Musick of the Ancients

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Musick of the Ancients Empty Musick of the Ancients

Post by Victor 03.02.10 11:46

I've had a friend come over recently, who happens to be a reliable source of information when it comes to news from the underground world and several orders. Among some other things, he commented that the Aset Ka has hired some high profile musicians to work on some internal project. Given the public nature and exposure of such musicians, he decided not to share their names with me, to preserve his sources, but the rest he said it was fine to share given it was no special secret.

The relevance of sound, music and vibration has well been known and explored within the Asetian world, in a culture that used music in its temples and bellydance as a common spiritual practice. Some refer to these sounds as musick, to note its magickal properties and uses. Most of the knowledge from Ancient Egyptian music is lost, at least to the known world, but there still lingers some evidence and resonance of those sounds, and that can be found in the legacy of Middle Eastern music. In their sounds, instruments, dances and musical culture we can find our best remnants of the ancient Asetian sounds, and that may well be where the Aset Ka and their musicians are deepening their research and development into this subject.

Now the point is, if we will ever have the chance to marvel ourselves in the hidden and powerful sounds conducted by the Asetians and their musician friends, or if it will all remain just another silent project only to be known internally as so many others from their kin...

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Musick of the Ancients Empty Re: Musick of the Ancients

Post by Kalb 03.02.10 13:05

The Asetians are here to make history. Let's look a little to what the Asetians already published.

1. Viperine Work - Asetian Bible.
2. Guardian Work - Kemet.

I believe there will be a new project that involves the Concubines and music. I have been thinking about this for some time ... You now increases the probability of a next project is a musical work. : D

Thank you, Victor.

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Musick of the Ancients Empty Re: Musick of the Ancients

Post by Syrianeh 03.02.10 13:45

Thank you for sharing this, Victor. I agree with Stalker, the next release from the AK will most probably be musical. I am thrilled with the idea.

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Musick of the Ancients Empty Re: Musick of the Ancients

Post by Daniel09 03.02.10 16:12

I knew they would do this Very Happy It only makes sense.

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Musick of the Ancients Empty Re: Musick of the Ancients

Post by Jonathan 04.02.10 13:16

Personally, although I have no doubt they have several musical projects going on internally, I have some doubts that we will have access to most of it. Projects like the Asetian Bible and Kemet have a direct purpose to the public. While the Asetian Bible is a magickal tool that works as a beacon to locate and awaken lost Asetians, the Kemet book is a beautiful piece of art that is in my opinion a gift from the Asetians to all of those that have kept loyal and honestly interested in their teachings without any drama or deceit. However, Asetian music would not fulfill any of those goals, and although it would certainly be great to all of us to hear such sacred sounds, most of the musick they develop will most probably be used internally on their inner rituals, and the renown international gatherings, as the one in 2007 that became famous.
Still, only time can tell what will happen or what we will have access to, but I don't expect anything musical at least this soon, only if further in the future. I do have my hopes high for more books in the next years though...

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Musick of the Ancients Empty Re: Musick of the Ancients

Post by Syrianeh 05.02.10 0:56

Jonathan: I am only speculating, but it could very well be that, while the Asetian Bible is only part of their internal knowledge and the Kemet book only a small part of their image collection, the next release could very well be a representative part of their musical repertory.

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Musick of the Ancients Empty Re: Musick of the Ancients

Post by Jonathan 05.02.10 8:12

It makes sense. I was only speculating as well, I am not pretending to have any clue of what their plans may be.

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Musick of the Ancients Empty Re: Musick of the Ancients

Post by SetAzEl 05.02.10 9:34

I agree mostly with Jonathan on this one from what little I guess would 90% internal to the order...10% released to the public. But, that 10% will be magickal like the Asetian Bible yielding tones and texture for those who can "hear".

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Musick of the Ancients Empty Re: Musick of the Ancients

Post by Kotaro 23.02.10 20:27

Thanks for the information Victor.

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