Particularly regarding our own identity in relation to others.Furthermore, it is a survival tool, preventing the subjugating of one's own needs and interests for another's. Especially those who are dominated by ego. For, if the ego is allowed to outgrow the true self unchecked, it will only be concerned with it's own needs, and not one's spiritual development.
Divine: I would be interested in hearing your own perspective on the ego.

I think we can not live with out one or the other, as it is essential to balance between the 3. As the book of Orion describes clearly, that they are most certainly aspects of the psyche, the different Kabbalah trees goes in to this as well, as aspects and principals behind the human functioning.

I Still am a student of psychology actually Sexology, and Am currently writing my last thesis ( hopefully I will be done), Its about occult under groups,how their psychology works , how their culture, upbringing and so on has led them down this path and what delusions comes out of it.

Im a firm believer in balance, I do not belive that one should be whole hardly unselfish, nor do i belive that one should whole hardly be selfish, I belive in a healthy balance. <-- now the reason why i say that, is because in the spiritual/ occult society, they refer ego to be something selfish, However with out it, you would just lie down and die Wink.

However Please do have in mind, that when I talk about ego, I am usually talking about the Freudian model, not what spirituality usually portrays it to be.

However I do understand how the super ego also have a Huge influence on the said individual, and that is what Luis marques says when he says : forget what you have learned and learn all you have forgotten, He is in fact talking of the super ego and the conditioning we all are conditioned by, by society and our culture,now with that said, No one in here has the slightest idea of the culture of the other, and from my travels all around the world, I can say, you will never find 2 alike.
However People love to judge on their limited understanding, rather then actually ask questions and/or pick up a book.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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The role of the Ego - Page 2 Empty Re: The role of the Ego

Post by Kalb 25.12.16 4:16

Divine or Iron or any nickname you use: This expression is within Asetian Manifesto, and has a much deeper meaning than the one you explain here. Life is full of surprises, some people take life, living the lives of others and this concept is fundamental in Asetianism, all Asetianists must be independent and follow their own will with their own heart. If he/she learn something, studies directly from source, exploring alone, facing obstacles alone and feels their own pain alone, sometimes this makes a normal person in a warrior.

Another thing that is key in Asetianism is Loyalty, it's nice to see people who have taken their presence publicly in forums and remained always faithful to their feelings and beliefs. After all, there's no better act of love as one of Loyalty. Some have a strong sense of responsibility to belong to private and restricted covens and others have the responsibility to learn and grow on alone, but among all these difference there is a sense of Loyalty, a sentiment which unites us all in a community. Never leave, never went to talk to people who have abandoned the Asetianism and began to slander people and the community… Everyone is free to come and go, and all can have this gift and be loyal, but not everyone has the ability to be strong and strives to break down the ignorance and triumph in spiritual evolution. Another detail, Asetianism is not based on merits and physical gains, but solely on spiritual evolution and Transformation.

Now… A message directly from me to you: I don't know nothing about Spirituality, not control any planne from the tree of Life, I'm not a role model and I'm totally disappointed with myself and with my life. Sometimes I feel alone and think giving up on myself for not being happy, other times, I get the strength to go up another step, but that's the way it is. A person like me has something to teach? What do you think I could learn from you? Can you teach me something? But beware, it's proven that we have the best examples and solutions for others and we can't use ourselves as an example. Sexology is interesting, but it is also proven that sexual pleasure is the favorite weapon for those who suffer emotional disorders, would be good for me? For example, Buddhism believes that suffering exists in any human being, and he is the reason why the human being wants to live, because it clings to that pain and make his suffering for all entire life. When you answer, remember also to another detail, you're a woman, I've seen you naked dancing on facebook, certainly had many compliments and many men through you to give you a thong and raise your self esteem.. That said, I do not see in you a woman who is worth, because I know you have a daughter, that certainly is a great example for her.. especially at school, when their friends know that the mother puts up naked dancing to the world ... (Note, I'm not making any relationship, everybody knows this, you even put links here). I advocate the opposite, I believe parents should convey respect and maturity to the children, by example. But, it's like you said, we live in different cultures. Imagine your daughter to do the same as you do.. and all would know that her innocence was spoil by the follies of her mother. Up ' s.. I'm already judging you. Sure, I know information about your life, that's the lesson that Don Juan Mata teaches Carlos Castaneda: "Erase your past, if it is deleted, no one judges you", and that's what bothers you for example in Jonathan and NightShade or others members here, you don't know anything about them and that must be very painful for you. But, in this small excerpt of conversation I've developed some knowledge of other cultures and teachings, I look like a person limited?

I hope you can help me anxiously in my frustration.

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The role of the Ego - Page 2 Empty Re: The role of the Ego

Post by Lupus de Umbras 25.12.16 12:13

Yes, Divine - In general I concur with your reference as to the importance of balance between the ego and other aspects of the self. The occult seems to be littered with seriously unbalanced individuals. Though, without it, one is in danger of becoming a doormat!
I'm not familiar with Freudian psychology or the Qabbala, so I can't add anything there.
As for your reference to the narrow outlook of others here - you are entitled to your opinion, but I must respectfully disagree.
Kalib: Your quote from Don Juan Mata corresponds with my feeling that every day we must seek to be reborn anew (easier said than done Smile ). Also, I do see suffering as means of growth and refinement, but not unnecessary suffering; which is mere indulgence of the ego.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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The role of the Ego - Page 2 Empty Re: The role of the Ego

Post by Divine 277 25.12.16 12:22

Who is iron ? I have Many names, but thats not one of them ? Im reading the other responses now, I just had to ask about this first, as it made me quite perplex.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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The role of the Ego - Page 2 Empty Re: The role of the Ego

Post by Lupus de Umbras 25.12.16 12:33

In further reference to erasing the past...This puts me in mind of the story of Lot's wife. She was warned not to look back and thus, she was turned into a pillar of salt - an allegory for the dangers of obsessively looking to the past (another shortcoming of the ego). Hence, one becomes frozen, literally rooted to the spot (and the past).
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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The role of the Ego - Page 2 Empty Re: The role of the Ego

Post by Divine 277 25.12.16 12:55

wow, for someone that really again should know nothing about my private life, you certainly seemingly think you know a hell of a lot. First or all, I do NOT have my real name anywhere online.
Second of all the reasons for my nakedness is actually inspired by this :
The role of the Ego - Page 2 15697736_568936743309615_3634165080668326044_n

Now, I realize that "sex" sells, Now i dont see nakedness as something to be ashamed of, its the message that nakedness "sells " that is important.

Im not a self Obnoxious little brat thats only is seeking attention for the flesh I'm born in to, quite on the contrary, I post so many things that are educational that i host over 9 sites on Facebook, sorely alone.

No my dear friend, or whatever i should call you.

My purpose is teaching and learning, and with that i use all means and gifts i am given.
I dont know if anyone bothered to read that is written on the profile picture of My AOAK site : but it clearly is written : live, love, learn .. in latin.

Now, if anyone wants change, they have to seek it, and know its triggers.

I have been celibate for over 3 years, and I'm sick and tired of men judging me for how I look and judging me on why I seek attention.

And in fact if they send me anything sex related, i give them gay porn back, like men fucking menn in the ass.

Why In the world would you assume I share my private online ?

I AM SAPIOSEXUAL, ="If you dont have anything intelligent to say , you better shut the FUCK up... kind of girl... "
So in other words a man that does not stimulate my intelligence, will probably be laughed at and mocked by me ... as they should know better, and i know better when i see how little they actually pay attention.

I had fewer Sex partners then you can count on 2 hands, lolz ..
SO if you implying I'm a whore, it shows how little you know Razz

Now as for looking for love ?? are you serious ??? lolz..
why would i look for something that does not exist ?

Divine 277
Divine 277

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The role of the Ego - Page 2 Empty Re: The role of the Ego

Post by Naverya 25.12.16 13:20

I wonder, is another topic going to get locked?

And Divine, 2 hands, really? Razz Nevermind, don't answer that please.

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The role of the Ego - Page 2 Empty Re: The role of the Ego

Post by Ixodes 20.11.18 18:15

I would label the ego as a base or animalistic response.

An example would be if you found someone in your back yard. You might become angry with them because their presence is unsettling. The anger a person might feel would be an expression of the ego.

It very much reminds me of tribal behavior. And it practically always seems rooted in fear or aversion.

To me the ego is complex because it hinges upon weighing various types of risk. Would it be more costly to endanger your relationship with the leader of your group or a close friend? Is it more dangerous to freeze to death than to encounter an unknown people? These types of questions are analyzed by the subconscious and the emotional output is the ego itself.

It makes sense to me that it either requires discipline or higher forms of knowledge to overcome the ego's influence. This is done by regulating the emotional response or coming to an understanding that makes the ego reaction no longer valid.

To answer your question about the usefulness of the ego I would say that often it is like trying to complete a puzzle with limited space. You are in a room and the pieces need to fit together accordingly. You either have a choice of having there be some temporary utility in the placement of the pieces as they move from their original point to the position they will be at when the puzzle is complete, or that them being in any other position other than the starting and ending position is in of itself wrong. It requires understanding that the portions of the puzzle and the space between them has no meaning even if their placement has a usefulness. In other words, the pieces of the puzzle, the ego, can be used if you understand that being attached to their transitory positions is a farce. Eventually you will have to let go of the aspects of the ego to progress, but on the short term using it to empower yourself is an option.

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The role of the Ego - Page 2 Empty Re: The role of the Ego

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 21.11.18 6:24

I like that point of view, very interesting thoughts. Haven't put much thought into it as of yet personally, but experientially there is a feeling of its clouding influence recognized during meditation. It is like a blindfold to awareness. It is functional but blinding. You can go on living unconsciously with the ego stearing you, and that would work, although it would not turn out very successful for you spiritually. Rising above ego (through natural transcendence of it in meditation) holds a promise for greater clarity and spiritual liberation.

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The role of the Ego - Page 2 Empty Re: The role of the Ego

Post by Thothmez 15.07.20 20:51

Talibah wrote:I have been giving ego and the Self some thought, and I would like to ask what steps each of you (although perhaps, not all of you) have taken in learning to acknowledge your true nature.

Do you think ego plays a positive part in this discovery, and what do you think you have to do to make it a positive tool in evolution?

And finally, do you think one can improve on their Self, without it becoming ego driven?

Ego is a very important vehicle. Either we can drive it upwards or downwards.
Ego is a energy of propulsion.
Ego it is part of our nature, it is impossible to eliminate it.

There are folks from that are very experienced using the Ego energy.
There are folks from Kundalini Yoga that uses the Ego to make the serpent rise.

Ayn Rand creator of the Objectivism, wrote the book "The Virtue of Selfishness" is a very good book that answer some of those question you formulated. I just bought a book from Ryan Holiday "Ego is the Way" which I have not read yet, but you can try it as well.

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The role of the Ego - Page 2 Empty Re: The role of the Ego

Post by BlackCat 20.03.21 22:19

The text that I have linked has been the key in my genuine progression. As I identify my ego, it sheds its appeal and slips through my fingers. The living flower is far more alluring than the dead one, once the two are distinguished. Fear is like a trail of breadcrumbs.

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