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Post by ShineStar 11.11.09 13:55

Hi everyone.
I just signed up here days ago.
I have always been amused by vampirism and highly interested. Always wanting to be a serious student of the occult teachings.
I have thought of buying the Asetian Bible, because of how many people seem to die for it, from all I hear. I was wondering, what you individuals think about the book? Should I get it? I ask this because... I have only just begun learning about vampirism, even though the subject has always been an interest to me. I am not familiar with much, so the book would not be too... advanced for someone like me? Should I start off with something lighter than the Asetian Bible?

Thank you all.


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Post by ShineStar 11.11.09 14:10

Just asked some of my most wondered questions. I hope they don't already exist in this forum, and that I did not repeat them. I have scanned through the many topics and hopefully will join the discussions once I have read enough. So much to read!


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Post by Azrael 11.11.09 16:14

The Asetian Bible opened me up further into the studies of the occult... It holds valuable information and I do not think it is really advanced at least it was not to me...The information flowed out pretty well and I still find myself learning more or discovering new things each time I pick it up again...

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Post by Daniel09 11.11.09 17:44

The Asetian Bible is a very valuable piece to possess. I do believe it actually tunes itself into the frequency of the reader, should the reader be open to its' suggestion. Some close-minded people have opened it, read a short passage they judged as vampire meta-fiction, and tossed it out the window. But so far every open-minded individual with a ready heart has been able to at least feel some kind of influence from this book, be it an influx of knowledge, a realization of self, or just an enjoyable read.

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Post by Jonathan 12.11.09 4:05

I think you would not regret acquiring a copy of the Asetian Bible. Vampire or otherwise, the book presents valuable pieces of information and knowledge that is not accessible otherwise. It also has the peculiar trait of being able to teach, wether you are a novice in the occult or a true experienced practitioner. I have read reports and reviews both from beginners in the dark arts to people that have been connected with orders for decades perfecting their magick and learning metaphysics, and from both sides people managed to learn, evolve and take some hidden knowledge out of the book. Some believe that this work speaks to you at some spiritual level...

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Post by Aghrab 13.11.09 1:37

Welcome to the forum.

I can echo the answers of the others. I have not yet come across a serious occultist regretting a copy of the Asetian Bible. However, before you decide to get into the subject of true vampirism, you must first keep in mind that it is far from what at first may have gotten you attracted to the subject - perhaps fiction. This applies to all of us. I am sure many first got into the subject of the occult, and got lead to the subject of vampirism from something as widespread as fiction. Books, movies, music, art... If this is kept in mind, then your road into the world of vampirism will certainly be an enlightening one.


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Post by AnaInDark 13.11.09 17:28


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Post by Kahina 15.11.09 17:02

Welcome ShineStar.

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Post by ElizabethBathory 16.11.09 1:24

Daniel09 wrote:The Asetian Bible is a very valuable piece to possess. I do believe it actually tunes itself into the frequency of the reader, should the reader be open to its' suggestion. Some close-minded people have opened it, read a short passage they judged as vampire meta-fiction, and tossed it out the window. But so far every open-minded individual with a ready heart has been able to at least feel some kind of influence from this book, be it an influx of knowledge, a realization of self, or just an enjoyable read.

What a thoughtful post, this makes me want to get my hands on a copy.

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Post by Kotaro 16.11.09 7:14

Greetings ShineStar.

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Post by Syrianeh 16.11.09 12:37

Welcome to the forum, Shinestar. You will certainly learn a lot from the Asetian Bible; but as the others have rightly put it, it is not to be taken lightly.

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Post by Raven Kyles 02.08.15 10:56

Hey everyone. Glad to meet you guys. I'm looking for a community that will respond to my questions, as other forums I've been to I can't seem to get a reply. Hopefully I can make some friends here. I don't want to join a community and not be spoken to, otherwise I would just have this account deleted.
I'm looking for the introduction forum if anyone can locate it to me.
To be clear, I'm a Lycanthrope with a witch bloodline. Sounds crazy I know, but I don't know much of my history, nor am I awakened yet(Raised by humans), but I'll explain it later if I can get some responses. Nice to meet everyone.
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

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Post by Maxx 02.08.15 11:20

Hello and welcome.  Please be sure to read through many of the posts and columns on this site to see that this in not a rehash of some of the other sites on the net.  Everyone is allowed but fairy tales and fantasy dreamers do not fare very well here.  We love input and conversation but need to determine knowledge and wisdom combined with the effort to educate the self.  Everyone looks forward to one that can contribute in a sane and understanding way.

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Post by Raven Kyles 02.08.15 11:36

Thanks for the response. I've read your response to my other post and I apologize if I seem a bit annoying. I will read the site but I am not familiar with a lot of what goes on here. I don't believe I've heard of this culture but will try to keep an open mind.
Raven Kyles
Raven Kyles

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Post by Maxx 02.08.15 11:41

yes. from your posts, it appeared you just started posting without looking over the site.

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Post by Jonathan 02.08.15 14:33

Hello Raven Kyles and welcome to the community. I would also suggest what Maxx already mentioned. It would be wise to spend some time reading several of the posts from this forum as  they have a lot of information and one can learn a lot from it. To learn about magick, the occult and metaphysics takes effort and dedication so that's something you must do if you wish to grow and understand.

Now allow me to ask you a few questions back. You mentioned being a Lycanthrope and about "your culture". This is something you discovered or did someone else tell you about it? If so, how?

I'm asking this not because I'm a skeptic but because we all here have encountered far too many people that were deceived by others and simply drawn into false knowledge. You mention Lycanthropy and then blood feeding which is a vampire trait. Vampires are not Lycanthropes and Lycanthropes don't feed off energy and blood. Only vampires do. So there is some confusion there that I'm trying to pinpoint its origin. Having said that and if you're honestly seeking for truth and not fantasy then maybe we can try to help. As Maxx said this community here is different from every other forum and social group out there as we strongly discard fantasy and role-play, focusing on profound mysteries.

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Post by Maxx 02.08.15 15:25

Exactly. As an illustration, when I first came here I was delusional and dealt in fantasy. I thought I was intelligent. But lo and behold, that was proven otherwise.

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