Sudden Curiosity

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Sudden Curiosity

Post by Aghrab 13.10.08 13:21

This may sound like a repeated question, which I am sure we all asked ourselves in silence (we, ones who do not have "direct contact with the Asetians")... if Mr. Luis Marques himself is an Asetian or not. I may sound strange for saying this, but the way he expresses his ideas within the Asetian Bible, to me, is so... inhuman. It is deeply moving, his words, as no other writer's words are, in the books, any books, that I have ever read throughout my years of research.

I would like to know your opinion and thoughts on this, for it is a question I have had in mind for long.


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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Saylamine 13.10.08 13:33

I thought the same thing about Luis Marques and the Asetian Bible. The words just flow from the pages like nothing that I have ever read in any other book. I thought his writing style was very ethereal, spiritual and uplifting. I really truly wonder whether he is an Asetian because of this.

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Karnath 13.10.08 14:11

Em Hotep.

I totally agree with what you say, because I felt the same. In every single word there's a profound feeling of the Ancient World the Asetians lived in. Reading the Asetian Bible is such a good way to feel like you're drowning in the Nile...

I have never asked myself if Mr. Marques was an Asetian or not:
I am positive he is an Asetian, and particularly a Viperine. This is clearly a leader's move. I will not pretend to know more than any mere mortal around the place. Just check for yourself, page 22. For you to be sure that the image means that he is a Viperine, just go to page 105. He wouldn't use that symbol along with his signature if it didn't mean it was a sign of personality. But who else could perform such a move, if not a real Viperine? Of course other Asetians must have also gave their profound and divine contribution, but of course that only a leader and major writer could sign as the author. A genius, no doubt.

Best regards,

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Victor 13.10.08 14:26

Aghrab brought a subject that certainly all of us have at least once asked ourselves about it.

I must say I agree with Aghrab, Saylamine and Karnath about the profound feelings we have while reading Luis Marques' masterpiece, the Asetian Bible. It certainly does not read like any other literary work on my hands. It moves, it flows... in a way that is just so deeply spiritual, that just like Saylamine said, his writing style is simply ethereal.

On the subject at hand, I fully agree with Karnath, since I made the same parallels myself while reading. And lets be smart on this, who would actually the Aset Ka trust with such an important book and step into the modern world, to bring the Asetians out of the shadows, if not an Asetian and an Elder?
But if we still had doubts about how would the order handle such situation that is at the same time both tactical and spiritual, our answer is right in the book, in every single page of it. The words and style of Mr. Marques are unique. Purely magickal. Purely deep. Purely... eternal.

I have no doubts those words and energy came from a being that is immortal, and certainly not a newborn, but someone that is around this realm since its very beginning.

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Aghrab 13.10.08 14:35

It is nice to know your thoughts on this...

Karnath, I too thought with no doubt that if he is an Asetian, he would be of the Serpent lineage, a Viperine, having such a feeling of deep wisdom and knowledge of the Ancients within his words. Also I believe that Luis Marques can do wonders with his writing, for he write magically, as I said, as no author can, which was also mentioned within the Asetian Bible how creative Asetians from the Viperine lineage are, and Mr. Marques, without a doubt, is a genius.

I deeply wonder if there will be any future projects from the Aset Ka, in which Mr. Marques again would enlighten us with knowledge and amaze us with his powerful words. I cannot get enough of the beauty in the words of Mr. Marques...


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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Victor 13.10.08 14:40

Aghrab wrote:... Mr. Marques, without a doubt, is a genius.
Or a true son of a Goddess. Wink

Aghrab wrote:I deeply wonder if there will be any future projects from the Aset Ka, in which Mr. Marques again would enlighten us with knowledge and amaze us with his powerful words. I cannot get enough of the beauty in the words of Mr. Marques...
I deeply hope so. Actually... I believe so. I want to believe.

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Aghrab 13.10.08 14:43

Victor wrote:I have no doubts those words and energy came from a being that is immortal, and certainly not a newborn, but someone that is around this realm since its very beginning.

I can agree with you, and I am sure such words and feelings did not come from a newborn, but most definitely an Elder Asetian. As I said, he truly speaks the language of the Ancients.


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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Hellen 16.11.08 6:07

Greetings ,

What captured my attention from the first time was not as much the literary style as the architecture of the Bible ,
it's hidden structure of stratificated information and order ,with different levels of accessibility and many dynamic doors for evolution .
This is nothing more than a true proof of very advanced levels of experience ,definately an almost impossible task for a human , that's why it couldn't be done by a human ,even -with granted access to the classified texts, inner knowledge and practices, internal to the Order as it is said officialy (and not without reason i guess)
This was the authors will ,and of the Order ,as I understand , not to atract attention on the author himself but on the Bible



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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Syrianeh 18.11.08 12:43

I never doubted that Luis Marques is an Asetian, as, as Karnath well points out, a Viperine. However I have been asking myself something else, regarding this.

Why would he use such a "mundane" name? I mean, it is a perfectly good name, but supposing it is the name he has been born to in this lifetime, or just an apparently low-key name he has decided to use for himself (Both "Luis" and "Marques" are very common names in Portugal), is it not a bit of an incoherence? He is writing from the standpoint of One who has seen time flow throughout many lifetimes.. thus it would make more sense if he used the name that would best define his inmortal soul.

If you take a look to the top of page four, there is a list of those who contributed to the Bible. One other name is clearly Portuguese (Tânia Fonseca), but there is a third name, Elënya Nefer, which has clear Asetian connotations. Also, while I'm on the topic, notice that precisely these three (both of these women along with Mr. Marques) have carried out the "Metaphysical development, past-life work, Asetian history research, validation and revision". Thus, this would make the other two women part of a triumvirate. One of them would be a Concubine and the other a Guardian.

Again, I am not critizicing in any way Luis Marques' choice of name, just saying that perhaps there is hidden meaning in it.

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Victor 18.11.08 14:43

The author's name, Luis Marques, sounds quite vampiric and archaically ancient. At least for those of us here in the USA...

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Syrianeh 18.11.08 14:52


You said it, in the USA. It's actually a very normal name in Portugal or its equivalent in Spain, where I'm from.

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Victor 18.11.08 15:03

Anyways, I find it more logical, at least to me, for the author to use his real name (birth name or ID name) in a work that is also fully public and one of the first real world moves from the Aset Ka in several centuries.
I believe that his soul name, Asetian name, or magickal name, is more appropriated to internal publications and his spiritual work within the Order, being more meaningful and sacred. Probably only something to be called by from his closest friends or his Asetian Family, and not by the world at large.

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Syrianeh 18.11.08 15:20

Yes, you have a point there. I also thought that perhaps the reason for hiding his "Soul name" is a way to maintain privacy. Also, a name is power, a power that many don't deserve...

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Victor 18.11.08 15:45

Syrianeh wrote:Yes, you have a point there. I also thought that perhaps the reason for hiding his "Soul name" is a way to maintain privacy. Also, a name is power, a power that many don't deserve...
I agree. Who knows who Master Luis Marques may have been in the past, even in history...
Keeping his Soul Name private, is not only a good security policy, as it is as you said, a way to maintain privacy. Well said, a name is power. As Mr. Marques himself said, the Power of Words.

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Ankhhape 18.11.08 17:36

Knowing the real name of someone is power . . . I don't think we will ever know the authors true name.

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Jonathan 20.11.08 10:57

A'nen Sedjet wrote:Knowing the real name of someone is power . . . I don't think we will ever know the authors true name.
We don't need the author's real name, we already have his precious literary work in our hands. cheers

But I can imagine how many loads of people that man has after him, wanting to get near and stalking. It is scary the life of famous personalities in the occult society.


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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Victor 20.11.08 12:14

Jonathan wrote:
But I can imagine how many loads of people that man has after him, wanting to get near and stalking. It is scary the life of famous personalities in the occult society.
Luis Marques is one of the very top personalities when it comes to Vampirism and predatory spirituality around the globe. That takes along many responsibilities.

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Aghrab 20.11.08 14:57

It is deeply interesting how a few of you mentioned who Master Marques may have been in the past... does anyone have any ideas or thoughts on this?


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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Aghrab 20.11.08 15:07

Jonathan wrote:But I can imagine how many loads of people that man has after him, wanting to get near and stalking. It is scary the life of famous personalities in the occult society.

I am more than sure Mr. Marques is too unreachable, and have ideas of him being well protected by ones closest to him, and within the Order.


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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Victor 06.12.08 9:09

Aghrab wrote:It is deeply interesting how a few of you mentioned who Master Marques may have been in the past... does anyone have any ideas or thoughts on this?

I feel kinda scared to throw this highly implicating idea into the discussion, but I would like to take the courage and say... Horus...


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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Maktub 06.12.08 9:18

Victor wrote:
Aghrab wrote:It is deeply interesting how a few of you mentioned who Master Marques may have been in the past... does anyone have any ideas or thoughts on this?

I feel kinda scared to throw this highly implicating idea into the discussion, but I would like to take the courage and say... Horus...

You are threading dangerous terrain there Victor. Pharaoh


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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Victor 06.12.08 17:25

Maktub wrote:
You are threading dangerous terrain there Victor. Pharaoh

I know... :X

*goes into deep silence*

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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Jonathan 06.12.08 17:29

Victor wrote:
Aghrab wrote:It is deeply interesting how a few of you mentioned who Master Marques may have been in the past... does anyone have any ideas or thoughts on this?

I feel kinda scared to throw this highly implicating idea into the discussion, but I would like to take the courage and say... Horus...

I did not wanted to be the one to say it first, but... well... to be honest I had that exactly same thought after reading the Asetian Bible, but did not had the confidence to share it so directly.
Nice discussion.


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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Victoria 06.12.08 17:37


It is very interesting that you say Horus. But, somehow, I have to disagree. This is only how I feel, and I am unsure if anyone here would agree with me or not. I believe that Luis Marques is not Horus himself, but someone that he, Horus, deeply has an unbreakable trust in, with the first step of the Aset Ka out of shadows and into light. Somehow, I just cannot agree... although this does not mean I am questioning his lineage or honor, at all. I simply have a feeling that Luis is someone that the Asetian Leader has chosen...


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Sudden Curiosity Empty Re: Sudden Curiosity

Post by Victor 06.12.08 17:49

Victoria wrote:Victor,

It is very interesting that you say Horus. But, somehow, I have to disagree. This is only how I feel, and I am unsure if anyone here would agree with me or not. I believe that Luis Marques is not Horus himself, but someone that he, Horus, deeply has an unbreakable trust in, with the first step of the Aset Ka out of shadows and into light. Somehow, I just cannot agree... although this does not mean I am questioning his lineage or honor, at all. I simply have a feeling that Luis is someone that the Asetian Leader has chosen...

I have to disagree with you, Victoria.
First, the Aset Ka came out of the shadows after literally centuries of secrecy and mystery, and for that I doubt the choice of Luis Marques for the creation of the Asetian Bible has come from Horus, but obviously from Aset Herself. Horus is not the true Asetian Leader as you said, Aset is. Horus is one of the Three Primordials, Aset's first born... who better than him to lead back the Aset Ka into this new age? Who better than the first Viperine to be, again, the new Asetian Leader of the New Age, or Second Era of Vampires as it is called in the AB.
We can all agree that Master Marques is clearly one of the most recognized and widespread accepted leaders of the Asetians in modern times. Would the Aset Ka create a leader out of non-notable Asetian? I doubt it. Would they come to light again, to face ROS astonishing power once more, without the rulership of Horus? I again doubt it.
There is no reason for Horus not to rule, and there is no reason for him to remain in the shadows. It makes full sense, if we think, for Master Marques to be in fact the modern reincarnation of Horus, Aset's son. The Viperine Leader. The family master and guide... just under a different name. Just don't expect the AK to confirm you that. Wink

And ooops... I have talked too much again. Twisted Evil

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