Balance, what is it?

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Balance, what is it? Empty Balance, what is it?

Post by Vertigo 03.07.10 16:16

I was writing and article about Yin and Yang, but while writing it I saw something...
I dont think there is balance, because even in balance its either leaning toward Yin or Yang.

If you commit yourself always be neutral and give yourself an cold heart, balancing your soul to find peace, then you are leaning toward Yin.

If you commit yourself to a life where you are outside order and chaos, living a life where you always promote progress through either supporting chaos or order, then you are still leaning toward Yang since you ARE chaotic.

So, what is your view on balance?
I dont believe anymore in perfect balance between the two, since you will lean toward either Yin or Yang whatever you do.

If you act, you are Yang, if you dont act, you are Yin.

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Balance, what is it? Empty Re: Balance, what is it?

Post by Daniel09 03.07.10 17:42

Achieving balance is a little like reaching enlightenment. It will always otherwise be a little bit off of perfect no matter how hard you try, especially since in the heart of balance, trying too hard would imbalance.

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Balance, what is it? Empty Re: Balance, what is it?

Post by SetAzEl 03.07.10 17:48

It seems as if Balance or Dynamic balance is in grained within all things. Taking any extreme position will tend to manifest an opposing force to yield one in the other direction unless one resist those tendencies in which case I believe one then lives in misery. This is my opinion.

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Balance, what is it? Empty Re: Balance, what is it?

Post by Laura 03.08.10 13:45

As we know there is Duality. We are capable of great evil and great good.
I do not think that a Buddhist monk, just because he devotes his life to doing good it actually Good much less balanced. (I must say I have nothing against Buddhism, actually enjoy very much talking to people who follow that path).
I think that the only real evil is not being true to your Higher Self. And that begins by finding one's Higher Self. Once you find your Higher Self and erradicate Ego one can find balance. At this point one knows that it is possible to kill someone or safe someone..... but what for? One would only do it if it is our True Will...
Of course in the time we are looking for our Higher Self one tends to fluctuate from one side of the balance to the other and sometimes ends up in the extrems... as long as one can learn and evolve from it.

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Balance, what is it? Empty Re: Balance, what is it?

Post by Jonathan 04.08.10 3:49

Nice post Laura, I have to say I fully agree with your views.

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Balance, what is it? Empty Re: Balance, what is it?

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