Twin Flames...

Divine 277
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Twin Flames... Empty Twin Flames...

Post by Nebibi 17.08.10 11:38

what is everyone's opinion on soul mates?
Especially Asetian Soul mates, do you think they choose each other or that their souls are just attuned to one another...?
My question may not have been to helpful, but I sometimes wonder how soul mates within (and with out) the Asetian family are 'chosen' or 'made'....

I look forward to your posts.

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Twin Flames... Empty Re: Twin Flames...

Post by BreezyDeathcard 18.08.10 9:36

well, I am skeptical of soul mates. I do beleive one being can have another being that are fully compatible with eachother, and if this is true then the other being must be really hard to find :/ it just seems that love and loyalty is dead among the human race, so many break ups, divorces. and people are throwing the meaning of love around like its nothing, and kids having relationships, trying to grow up too fast. I haven't seen true love in a long time, and loyalty, these days hardly no one can be trusted, and i've learned that the hard way many times.

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Twin Flames... Empty Re: Twin Flames...

Post by Laura 18.08.10 11:01

Well.... it is a hard question..... Are the souls attuned and there for automatically Love each other or do you Love (real LOVE) someone and from there on the souls feel the need to find one another........
It is very common for Asetians to find the same partner life after life, Loving that partner and not wanting to live on after that partner has departed...
I think the way that Asetians bond with their Love partner is what we call Soulmates... A way for a mortal to try to understand why this two persons feel so attracted to one another even when it seems that they just meet in this life.....
Remember the Asetian Family has stayed together for so long because True Love and Loyalty also last for ever....

Number of posts : 82
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Twin Flames... Empty Re: Twin Flames...

Post by Nebibi 18.08.10 16:16

what I meant was, how did they 'find' each other when they were first created (given the Dark Kiss) ? Did they just develop a strong relationship and then from there they feel in love? or was it different?

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Twin Flames... Empty Re: Twin Flames...

Post by Laura 18.08.10 18:16

The bond developed is very deep. For example, in the case of a Guardian... a Guardian probably would not feel attracted to anyone at all until He or She found their eternal Lover.
I assume that once anAsetian begins to awaken in a life They begin to dream or feel certain need to look for that special one. The bond made by True Love is a very powerful one.

Number of posts : 82
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Twin Flames... Empty Re: Twin Flames...

Post by godofbattle 19.08.10 12:07

I think that there is always a link between soulmates. However, if one mate in the curent incarnation is influenced by the mortals in their life not to do things humans wouldn't do. In other words they are incouraged not to follow their nature. This may result in them awakening later in life if they do awaken in this current incarnation. Which when they meet another asetian they may need to be pushed along more so than someone who strove for finding themselves through the fire of rejection from the humans in their lives. This is due to their fear of how people will see them if they embrace themselves and the darkness within. This requiring for the awakened asetian or the one who is striving to find theirself to work harder to gain the trust of the unawakened so that they can more efficiently guide the unawakened. But, this will take a lot trust from the one who is to be awakened. So, the one who awankens thee must then inspire them to embrace the inner depths of their soul and pull out of it the deepest of love that any human could not understand and give it to them the awakener who has always been dedicated to them and their developement. This is how I think a soulmate could be made.

Number of posts : 184
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Twin Flames... Empty Re: Twin Flames...

Post by Divine 277 20.08.10 8:01

Aristophanes professed to open another vein of discourse; he had a
mind to praise Love in another way, unlike that either of Pausanias or
Eryximachus. Mankind; he said, judging by their neglect of him, have
never, as I think, at all understood the power of Love

The sexes were not two as
they are now, but originally three in number; there was man, woman,
and the union of the two, having a name corresponding to this double
nature, which had once a real existence, but is now lost, and the word
"Androgynous" is only preserved as a term of reproach.

After the division the two parts of
man, each desiring his other half, came together, and throwing their
arms about one another, entwined in mutual embraces, longing to grow
into one, they were on the point of dying from hunger and
self-neglect, because they did not like to do anything apart; and when
one of the halves died and the other survived, the survivor sought
another mate, man or woman as we call them, being the sections of
entire men or women, and clung to that. They were being destroyed,
when Zeus in pity of them invented a new plan: he turned the parts
of generation round to the front, for this had not been always their
position and they sowed the seed no longer as hitherto like
grasshoppers in the ground, but in one another; and after the
transposition the male generated in the female in order that by the
mutual embraces of man and woman they might breed, and the race
might continue; or if man came to man they might be satisfied, and
rest, and go their ways to the business of life: so ancient is the
desire of one another which is implanted in us, reuniting our original
nature, making one of two, and healing the state of man.

original text :

There are more theologies around this subject.....
And I am happy to write about them , but for now here is the Greek version Smile

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Twin Flames... Empty Re: Twin Flames...

Post by Laura 21.08.10 0:03

godofbattle the Love that makes and Asetian awaken is a deeper Love than to a Soulmate even...... It is the Love to Aset, once an Asetian finds that He or She is a child of Aset and that part of Her lives in Them how could they refuse to accept what they are? That is Love and Loyalty in it's purest form..... To embrace themselves as Asetians is to embrace Her and the part of Her than lives not only within them but in every member of the Family.... I think that this also makes it easier for an Asetian to find a Soulmate within the Family.... They already Love every member of the Family because They Love Her, so extending that Love to the Love one has for a Soulmate must be a lot easier than finding a bonding with someone outside of the Family.....and yet...... they end up bonding with people who Love the Family and are Loyal to them, that is why the Asetian Family grows, giving Their gift to few who are worth it (less and less each time) and accepting mortals and other beings who are Asetianists andLoyal aas part of Their extended Family

Number of posts : 82
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Registration date : 2008-06-07

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Twin Flames... Empty Re: Twin Flames...

Post by Jonathan 21.08.10 10:19

Laura wrote:godofbattle the Love that makes and Asetian awaken is a deeper Love than to a Soulmate even...... It is the Love to Aset, once an Asetian finds that He or She is a child of Aset and that part of Her lives in Them how could they refuse to accept what they are? That is Love and Loyalty in it's purest form..... To embrace themselves as Asetians is to embrace Her and the part of Her than lives not only within them but in every member of the Family.... I think that this also makes it easier for an Asetian to find a Soulmate within the Family.... They already Love every member of the Family because They Love Her, so extending that Love to the Love one has for a Soulmate must be a lot easier than finding a bonding with someone outside of the Family.....and yet...... they end up bonding with people who Love the Family and are Loyal to them, that is why the Asetian Family grows, giving Their gift to few who are worth it (less and less each time) and accepting mortals and other beings who are Asetianists andLoyal aas part of Their extended Family
Great post Laura, you seem to express a great understanding of how the Asetian Family bonds and their views and feels over Love. Nice read. Smile

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Twin Flames... Empty Re: Twin Flames...

Post by godofbattle 21.08.10 15:08

I was speaking of an awakened asetian awakening an unawakened asetian. I was saying that through the bond of that relationship love could manifest.

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Twin Flames... Empty Re: Twin Flames...

Post by godofbattle 21.08.10 15:24

Allow me to be a bit more clear. It is True the love is always there. I simply mean that the bond that is between the awakener ( or master) and the one he councels is a very strong one. And they may choose to be lovers or mates if they wished. I understand very well the bond between Asetians and their family.

And that was a great post.

Number of posts : 184
Location : Detroit MI
Registration date : 2009-08-14

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Twin Flames... Empty Re: Twin Flames...

Post by Nebibi 22.08.10 17:15

Indeed Laura, indeed.

Number of posts : 179
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Twin Flames... Empty Re: Twin Flames...

Post by GodmanOmar777 26.10.10 0:39

Laura wrote:godofbattle the Love that makes and Asetian awaken is a deeper Love than to a Soulmate even...... It is the Love to Aset, once an Asetian finds that He or She is a child of Aset and that part of Her lives in Them how could they refuse to accept what they are? That is Love and Loyalty in it's purest form..... To embrace themselves as Asetians is to embrace Her and the part of Her than lives not only within them but in every member of the Family.... I think that this also makes it easier for an Asetian to find a Soulmate within the Family.... They already Love every member of the Family because They Love Her, so extending that Love to the Love one has for a Soulmate must be a lot easier than finding a bonding with someone outside of the Family.....and yet...... they end up bonding with people who Love the Family and are Loyal to them, that is why the Asetian Family grows, giving Their gift to few who are worth it (less and less each time) and accepting mortals and other beings who are Asetianists andLoyal aas part of Their extended Family
I really love how you put that. I couldn't of sad it better myself, just perfect.

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