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Ankh - Page 2 Empty Re: Ankh

Post by Hioman 14.08.11 20:36

Stalker: "(...)The unique thing i know is that we are Asetianists and we are here to help Asetians!"
Yes, Stalker.

I complement saying: to help and to serve.

The true and loyal Asetianists , even if not,in this life, discovering the power and subtle magic that lies within the self ... by the Will, honor and loyalty that each one have to Their common Path... this is also one of meanings of "immortality". In other words, the Sacred Ankh represents not only the eternity of the Ba, but deep and unshakable bonds that are built on firm foundations, not in fine sand. These bonds, as well as the immortal Ba, become eternal.

Serve the deepest desires of the heart, through a strong passion that is rooted in time as a great love. And that indescribable feeling that allows many mysteries. Just as the powerful and mysterious constellation of Orion, said by Stalker, in being made ​​up of bright stars, interconnected to form a single body star, shines within the darkness of the Universidade (macrocosm).

So even lost in time, some Asetians Lineages, when looking at the sky will see that They're part of Dark Land. Attracted by the purest Beacon vibration of the Ancient Ones.

And yes, They're back together, as ever, yet more strong. As each drop of water which when combined becomes a very destructive force, as are the raging waters of the sea.

Help, serve and worship ... so the Asetianists grow and evolve Themselves, as a Unique Family

Number of posts : 36
Location : Brasil
Registration date : 2009-12-14

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Ankh - Page 2 Empty Re: Ankh

Post by Talibah 15.08.11 1:10

As Stalker and many others have stated in recent times, now more than ever, all Asetianists should nurture their bonds with eachother.
We are in true Unity. A Family, sharing links and bonds beyond that which some could ever hope to understand.
But we must all remain solid in our own personal growth, as well as caring for the collective growth of this Family.

@Victor: This is a time for celebration, yes, and power is indeed shifting back to where it belongs. But I do not doubt that simmering beneath it all, the ageless threats remain the same.

Unity is strength. Evolution is continual. Awareness is imperitive.


Number of posts : 287
Location : uk
Registration date : 2008-08-17

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Ankh - Page 2 Empty Re: Ankh

Post by Jonathan 15.08.11 9:04

Victor that is very interesting. I'm pleased the Aset Ka has managed to recover someone special for them. I'm sure this is something all Asetianists cherish and smile for, even if we cannot fully understand it.

Talibah, very nice words. You, Victor, Stalker and Hioman have all passed strong words on unity, awareness and growth. It is my honor to be part of this Asetianist community, that is so much greater than all of us, and so united by those mysterious links and bonds you all speak of. It is truly something that outsiders can never understand and one of the things that causes so many to shake. Our unity.

Many people out there may want to corrupt our community, to break the Asetianists and their loyal purpose. Their greed, envy and confusion holds no power against the followers of Aset. Poor souls that don't realize that against true Asetianists there can only be defeat. Smile

I leave you all again with Talibah's words, because I believe they are very important.

Talibah wrote:As Stalker and many others have stated in recent times, now more than ever, all Asetianists should nurture their bonds with eachother.
We are in true Unity. A Family, sharing links and bonds beyond that which some could ever hope to understand.
But we must all remain solid in our own personal growth, as well as caring for the collective growth of this Family.

Unity is strength. Evolution is continual. Awareness is imperitive.

Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Ankh - Page 2 Empty Re: Ankh

Post by Natalia 15.08.11 17:40

The passion, dedication and unity in your words breathes strength. That is certainly a powerful and rare form of Love.

The followers of the Asetians are indeed unique creatures...


Number of posts : 43
Location : France
Registration date : 2010-12-17

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Ankh - Page 2 Empty Re: Ankh

Post by Akh -Ba 16.08.11 7:56

incarnations are very frequent this days , but are the imortal souls born already awakened.... i supose not . as it says in the AB you must awaken to realize who and what you are and only then you can realy reach your fully potential.

as it is mentioned before, there is a drive in this beings or asetianists to certain things places that wil make them reach their family.

so both gatherings and this forum in itself is a way to make them stronger
in their chosen time to rise as Victor speculated (Pardon my reference to you Victor but ,you made me thinking....)

Akh -ba
Akh -Ba
Akh -Ba

Number of posts : 37
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Registration date : 2010-10-23

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Ankh - Page 2 Empty Re: Ankh

Post by Akh -Ba 16.08.11 7:59

this is a great topic with very good threads.
thank you all for sharing Smile
Akh -Ba
Akh -Ba

Number of posts : 37
Location : The Earth
Registration date : 2010-10-23

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