Sexual feeding....

Akh -Ba
Divine 277
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Sexual feeding....  Empty Sexual feeding....

Post by Divine 277 28.10.10 15:05

I was thinking, about the lineages and the way the choose to feed ...

Then I though, there are probably people in here who feed sexually.

So I wondered If some of you use Tao and Kamasutraṃ?

And How often do you sexually feed?

What kind of experiences do you have whit this type of feeding and how do you focus you energy ?

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Sexual feeding....  Empty Re: Sexual feeding....

Post by Akh -Ba 01.11.10 17:13

not to brag, but i`v been lucky for the last few weeks actually... Twisted Evil so i must say once every second week for the last to mounths ,,. no tao or kamasutra her.. just pure love and passion is the only way im willing to feed ..
Akh -Ba
Akh -Ba

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Sexual feeding....  Empty Re: Sexual feeding....

Post by twinkblood 28.01.12 20:39

sexual feeding in my opinon does in a pinch,but i prefer my blood doners.

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Sexual feeding....  Empty Re: Sexual feeding....

Post by Demonia 29.05.12 13:05

sexual feeding... teehehe... its amazing. had the pleasure of getting some yesterday haha...! i dont do tao or kamasutra, not sure how those work, but for me feeding by means of sex feels like psi-feeding but a different flavor and intensity. its the absolute best when you're making love, its... indescribably ecstatic.

when i would have a boyfriend, i would sexually feed whenever we did it, sometimes focusing more intensely on taking energy in and draining them, other than just sharing it. its like a deep psi-feed and you are, for that moment and even afterwards, connected to your partner (or prey). kindof like, as if your auras combine but your aura overpowers and eats theirs. and its not just about being the receiver and taking their energy during sex, its also an art of giving pleasure to them to evoke more energy from them.. and feeding off of that aswell.

sexual feeding tends to last longer for me compared to just regular psi feeding and ambient feeding, its like stealing a piece of their core energy and its a warm flame, and keeps me content for a week, sometimes two weeks, or even a month. wont even have to focus on psi feeding during those times cause ive had my fill Smile im not too good at explaining things but i hope you get the gist of what i mean haha.

but yeah.... for me, this is how i feel in regards to different feeding methods and how well they keep me sustained; feeding from plants nature and animals' energy being the least, then ambient feeding, then being close to a person and taking small amounts using tendrils, feeding astrally, deep psi feeding with physical contact, and the most filling so far being sexual feeding. i have yet to blood feed and look forward to, but as long as im good with these ways, i wont go out of my way to obtain it.
also, kissing is a great way of taking energy too.. its like you hypnotize them during the make-out session, and breathe them in.

hope what i shared answers a few of your questions ^_^

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Sexual feeding....  Empty Re: Sexual feeding....

Post by Maxx 29.05.12 14:57

Dear Ones.....

Those of you that read this specific topic and subject section, I would hope that you would go and read the description by the Asetian Master in his own words at the link below. Look in his topic.......The Vampire.

It will help to put things in the proper light.....and answer all those questions.

A true Asetian weaves the essence of love, honor, high ideals, and a strong desire to grow spiritually in these areas....... as well as all aspects in life. It is well to see how the Master describes this subject.


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Sexual feeding....  Empty Re: Sexual feeding....

Post by Jonathan 29.05.12 16:06

Maxx wrote:Dear Ones.....

Those of you that read this specific topic and subject section, I would hope that you would go and read the description by the Asetian Master in his own words at the link below. Look in his topic.......The Vampire.

It will help to put things in the proper light.....and answer all those questions.

A true Asetian weaves the essence of love, honor, high ideals, and a strong desire to grow spiritually in these areas....... as well as all aspects in life. It is well to see how the Master describes this subject.

I agree that article never gets old. It's a great introduction to real vampirism in a balanced and straightforward way. By the way the Aset Ka has published a new similar article, this time about magick. I have just posted about it in another thread if you wish to check it out.

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Sexual feeding....  Empty Re: Sexual feeding....

Post by Ashling 16.06.14 19:03

It tends to happen naturally. My favourite is receiving energy (astrally, ethereally, bilocation, etc). Be it by visitation by OBE, A.P, Mental projection, etc. By the focus of their consciousness. With them Dom/Domme-inating/Topping. And me Subbing/Bottoming. And them serving me from the top. Or cycling through each other. I don't get to feed in that way much. Being most have faint/weak energy. Or they don't know how to do such. Or they don't believe in such. Or they turn me off in some way.

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Sexual feeding....  Empty Re: Sexual feeding....

Post by Woolfe 09.10.15 14:25

My favorite way to feed would be sexually. I love the energy my partner expels when I pleasure him. It is very satisfying for me.

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Sexual feeding....  Empty Re: Sexual feeding....

Post by Fritz_the_Scholar 14.04.16 15:57

This is going to sound really awkward but I'm going to admit it: one of my greatest fantasies is a vampire feeding from my phallus. Not in the usual sexual way but like biting into it while it's filled with blood. I don't know is anyone actually feeds this way but I'm curious.


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Sexual feeding....  Empty Re: Sexual feeding....

Post by Maxx 14.04.16 19:55

At this point, I believe you have one more last chance.  Beyond that, I do not think you will make it here for very long with that attention span.

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Sexual feeding....  Empty Re: Sexual feeding....

Post by Troublemaker 15.04.16 10:31

I don't even have the machinery you speak of and yet reading this still made me cringe... hard.


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Sexual feeding....  Empty Re: Sexual feeding....

Post by Minaethiel 04.05.16 17:11

Look in his topic.......The Vampire.

[Vampirism link]

It will help to put things in the proper light.....and answer all those questions.

I see this is a fairly dead topic, but I truly enjoyed reading this link, so I wanted to say thank you for posting it.

This line - "What a real vampire truly craves at his core is Ka, the Essence of Life, whether released by an intense sexual orgasm, from the blood dripping off a donor's vein or simply by the touch of the flesh" - made me smile so much.

This weekend I was at a friend's gallery opening, and I felt this absolute need to hug him, so I did. It surprised me 1) because I don't do touchy-feely stuff much, and 2) when we hugged, an immediate, wonderful exchange took place. I chalked it up to him being a good hugger, but now that I've read this, I understand that he was so in his element, so full of his life, his Ka must have been shining so bright. Aw, now I'm smiling just remembering it.


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