Reasons Behind Feeding

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Reasons Behind Feeding Empty Reasons Behind Feeding

Post by Ankhhape 07.07.08 13:18

Perhaps some of the more knowledgeable here would please explain the reasons for feeding? I would like to hear the differences between Asetian needs (as I understand it has to do with the high vibrations of being incarnated into a physical body) and the differences with non-Asetian vampires?

A'nen Sedjet

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Reasons Behind Feeding Empty Re: Reasons Behind Feeding

Post by Maxx 09.07.08 13:07

I have been waiting to see what some others had to say, but it seems no one has entered into the conversation yet.

I find your choice of words interesting in the way you phrased this and I quote "(as I understand, it has to do with the high vibrations of being incarnated into a physical body)"

1. Is this your own concept of a thought or if not, what are you basing this statement on...and if so....might you please quote from some source for me to look at. How do you understand this?

2. If you know this for certain, please pass on how you obtained this knowledge for certain.

As I have personally seen from my own experience, one does not need to be incarnated into a physical body to take it over. Any Asetian can take it over at any time of choosing. I also have other experiences that I have seen and have first hand knowledge of where another personality has entered a body at the age of eight. In talking with this person, the being inside the body related to me that They waited until this person died and at that time entered in and took over the body. I have seen photos of this child growing up and the before 8 years pictures certainly showed as if there had been a profound physical change take place with the after 8 year old pictures.

Feeding, in my own personal opinion, and based on my own experiences, seems to be related to the maintaining of the astral body and keeping it totally in place rather than the break up of that single body little by little, which is known as the second death. The kings and queens before 800 BC were real Gods. After that, the Pharohs had to learn the initiation process to cross over after death with the help of learning how to feed properly. Each will have at least one person that they feed from to maintain.

Feeding is a necessity to maintain our astral body as we travel on the other side and yet are still connected to a physical body on this side.

Are you and I on the same general path or are we talking in difference directions? If different area, I am certainly open to learning anything you would care to teach me.



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Reasons Behind Feeding Empty Re: Reasons Behind Feeding

Post by Ankhhape 09.07.08 17:07

1. Is this your own concept of a thought or if not, what are you basing
this statement on...and if so....might you please quote from some
source for me to look at. How do you understand this?
I do believe what I said was mentioned in the AB, and it was explained to me from a very good source. But, I am not looking to explain it as much as I am hoping for it to be explained to me clearer . . . lol.
What you said about maintaining the Astral by feeding, are you saying that the Ka being taken is then nourishing the vampires Astral double or something? Very interesting comments you posted, I am not claiming to understand this subject of feeding that well and look forward to everyone's comments.
Also Maxx, what do you believe to be the difference (if there is) between Asetian & non-Asetian vampirism / feeding?

Thank you for your time

A'nen Sedjet

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Reasons Behind Feeding Empty Re: Reasons Behind Feeding

Post by Maxx 09.07.08 17:26

My Friend, Thank you for your reply.

I must mention again, that I have not read the Asetian Bible as yet and will not be able to until I get up to Fargo, ND where I have a mail box.

In answer to your question regarding non-Asetian Vampires, My own personal thought and experience on this, is that there are none and cannot be any. They are only wannabees or fakes trying to be something they will never be. Only a gene passed through the centuries can be awakened in the person due to the breeding involved in a sort of DNA fashion that can be awakened within a person. You either or Vampire material, or not. No practice can change that. The initiation or Dark Kiss will awaken the fact.



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Reasons Behind Feeding Empty Re: Reasons Behind Feeding

Post by Laura 10.07.08 6:46

A'nen Sedjet, the way I see this is, first about the Asetian soul and why they need to feed so much. From what I understand is that in order to vibrate the energy at the frequency that they need it requeres more energy that a human soul normaly has. Adding to this the fact that the Asetians interact and manipulate energy (therefor using the energy they have stores within them) it leaves them always needing more energy that they actually have.

Now about the question as to why other vampires that are not Asetians need to feed. Well I think that to answer this one needs a clear definition on what a non Asetian vampire is. If we consider other vampires as people who have suffered an injury to their subtle body, that injury might not let them produce enough (if any) energy to sustain a balance between their physical and subtle body. There for they need to take that energy from somewhere to compansate.

Well this is just the way I understand things, but I would really like to see how other members see things and learn from them.

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Reasons Behind Feeding Empty Re: Reasons Behind Feeding

Post by Victor 10.07.08 12:25

Asetians need to feed for several reasons, one is the advanced use they give to their magickal abilities. They project and manipulate energy constantly in a myriad of situations, and this is fueled by vital energy. So the natural flow of energy from the source, like any human has as well, is not enough to empower all these workings.

Besides that, they need more energy while incarnated because their souls are not human, but divine. Divine souls are not so easily adapted to the mortal shells, being of much higher frequencies and vibrations, which results in a greater need for energy, unlike the human soul that can rely on the natural energy cycle from the source. So the Asetians being divine, they need that extra energy to keep their subtle system stable while incarnated, while at the same time empowering them with vital Ka that they use in their magickal powers.

As Laura said, other vampires that are non-Asetians, could simply be humans that have suffered injury in the subtle body or a malfunctioning Shen center. These people do vampirize and drain, but to me they are not vampires, but humans with a subtle condition that makes them act that way. A real vampire, like an Asetian, does not have a human soul. They are not human...

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