aset's birthday

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aset's birthday Empty aset's birthday

Post by ladymoontear 17.07.10 20:30

today, july 17th is Aset's birthday. why am i telling you this? for i am sure most of you know this. its just a friendly reminder and nothing more. myself... i plan on lighting a candle and praising her. i hope many of you do the same or have plans on giving some other type of honor. blessed be to all.

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aset's birthday Empty Re: aset's birthday

Post by Daniel09 17.07.10 22:24

But I thought Aset was born during the last five days of the year in accordance with the mythology?

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aset's birthday Empty Re: aset's birthday

Post by Jonathan 18.07.10 17:58

I personally don't even think we can know such a date... given how ancient Aset and all her myths are, we would most likely find some later myth or a wrongly "translated" date to our modern time and the Gregorian calendar. We can't date births of deities... at least in my opinion, which can be wrong.

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aset's birthday Empty Re: aset's birthday

Post by Laura 03.08.10 11:20

Just a thought (and if anyone has any information on this I would like to know....)
We live in a physical plane, in which all being sooner or later suffer from physical death... Even Higher Beings, like the Asetians suffer from this and what goes on is their Soul and Self.... Wouldn't the Gods, in a physical plane, suffer from the need of having to "change" (renew, reincarnate) their physical body from time to time? If so, that would explain why there are so many birthdates for Gods, including Aset. In that case, what would Her birthdate mean if She came into being in this plane more than once? Besides, She is not from this plane, so why celebrate Her coming to being here when She came to be in a Higher plane, one we can not understand?

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aset's birthday Empty Re: aset's birthday

Post by Divine 277 03.08.10 12:13

YES ...
Divine 277
Divine 277

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aset's birthday Empty Re: aset's birthday

Post by Divine 277 03.08.10 12:14

to some of it Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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aset's birthday Empty Re: aset's birthday

Post by Laura 03.08.10 13:24

To what part of it do you agree Divine? I'd like to read your input on it. ^^

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aset's birthday Empty Re: aset's birthday

Post by Jonathan 04.08.10 4:00

I am not sure if Aset actually reincarnated. We do know that her Children did, and still do to this day, but there are no texts pointing to Aset's reincarnation. Wouldn't it be possible for her to have lived in the Sep Tepy, for a long period of time, and leaving this realm for good when she found it was the right time to? She is one of the Elder Gods after all, so it is possible that she would not even age, or at the very least slowly age... allowing for those Gods to live an abnormally long life, that would not be possible for their Children. We have to think outside of the box when we're talking of a time such as the Sep Tepy I think.

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aset's birthday Empty Re: aset's birthday

Post by Laura 04.08.10 11:02

I consider I am thinking outside the box. But we also know that Asetians hate having their body grow old, and that is what happens to everything in this plane. So I think a God would hate it even more to have a less functional body every time. There is nothing that says that the Gods reincarnated, I know; but this theory is just trying to understand why there are so many day in the year that are claimed to be the birthdate of Aset (same goes to the sites that are claimed to be the birth place of different Gods, many Gods seem to have more than one birthplace). I am also taking into consideration the limitations of this plane....

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aset's birthday Empty Re: aset's birthday

Post by Divine 277 05.08.10 5:15

Laura wrote:To what part of it do you agree Divine? I'd like to read your input on it. ^^

Im verry sorry for the late answer , I'm on wakation and I am not sitting in front of my computer that mutch Wink

Well... I agree on every part, but I think there are something that is missing Wink

When it comes to our world (the material one ) It has a great deal of rules ( scientific ).
Like all things true history, we can see things repeating it self, over and over again.

So If We have had Divine beings in our world before, they have to repeat the pattern they already was in or they will cease to exist in the mortal mind , and in the mortal world as well... cause the mortal mind needs to feel that there is something Divine about this world , just something ......

So If a Divine being wants to have any connections to this world at all, they have to go back form time to time, cause they to have to obey the rules that they them self have set in the material world.

But that does not mean that they will interfere ( that much ) whit our daily life's, cause they are mealy gods in human form and the rules still do apply to them to some extent... Cause how ever you put it or twirl it around , a human logical mind cant control /hold all that power, at leas not control it a 100 %. because its the logical part that rules in the material world and that's not logical.

But I do think they do remember things and can do thing that no mortal can, but I do think they have to be careful to not upset the very balance this world is made on,
and to be quite frank they are Very intelligent beings and do understand that if they reveal them self, it will not be believed or at leas not before they prove it and well if they do prove it, it will upset the balance and then well you have surly heard the myths and the stories.

They don't think like humans , they never will and they are probably very wired in human eyes , cause humans cant seem to get a grasp on their nature , when they think they have, it suddenly changes again...

More questions or should I elaborate more, give you more logical facts ?

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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aset's birthday Empty Re: aset's birthday

Post by Divine 277 05.08.10 5:21

Jonathan wrote:I am not sure if Aset actually reincarnated. We do know that her Children did, and still do to this day, but there are no texts pointing to Aset's reincarnation. Wouldn't it be possible for her to have lived in the Sep Tepy, for a long period of time, and leaving this realm for good when she found it was the right time to? She is one of the Elder Gods after all, so it is possible that she would not even age, or at the very least slowly age... allowing for those Gods to live an abnormally long life, that would not be possible for their Children. We have to think outside of the box when we're talking of a time such as the Sep Tepy I think.

well.. just in theory, isn't there many stories about some kind of goddess whit the same attributes in all the would ( not as much as it was tho, since the leading religions of the world at this point is based on male dominance ) ?

well is not for me to decide, every one has the right to believe in what ever they feel is right for them.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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aset's birthday Empty Re: aset's birthday

Post by Divine 277 05.08.10 5:25

Divine 277 wrote:
Laura wrote:To what part of it do you agree Divine? I'd like to read your input on it. ^^

Im verry sorry for the late answer , I'm on wakation and I am not sitting in front of my computer that mutch Wink

Well... I agree on every part, but I think there are something that is missing Wink

When it comes to our world (the material one ) It has a great deal of rules ( scientific ).
Like all things true history, we can see things repeating it self, over and over again.

So If We have had Divine beings in our world before, they have to repeat the pattern they already was in or they will cease to exist in the mortal mind , and in the mortal world as well... cause the mortal mind needs to feel that there is something Divine about this world , just something ......

So If a Divine being wants to have any connections to this world at all, they have to go back form time to time, cause they to have to obey the rules that they them self have set in the material world.

But that does not mean that they will interfere ( that much ) whit our daily life's, cause they are mealy gods in human form and the rules still do apply to them to some extent... Cause how ever you put it or twirl it around , a human logical mind cant control /hold all that power, at leas not control it a 100 %. because its the logical part that rules in the material world and that's not logical.

But I do think they do remember things and can do thing that no mortal can, but I do think they have to be careful to not upset the very balance this world is made on,
and to be quite frank they are Very intelligent beings and do understand that if they reveal them self, it will not be believed or at leas not before they prove it and well if they do prove it, it will upset the balance and then well you have surly heard the myths and the stories.

They don't think like humans , they never will and they are probably very wired in human eyes , cause humans cant seem to get a grasp on their nature , when they think they have, it suddenly changes again...

More questions or should I elaborate more, give you more logical facts ?

Sincerely Divine 277

In sorry for this Smile

But YEs they do feel taped, but they also do understand , they where a part of creating this.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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aset's birthday Empty Re: aset's birthday

Post by Divine 277 08.08.10 4:30

Laura wrote:To what part of it do you agree Divine? I'd like to read your input on it. ^^

Did you get a satisfying answer ???

sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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aset's birthday Empty Re: aset's birthday

Post by Laura 08.08.10 11:45

Thanks Divine

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