Feeding sensations

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Feeding sensations Empty Feeding sensations

Post by Syrianeh 02.10.08 17:27

I think it would be very interesting if we all shared here our sensations or feelings when feeding, whatever the method. I know it is not quite the same for everyone.

In my case, and depending on the intensity, I would describe it as a warm tingly surge starting below the navel and spreading out. It can have different "tastes" or "feels" to it depending on the source, but I rely on cycling it around to adapt it to my own system - and if I like it, I let it stay the way it came in. It's very difficult to explain the very subtle differences in taste or feel, I would say they are the results of being laced with different types of emotions.

Well, that's the best way I can describe it.

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Feeding sensations Empty Re: Feeding sensations

Post by Talibah 03.10.08 5:36

I have never had the pleasure of being able to feed from someone directly, so most of my feeding is done ambiently or indirectly, but it always lacks some sort of definition.

Depending on the environment, Ambient feeding, for me personally, is not always pleasant. I feel confusion, claustrophobic and weakened with a dull ache throughout my body especially in my hands, (??) and a headache right at the back of my head that can last for several hours.

During Indirect feeding I have learned to shield quite heavily to try an minimise the effect it has on others. The sensations are, depending on how many people are in the environment, or indeed the environment itself, akin to the feeling of having the first alcoholic drink. It starts as a heavy warmth in my lower abdomen, spreading upward and outward, sometimes causing giddyness which can be followed by an urge to 'lock on' to certain individuals. If I do this, then the feeling is intensified, and becomes 'denser' lending a heavy feeling to my body.

It's hard to explain...reading this back, it still doesnt accurately describe it. scratch

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Feeding sensations Empty Re: Feeding sensations

Post by Victor 03.10.08 12:05

Talibah wrote:Depending on the environment, Ambient feeding, for me personally, is not always pleasant. I feel confusion, claustrophobic and weakened with a dull ache throughout my body especially in my hands, (??) and a headache right at the back of my head that can last for several hours.
From the sensations you are describing, something is not going well in your Ambient feeding. Those should not be the sensations of a healthy flow. Try to do some energy balancing and most of all, a few grounding and centering exercises, before actually indulging in the feeding actions. Let me know if it changed anything in your sensations. If not, you should try to locate the cause.

Talibah wrote:During Indirect feeding I have learned to shield quite heavily to try an minimise the effect it has on others. The sensations are, depending on how many people are in the environment, or indeed the environment itself, akin to the feeling of having the first alcoholic drink. It starts as a heavy warmth in my lower abdomen, spreading upward and outward, sometimes causing giddyness which can be followed by an urge to 'lock on' to certain individuals. If I do this, then the feeling is intensified, and becomes 'denser' lending a heavy feeling to my body.
You should not shield at all while feeding, that will not minimise the effect on your target. But I do understand your intentions with it, which is like not to lose control and over-feed, causing problems in the target's energy system. For this, you should practice self-control, or else try to use an energy filter that would break the connection if the flow is too high. Although this last option might be a bit complex to implement for starters.

Hope that this could be of some help.

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Feeding sensations Empty Re: Feeding sensations

Post by vampirezoe19 25.12.12 12:49

I fed today. For the first time in over a year. She had the best blood I've ever had. I knew she would - I could tell by her aura. I even got to drain her from my preferred site - the neck. Her blood had a pretty good taste, but the effect of it was what amazed me. As soon as I tasted it I was overcome with bloodlust... I didnt even care that her necklce was in my face, she offered to take it off but I wasn't gonna wait for even a second. I needed my fix. I got only a small amount, maybe 2 sips total. But when I was done, I felt.. full. complete. Like every cell in my body was nourished and whole. The initial rush was incredible - best described as otherworldly. I'm not exaggerating at all here. Major euphoria. It was like floating, without feeling off-balance. Just the opposite. Like I was unnaffected by gravity or wind or fatigue or anything. I felt.. out of body. Afterwards I ran and it felt amazing. It felt like I was going a million miles an hour... and the blackbirds were flying above me, following me and I just felt so connected to them. Its hours later and I'm still feeling complete and healed. I needed to feed to so bad, and I'm extremely grateful to my new donor.


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Feeding sensations Empty Re: Feeding sensations

Post by Nox 13.04.13 19:12

I often feed off group energies and because I am still at highschool, I personally find the energy to be very fulfilling as there are so many different emotions and "flavours". But I do, like you Syrianeh get a warm tingly feeling from my navel. I feel it most in my chest and my palms. I used to do a lot of energy work when I was studying Wicca so my palms are extra sensitive and since my awakening I find the sensitivity has increased. I hope that helped! I'm rather new to this all but yeah! :3


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Feeding sensations Empty Re: Feeding sensations

Post by Black_Halo 05.06.13 13:34

I've never tried direct feeding, but through ambient feeding I get this head rush, I feel my heart beat pick up a bit...I feel energetic and excited. I feel like I'm on amphetamines or something.

There are times when I get that rush of excitement around my friends, and they often complain of exhaustion later. I don't mean to feed on anyone directly who hasn't given me permission...I'm not sure if I just happen to be really ecstatic around them because they're my friends and they just happen to be really tired a lot, or at least whenever we hang out, or if I'm unconsciously feeding on them?

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Feeding sensations Empty Re: Feeding sensations

Post by sikvdili 15.06.13 23:22

even though it is neccassary, it can still become addictive, I try to mix the blood with other organic material to in a figurative sense "water it down"

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Feeding sensations Empty Re: Feeding sensations

Post by Jessamine 07.11.15 1:52

Have you also noticed that some people have a better quality energy? Like when you feed from someone you can feel the energy tingling inside you the whole day and from some it dessipates very fast like in an hour or while you feed you can feel it is not so "intense". And you're like meeeh :-D better than nothing.

Mostly i feed indirectly and during sex. I dont get much from ambient feeding so i use it rarely.

But it is fascinating how diffrent people "taste" diffrent. Like one make you tingly in your stomach and all giggly. And then some feel like more peaceful and calm. And also someones energy is like "compatible" whith yours and some not so much. Very hard to describe this energy stuff especially when english is not your first language :-D

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Feeding sensations Empty Re: Feeding sensations

Post by Zmedallion 07.11.15 6:43

Jessamine wrote:Have you also noticed that some people have a better quality energy? Like when you feed from someone you can feel the energy tingling inside you the whole day and from some it dessipates very fast like in an hour or while you feed you can feel it is not so "intense". And you're like meeeh :-D better than nothing.

Mostly i feed indirectly and during sex. I dont get much from ambient feeding so i use it rarely.

But it is fascinating how diffrent people "taste" diffrent. Like one make you tingly in your stomach and all giggly. And then some feel like more peaceful and calm. And also someones energy is like "compatible" whith yours and some not so much. Very hard to describe this energy stuff especially when english is not your first language :-D
yes yes yes lol. Some people have good equality energy that you can feel just rushing into your body and the more you feed from that one person it gives you kind of a high feeling. I've never been high but I think that how it would feel. On the other hand there's some people and there energy is so shitty I can't seem to draw energy from them .maybe like a little sip I guess but barely anything.

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