Airplane, helicopter, submarine

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Post by Maxx 17.10.08 17:46

I must continue to ask again, if Sitchin's theories are incorrect, then what is the explanation of the pictures on the walls of some of some of the temples that display pictures of the Airplane, helicopter, and the submarine. They are very plain to see.



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Post by Jonathan 18.10.08 10:37

Maxx wrote:I must continue to ask again, if Sitchin's theories are incorrect, then what is the explanation of the pictures on the walls of some of some of the temples that display pictures of the Airplane, helicopter, and the submarine. They are very plain to see.
There is no airplanes or submarines in temples. The answer is the complexity of the human mind.

Humans tend to see objects that they are familiar with in many abstract things; seing people expressions forming in the clouds, seing flying saucers in atmospheric phenomenon, making coherent forms out of random tea leaves, observing symbols inside the natural impurities found in crystals, to the more scientific method of the Rorschach inkblot test, used for psychological evaluation, developed by Hermann Rorschach, that lies precisely on that peculiarity of the human mind.

The answer is in what the human mind wants to see, not in aliens from other planets. Now people see airplanes and helicopters, because they deal with them on a daily basis, so it has a simple and yet easily recognizable form in his own mind. In the past they would certainly see other things more related with their current lifestyle and state of technological evolution.

Human mind is the secret behind it... not aliens.


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Post by Victor 18.10.08 11:29

Jonathan wrote:
Humans tend to see objects that they are familiar with in many abstract things; seing people expressions forming in the clouds, seing flying saucers in atmospheric phenomenon, making coherent forms out of random tea leaves, observing symbols inside the natural impurities found in crystals, to the more scientific method of the Rorschach inkblot test, used for psychological evaluation, developed by Hermann Rorschach, that lies precisely on that peculiarity of the human mind.
I would not have said it better myself. Great post Jonathan, straight to the point.

I am not a fan myself of all those modern theories and beliefs in UFOs and beings from outer space to take credit for our own history and past. I see it as nothing more than another form humans have come up with to fulfill their inner need to explain the mysteries they cannot comprehend with the limited knowledge they have.

Anyways, I am curious, and sceptic, about the existence of such pictures in any Ancient Egyptian temple. Would you be able to provide us links or scans to such hieroglyphic walls and its geographical location in Egypt please, Maxx?

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Post by Maxx 18.10.08 12:28

Jonathon and Victor.......I will look for your apology henceforth. Language like that based on things you know nothing about tend to make me leary of other statements I have read here with no proof to back up what it stated........only "trust me, it is so". LOL. The very thing I
have stated I don't put credence in.

Thank you,


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Post by Jonathan 18.10.08 14:23

Maxx wrote:Jonathon and Victor.......I will look for your apology henceforth. Language like that based on things you know nothing about tend to make me leary of other statements I have read here with no proof to back up what it stated........only "trust me, it is so". LOL. The very thing I
have stated I don't put credence in.

Thank you,

Apology for what exactly? What I said was meant generally and I can repeat it as many times it is needed. I simply stated that the human mind tends to see what it knows on abstract forms, that is a fact. Now, what do you really know, to say that me, and Victor, know nothing about the subject? Sorry if I hit a nerve there when it comes to lack of knowledge. But a fact is that you, or anyone else in here, know nothing about what I know and what is my level of expertise. So please don't repeat again that kind of assumptions based on smoke or you simply lose all your credibility.
But you that say that we "know nothing about", when yourself seem to be the one being ignorant on this subject. The image you pasted, many of the soft lines that make it resemble modern vehicles, are simply deterioration of the base rock where the original carvings were made. But I will leave further technical detail on that for Maktub, that certainly knows more about it than I do, if he is even willing to join such pointless theories.

Anyways, to further point all those claims as nonsense, all we have to do is look at the description below on the page you have shown, which they say it is a model of a modern airplane fuselage developed by the Egyptians. lol! Are you serious? That is a well renown statue of a common bird that was typical of the south Nile climate, it is even estimated in species.

Again... the human mind trying to see what it wants to see.


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Post by Maxx 18.10.08 15:58

Actually, if you had clicked on all the connections you would have found that they are saying there is no way that could be explained by your comment.
From this arena, and other comments, I am finding that this site looks to represent some that simply list comments from an Asetian referral while the pretext of the format states that the Asetians are not here. In other words, Shadow comments based on presumtions from the Asetians or mysterious info pasted in secret from two or three who infur they are Asetians. Trying to be highly mysterious and evolved and just being tongue in cheek does not seem to advance knowledge in any way. It just seems laughable. Case in point are the youtub videos shown on the net and commented on here. All of them could have been shown to be a travel video from Egypt. No merit at all to connect to Asetians. I am finding that most of the commentary is similar to this. Just shadow referrals from someone who knows someone who knows someone. How beautiful that is......? It just does not merit much belief for truth. I would much prefer answers from those such as Maktub that have actually spent time in the dust looking for answers. Not much interested in answers from those that be of a would be or wannabe Asetain declaring what the Asetians stand for. Wasteing time. So I will look in a more plausible location for some answers to my questions instead of game wannabees.

I certainly can understand from this exchange that I am not an Asetian. More likely from this I will look towards Set for my questions to be answered in a more enlightened fashion.

No need for me to look here again for any questions to be answered in a documented way........only speculation based on what one whats to believe. That is not truth.

Good fantasy.


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Post by Jonathan 18.10.08 16:30

In what concerns me, your comments were nothing more than empty. You speak about people claiming connections and knowledge from Asetians, and anyone can ready my full posts on this site on how I never did anything even near those comments, and even assumed not being that so knowledgeable of Asetianism.

So maybe you should be the modest one in here, and assume your own limitations and things that you don't know. Going all crazy just because I stated an obvious fact about how the human mind works only proves how you can't deal with an opinion against yours and being refuted by obvious arguments, instead of your full shadowy claims and accusations that are just sand thrown at the readers' eyes.

First I read you saying you could so identify with the Guardians' lineage and how many things you read on the Asetian Bible made sense to you. Now I read you saying that you cannot be Asetian but will look into Seth for answers. Without being an expert in Asetianism, I can easily assume you are no Asetian and no Sethian either, because so unsure about your own self and your own path reflects a lack of evolution and defined personality that either the Aset Ka and the Red Order of Seth do not tolerate. Your whole I feel connected to this, I feel connected to that, ends up being a weakness to both Aset and Seth, resembling more of a teen's choice for which color he now likes. Certainly we can all agree that is no way to deal with such deep things as spirituality.

You said you were leaving this forum because it has no truth, and wished us all a good fantasy. But you are the one into aliens, UFO, and all that new age melodrama that is simply in fashion these days, but not really worthy of any serious occult student. Being that the case, I really believe you are on the wrong forum, since for science-fiction, alien invaders and the boogeyman, this is no place.

Using your own words, enjoy your fantasy. The human mind is not only responsible for seeing what it wants to see and what it wants to believe, but it is also responsible for most of its delusions... beware.


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Post by Elendor 18.10.08 16:39

Maxx wrote:So I will look in a more plausible location for some answers to my questions instead of game wannabees.
Good fantasy.

Maxx, I would ask for you not to imply that all members from this forum are game wannabes, or fantasy role-players. It is insulting and completely off reality concerning some of the members that we can count with in this community.

Past that, I recommend to all of you to chill.

Vampirism Forum Admin

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Post by Ankhhape 18.10.08 17:48

Now Maxx . . . I thought I was the only one posting hard to believe information here . . . LOL!

Sitchin is incorrect in assuming alien interaction on any Egyptian Temple or architecture. Jonathans' explanatory post was on the mark , although his remark
"But a fact is that you, or anyone else in here, know nothing about what I know and what is my level of expertise."
is quite inaccurate and pompous.

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Post by Jonathan 18.10.08 18:07

A'nen Sedjet wrote:
Sitchin is incorrect in assuming alien interaction on any Egyptian Temple or architecture. Jonathans' explanatory post was on the mark , although his remark
"But a fact is that you, or anyone else in here, know nothing about what I know and what is my level of expertise."
is quite inaccurate and pompous.
Don't get me wrong, I did not mean I know more than anyone else around here, what I said is that people don't know my level of knowledge, simply because I have not discussed it in here and people don't really know me, just that. I was simply explaining that people in here didn't had the time and the opportunity yet to know me better, so it sounds hilarious some guy coming out of the blue saying "stop talking about what you know nothing about". Not implying I know more than you or anyone else around here...
I hope that is clear now.

Elendor wrote:
Past that, I recommend to all of you to chill.
I am sorry if I was in any way inconvenient or too harsh on my previous comments, but I believe I just tried to explain the situation on topic and clear out the misconceptions that were being assumed. Anyways, you are right, and we should all get along in here.
Thank you for your intervention.


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Post by Maxx 19.10.08 8:50

I read your comments. My first post was a question, not a statement. Everything you typed was from a viewpoint that showed me you are unable to comprehend. I was only asking for what some thought was the meaning of this. Then two replied that I was seeing things that were not there and was my total delusional imagination, your reply reflected your inablility to see anything you cannot fit into your mind and connect with. This made me see red. Ego is raw emotion which is evident the two of you are very much controlled by. Myself, included. I do not bow at your feet as you think I should as I have not found you to be worthy of that respect. You both say you are not Asetian so how can you reflect by answering what they would decide. This is what I am referring to as fantasy. One's statement that said "our", meaning an implication he was an Asetian.

And again, Jonathon comments with his declaring himself to speak from an Asetian viewpoint when the format declares there are no Asetians here. Over a short period of time, I have lost the respect I had in the beginning for this location on the net. That explains my disconnect from my former comments. I have found reason to not respect this agenda because of your actions. It does not represent the unbiased approach it proclaimed it represented. Even the posts that Anen Sedjet made were ridiculed openly and all he did was make a post for comment. What you say you represent has become nothing more than the other boards on the net. A one sided operation where some try to bully down those that just ask questions that might not agree with what they have wanted to project. Trying to advance something like the Asetians when you have no background on the topic is what I referred to as wannabee. That seems obvious from many replies some have posted here. There is nothing wrong with pursuing an agenda one feels drawn to. But to wrap ones self in the cloak of rightousness will not grant one the rightousness one seeks. That is obvious from what I have found here. Again, I have lost the respect I once found here because of one or two. And I am not speaking of the entire board and never implied that all were gamers, as Ellendor wrote.

As I saw openly, the bias toward Anen Sadjet posts from a few, I see how human nature does continue to operate. Humanly.


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Post by Victor 19.10.08 15:20

From what I can see, Jonathan never implied his viewpoint being from an Asetian. He did not even relate with it. He simply stated his mind based on his opinion and some well known facts. Nothing to do with Asetianism. So now not only you are going on with your delusional nonsense, as you are directly lying. Seems like it was not you that lost respect for the board, but the board that lost respect for you. There is nothing to respect after your comments in this thread, it became clear how you cannot deal with people that do not agree with your point of view. You talk about ego, but your full posts express how you are fully centered on it, ultimately exposing your evolutionary handicaps. Lying as you did to try to prove your point is a desperate measure... Twisted Evil
No format from this forum is corrupted, only your mind is, as most of the human minds out there that just seek one thing... self acceptance. You claim that Jonathan has no background on the topic and is a wannabe, when you are the one that reached here without ever knowing about the Asetians and Sethians unlike most of the people in here. It is you who is the wannabe. Wake up to life... It is you who came from vampire role-players background in the States, as you even said it yourself. So don't call wannabes when you are the one with no background or knowledge in the subject. You have all the rights to wish to learn and evolve, no doubts about that, but trying to pass by as evolved and knowledgeable when all you say are confused claims, unsupported theories, biased truths and direct lies about members of this forum, then you are nothing on the path to evolution.

You talk about the human nature. I believe all your posts on this thread reflect precisely that... how the human nature operates. Humanly.

Now if there is nothing else to add to this post, I will not get involved in silly and childish flaming wars about who is right or who has the biggest organ. I am done with this. Twisted Evil

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Post by Elendor 19.10.08 15:28

This thread have just went too far, and fully out of the purpose and scope of this forum, reaching a point of no seriousness and no maturity when the members just flame back and forth. This is completely out of the reasons behind why this forum exists and will NOT be tolerated in here. We won't allow this forum to lose its credibility and renown maturity in its approched subjects because of two or three members.

I am locking this thread and advise you all to move on from it, not getting back into this. If you are willing to keep on this childish discussion, please do so on some more appropriated place, not this home. Or why not, in private? I am tired of observing the ego-centered positions that were assumed in this thread.

I don't want to see other threads being open to give continuity to this form of debate. As it was stated before, that will NOT be tolerated in here, wether you three like it or not. If any of you does not like how this community operates, you are free to seek out another one...

Thank you.

Vampirism Forum Admin

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