What is Love to You

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by Morticia 05.01.18 12:29

There are different forms of love..you love your parents or your children unconditionally...Then there is your partner that you are in love with..I am in love right now and my boyfriend grabbed my heart at first sight..I just knew he was the one, I got that feeling in my heart and gut...We have been together for 3 1/2 years and the love has just grown stronger every day...Love can be tricky too, for me, sometimes love can hurt and cut so deeply that you think you are dying...

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by TaurusDevil 27.01.18 14:37

I experienced love 16 years ago. I was with her just over 2 years and we were engaged after 6 months. It was a very intense relationship that went downhill rapidly towards the end. My experience of love is that it hurts like hell, so now I steer away from it and getting close to people!

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by Nightvein 14.02.18 0:47

Love is a good thing, I would say don’t give up! I think love is worth living for.

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by Meena 20.06.20 23:19

I think love is one of the supernatural thing which either can make you stronger or weak.
Depends on you how you think about it.
Love is a feeling so that's why I said that it is supernatural to me.
Don't ever think that you have only true love, you may love multiple people at a time and there's nothing wrong about it. It's just that you feel safe and loved with them.


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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by Troublemaker 22.06.20 9:20

True for the shallow world of humans perhaps. But that is not real love.
Most people completely abuse the word love, it seems.

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by Meena 22.06.20 10:31

It's not abusing , I think it's called a perception of me and yours.
We both have different ways and stuck into different situations and that's why we had different meaning . Not only we every other person seems to have different meaning for every word.


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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.06.20 10:52

Dumb words fail to capture the immeasurable essence of Love. It is futile to debate. Better to simply be and let the rose flower blossom. Very Happy

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by Troublemaker 22.06.20 10:54

It's a common sign of a rotten and decaying world of self-centered people, the inability to stick to only one soul as a partner. The excuse of "oh you can love more than one person at once" is utterly full of sh*t. That is generally the excuse people use when they are weak cowards lacking any sense of what honor and loyalty truly are. It is not a mere difference of perception that each person has. I am afraid that excuse will not float. Unfortunately the modern vampire community has passed off an incredible number of lies about love, and since they screamed it loudly enough it seems to have stuck.

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by Troublemaker 22.06.20 10:58

If your mind cannot even have an inkling of what love is while separate from common society's distortions, perhaps this type of vampirism is not the best study idea for you.

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.06.20 11:04

If you're talking about that type of love then I firmly and wholeheartedly agree. True love in that sense does require the strength, loyalty, courage and honor of a true warrior and not the weakness of a coward enslaved to mere egoic desire, falsely called as "love" - the distortions of society, indeed.

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by Alexiel 22.06.21 9:59

I've been lurking on this forum for quite a while - years, in fact. I figure that this may as well be as good a time as any to make my first post. I feel like love is a very intricate experience, it can be both exceptionally light and delightfully (or horrifyingly) dark. There are a lot of nuances, especially society-based, that can bastardize certain types of love - and while I do believe that for the modern day human certain styles of affection can be excessive or unhealthy, there is a certain beauty to a dynamic that can be wholly and inherently understood by it's foundations of love.

Though at this point I'm being rather vague, I think that love - if broken down into a simple form, - is a spark of familiarity given a purpose. Whether that purpose turns that spark into a warm and cozy fire of platonic affection or a roaring inferno of obsession is entirely dependant on the type of love (as there are numerous types)...but it can all be broken down to that spark.

That spark should always be treasured, I think.
As it is the purest form of love.

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.06.21 10:21

Hello and welcome to the forum, Alexiel. Will you do us the kindness of an introduction thread here in the Off Topic so we might get to know you somewhat better? Smile

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by Alexiel 22.06.21 10:32

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:Hello and welcome to the forum, Alexiel. Will you do us the kindness of an introduction thread here in the Off Topic so we might get to know you somewhat better? Smile

Sure thing!
Sorry for missing that. ^^;

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by 8lou1 24.06.21 15:46

when you sense without knowing there is Love, Life grows.
when you find a Lover, you enter the heart and find a place unbeknownst to many.
there are many places like that. some are stonewalkers, some travell the stars, but most of all they follow Love.

when One finds it's true place, it gets connected in many ways. Love rules,Yah wins.
who is God???

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by LSDanny 15.02.22 23:09

Is love in the compassion, feeling, or intention?

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by SoulTower0 09.12.22 12:18

This is hard to digest all of this, and maybe add something that has not already been said, or pointed at.

And distill all of it into a single still, extent.
This is perhaps what can come close to it, for today.

Love is what frees me from me. Lovingly.
True Love is when I free it back. Willingly.
A singularity beyond all comprehends.
I cannot even define what it is not.
Because it can choose to be unlimited beyond all-thought.
It can be considered Rhythm of Living in Living. Breath of Breath. Life of Life. So how can I not worship creator of such Love and giver to Her children? I cannot not.

I realize I'm performing a necromance on a decade old topic.
But Love Herself is Timeless like that. Conquerer of Life and Death.
Servant to the Most Sacred Space. Beyond all ends. Present beyond hope for hope. Actual in fear, unveiling changeless face in all changes.

I don't want anything. All the possessions can go away in the face of True Love. Be Real. Do Right and Hard. Fight of Silence. Calmer of Anger in Innocence. Language of Eternal upon Infinite Truths. True Gate of All Mysteries, and Giver of All Mysteries. Turner of Poisons into Potions. Ordinaries into Transcendantals. Lifter of Ignorance and Protector of Arrogance. Untouchable and Uncatchable like a Perfect Melody. Comes only when surrendering purely, rightly, and exclusively Honest. To your path. To your Deity. To your beloved. To your living. Snow-face washing away all, while Inviting all to all in, all in all. Reliever from All Decadence. Highest Grace. Singer of Purities. Healer of Broken Kindness. Magical. Mystical. Mythical. Substance of All Substance. Source of all sources. Lightless light. Selfless might. Discarder of even reason. Savior of shades. Liberator in a Loving Dance. Secret Name. Noble Kindness. Maddening Luck. And Kindness of True Mind. Wonderous One, Speaking through silence and uniting all stars.

Power and desire...
to overcome power and desire.

Unexplained essence. Smiling whispers. Light in the eyes. Life in the gods. Meaning and manna beyond rhymes. Falling and rising. Knowing and being. Feeling and becoming. Self-complete. The only perfect thing.

Blackness of creation. Silence of your God. Dreaming beyond dreaming. Ecstasy of all speech. Immutable eyes of existence. Peacemaker between heavens and hells. Warring God and Wrathful Healer beyond all access. Near and dear to all that is excess. Spontaneous. Authentic. Real. Illogicable. Intangibly simple. Practical and always humble...

That's how She is allowing me to see herself.

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What is Love to You - Page 4 Empty Re: What is Love to You

Post by OpalineOwl 13.08.23 22:43

To myself, love is something that is easy, simple, almost instinctive. I've heard in my life many say "love is hard", but I don't think that's an apt way to describe the feeling itself. Lovers go through hardships, sure, but the emotion itself is as deep and as natural as breathing. However, still to me I don't use the word lightly. I have partners, I have friends with whom I've been intimate, and I have many different phases of affection I go through before I call it "Love". When I do label my affection as love, it is unbridled and without hesitation. Life is too long and too tedious to limit oneself in emotional expression. To me love is something that makes you happy, warm, and safe. It's comfortable, like a blanket in winter, but sturdy, like pillars of stone. Even through adversity, through mistakes big and small, it is there. Even alone, love makes itself known in the simple things you do to make yourself happy, that make up the foundations of selflove.

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