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Reincarnation Empty Reincarnation

Post by Nebibi 12.11.09 16:23

I am new here and do not know if a similar post is already up but I will take my chances.
The topic of reincarnation has been bugging me for a while and I would like to get a different perspective on the subject. Before I started to learn about vampirism, I tried to find my "self" in other spiritual beliefs and reincarnation was always one that rung true for me.
However, in learning about vampirism, especially about the Aset Ka, I related to their beliefs.
I am now at a crossroads and very much confused:
Asetians reincarnate due to their immortal souls, however, many humans believe in reincarnation. Is it because of the theory that energy (the human soul) can never cease to exist? Do humans actually reincarnate? and if so is it because of the same reason that Asetians reincarnate? and if not then why do humans reincarnate?

I am sorry if I sound like an idiot but I do not have any one else to ask and since many of you are knowledgeable on similar subjects, I decided to post my query here.

Number of posts : 179
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Registration date : 2009-11-10

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by Jonathan 12.11.09 17:19

According to the Asetian theology and culture, both humans and vampires reincarnate. The difference is that the soul of an Asetian is immortal, and the human is not. This means that the soul and essence of an Asetian will always be fresh and young, unlike the soul of a human that will degrade over the reincarnation cycles, it will age and someday will "die", probably returning to the source. This is explained at some point within the Asetian Bible.
Again, it is important to keep in mind that this is a strictly Asetian concept, and a very particular definition that you will not find in any other tradition, especially when it comes to the aging of the human soul, which I believe it can be prevented, or avoided, at least to some extent, by the means of magickal arts and spiritual evolution.

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by Nicole 13.11.09 11:00

Great subject. Reincarnation is just so interesting, especially this issue of the mortality of the human soul, and why in fact are vampires immortal. Please develop more on this, hope to see others participating too.



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Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2009-11-12

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by Azrael 05.12.09 9:48

The Human soul may die through spiritual stagnation... ignoring their true powers and inner-soul eventually withering away into oblivion unless acting upon in another lifetime... Without change there is only death...

Number of posts : 115
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Registration date : 2009-07-22

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by Jonathan 06.12.09 16:03

Azrael wrote:The Human soul may die through spiritual stagnation... ignoring their true powers and inner-soul eventually withering away into oblivion unless acting upon in another lifetime... Without change there is only death...
Don't forget that concept is strictly Asetian in nature. We can't find it in any other religion or path, even though it does make a deep sense in spiritual and metaphysical terms...

Number of posts : 3046
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Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by Azrael 06.12.09 18:16

Jonathan wrote:
Azrael wrote:The Human soul may die through spiritual stagnation... ignoring their true powers and inner-soul eventually withering away into oblivion unless acting upon in another lifetime... Without change there is only death...
Don't forget that concept is strictly Asetian in nature. We can't find it in any other religion or path, even though it does make a deep sense in spiritual and metaphysical terms...

you do have a point there... scratch

Number of posts : 115
Location : United States
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by Lyprith 09.12.09 3:25

Do we know the proposed "lifespan" of a Human soul?
Obviously the Asetian's being Immortal are thousands of years old (at least) but can human souls be thousands of years old, or is it only hundreds?


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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by Nebibi 14.12.09 21:30

I have yet another query that Johnathan has sparked:

If indeed evolution can stop or delay the human souls' deterioraton, then wouldn't that make there souls just as immortal as an Asetian soul?

I am by no means stating that this is true, just playing devils advocate, please do elaborate, though. I am eager to see everyones responses since it is a topic of high interest to me.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 33
Location : New York
Registration date : 2009-11-10

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by Daniel09 14.12.09 21:49

Whether or not a soul deteriorates, other souls become old, their past experiences mold them very strongly I think. The difference with an Asetian's immortality is their divine influence. The energy is so raw and pure, that it keeps their souls fresh and ready to absorb new experiences.

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by ElizabethBathory 15.12.09 0:18

The difference between a human soul and an immortal one? I would think the regular soul is like a one-time thing for each life. Like they will die and then become someone else. The immortal is always reborn as the same? It's way too late to try to sort out my thoughts.

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by Jonathan 15.12.09 1:13

ivy wrote:I have yet another query that Johnathan has sparked:

If indeed evolution can stop or delay the human souls' deterioraton, then wouldn't that make there souls just as immortal as an Asetian soul?

I am by no means stating that this is true, just playing devils advocate, please do elaborate, though. I am eager to see everyones responses since it is a topic of high interest to me.
The human soul is not immortal, like you said, but it can be kept drom dying by constant spiritual evolution and fight for enlightenment. This does not mean it ever achieves a state of immortality, but that an evolved human can last for many many reincarnations. That is why there are still humans among us who are allies of the Asetians for many lives. By their interaction with the Asetian family they got spiritually evolved, and that has slowed down the aging of their souls. However, they are not immortal, divine or Asetian.
Did this make sense?

Number of posts : 3046
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Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by Nebibi 15.12.09 4:27

Yes thank you very much Johnathan and everyone else. Your posts have been very helpful.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 33
Location : New York
Registration date : 2009-11-10

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by Aleina 29.12.09 1:41

I don't think the human soul's lifespan can be measured. I mean, there are still humans incarnating, who have been allies to the Asetians in past lives, no?

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by Daniel09 29.12.09 10:01

Aleina wrote:I don't think the human soul's lifespan can be measured. I mean, there are still humans incarnating, who have been allies to the Asetians in past lives, no?
Yes, I think the AB said something about how techniques taught to them by the Asetians gave them the ability to refresh their souls and prevent them from deteriorating. While not being innately immortal, it allows them to continue on.

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

Post by AnaInDark 02.01.10 18:11

Aleina wrote:I don't think the human soul's lifespan can be measured. I mean, there are still humans incarnating, who have been allies to the Asetians in past lives, no?
That's true. I believe constant evolution to be the best and only way for humans to continue their Soul's strength through many lives.

Number of posts : 137
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Registration date : 2009-09-11

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Reincarnation Empty Re: Reincarnation

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