Usui Teate
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Usui Teate
In the beginning of the story of Mr. Mikao Usui, the system of Reiki was called Usui Teate which means healing by hand. The name Reiki comes after. In fact, there is a long tradition of hands-on healing in Japan and this is one of the traditions who Mr. Usui perfected over time. Currently, there are many versions of Reiki, each with their methods, where I believe much of what Mikao Usui taught to his student was lost over time, especially in Europe and America. The Usui Shiki Ryoho, one of the most widespread in the world thanks to the contribution of Mrs Hawayo Takata, who sought healing in Japan (after having been diagnosed with short time to live), healed, and "brought" the Reiki to West. In Reiki, although the versions of Reiki, they have their own lineage, for example, Mikao Usui is the founder of any lineage, in the case of Usui Shiki Ryoho Mikao Usui was Master of Chujiro Hayashi and Hayashi master of Hawayo Takata and here is where the world start to knows Reiki. Takata formed something less than 24 masters and these students/masters by itself began to take different paths and so far... things have become completely out of context. I am initiated in Usui Shiki Ryoho and I lost interest in this path. Maybe because I felt a bit restricted in the method or maybe i am limited in my abilities to interpret and recognize the universe as it it with the techniques of Shiki Ryoho. I do not believe that Reiki is just good energy, positive energy and healing. There is more than that. Reiki masters say that Reiki is not a religion and don't have dogmas, but the truth is that it has dogmas and increasingly is tailored to religion. Dr. Hayashi opened a Reiki clinic in Shinano Machi, Tokyo. After the death of Mikao Usui and create their own methods of cure, taught and educated his students that focuses more on a technique of healing and ignoring the rest of the knowledge that Mikao Usui taught him... after all, he was just a doctor.Because of the omissions by Hayashi and Takata the Reiki comes to the West as a simple technique to impose hands, losing on the road a number of growth techniques spiritual self empowerment and healing and also purification. Anyway, Reiki works through our Inner Will, and is convinient to tell people to use that desire to ONLY and ONLY use positive energy for healing. The universe is complete. There is positive, negative and neutral energy....depends on what we do with it, depend of our purpose. The bigger example that i can give you is In 1940, Hayashi kill himself with a technique of Reiki. Stange, I thought Reiki was only for healing... So how could it be used for the death? This is a good/positive purposes?
All these teachings led me to abandon Reiki, until I discovered something interesting ... Gendai Reiki Ho. Means: Modern system of Reiki. Created by Hiroshi Doi, who tells us that he is a member of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, and studied with the former Gakkai chairperson, Mrs. Kimiko Koyama, Gendai Reiki blends western Reiki with what Doi claims to be the teachings and methods used by the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. The number of techniques for spiritual growth, self empowerment and also purification and healing that was lost in the Usui Shiki Ryoho are now redeemed in Gendai Reiki Ho. Seems to be a new port to get closer to the knowledge of Usui Teate that once was a few years ago in Japan.
I think I found something closer to the truth ... What do you think about all this? I'm not saying that my conclusion is right, but it was where my search led me. I shared with you what I think about Reiki .. I would like to know your point of view.
Thank you
All these teachings led me to abandon Reiki, until I discovered something interesting ... Gendai Reiki Ho. Means: Modern system of Reiki. Created by Hiroshi Doi, who tells us that he is a member of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, and studied with the former Gakkai chairperson, Mrs. Kimiko Koyama, Gendai Reiki blends western Reiki with what Doi claims to be the teachings and methods used by the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. The number of techniques for spiritual growth, self empowerment and also purification and healing that was lost in the Usui Shiki Ryoho are now redeemed in Gendai Reiki Ho. Seems to be a new port to get closer to the knowledge of Usui Teate that once was a few years ago in Japan.
I think I found something closer to the truth ... What do you think about all this? I'm not saying that my conclusion is right, but it was where my search led me. I shared with you what I think about Reiki .. I would like to know your point of view.
Thank you
Re: Usui Teate
I think this is a good learning story .
When we are on a path we must acknowledge that every scholar and teacher we encounter has his own imprint at widening the path or limiting the path according with one's own perspective (or intention sometimes...) we are all different ,having different perspectives , more stagnated or more creative . A teacher or a school should be a selfless guide on the path and not assume the path itself and never try to limit the student's perspective or creativity but on the contrary encourage this practice. In this way the path reveals itself, alive , and uncovers much vast dimensions.
We have numerous religions , we have so numerous schools , as we have parties ,nations or countries but knowledge should never stop at the borders and neither should we .
That's why I am glad that you continue on the path -which is Reiki , and not limit yourself to one school or another .
Is like constructing your own pyramid (of knowledge , understanding and wisdom) . You check many stones until you find the ones fit, sometimes you must polish a little by your own , but always add only if is fit otherwise it will not stand ( maybe it stands for a while but in time will fall). Regardless the path it is important to be open to every information and knowledge that comes towards you , but always filter & analyze it through your own system and senses and add it if it's in perfect accord with the rest and with yourself . No knowledge should be taken for granted .Maybe a stone is not fit at the first level but you remember it at the third and add it there .Also you can always learn from Nature itself , or catch an idea from someone you talk in the street ,or have a sudden inspiration. Knowledge is not limited to books and schools .
What is important to remember: on how you weigh the stones the pyramid will stand and grow and on it's height depends how far you will be able to See the Path itself .
When we are on a path we must acknowledge that every scholar and teacher we encounter has his own imprint at widening the path or limiting the path according with one's own perspective (or intention sometimes...) we are all different ,having different perspectives , more stagnated or more creative . A teacher or a school should be a selfless guide on the path and not assume the path itself and never try to limit the student's perspective or creativity but on the contrary encourage this practice. In this way the path reveals itself, alive , and uncovers much vast dimensions.
We have numerous religions , we have so numerous schools , as we have parties ,nations or countries but knowledge should never stop at the borders and neither should we .
That's why I am glad that you continue on the path -which is Reiki , and not limit yourself to one school or another .
Is like constructing your own pyramid (of knowledge , understanding and wisdom) . You check many stones until you find the ones fit, sometimes you must polish a little by your own , but always add only if is fit otherwise it will not stand ( maybe it stands for a while but in time will fall). Regardless the path it is important to be open to every information and knowledge that comes towards you , but always filter & analyze it through your own system and senses and add it if it's in perfect accord with the rest and with yourself . No knowledge should be taken for granted .Maybe a stone is not fit at the first level but you remember it at the third and add it there .Also you can always learn from Nature itself , or catch an idea from someone you talk in the street ,or have a sudden inspiration. Knowledge is not limited to books and schools .
What is important to remember: on how you weigh the stones the pyramid will stand and grow and on it's height depends how far you will be able to See the Path itself .
Hellen- Insider
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Re: Usui Teate
i am also initiated into the reiki system, even though i have trouble following rules for handpositions and i cant stand sigils/symbols.
still i learned what they teached and it didnt feel right. it was to rigid and simplistic. in my view energy should be free so why use those rules?
just like you kalb i discoverd something else wich fitted way better. for me that was shamballah 1024 reiki. its only an initiation, an opening of a portal and the rest is up to you.
it gave me the freedom to explore myself in the way i wanted it: flow with the energy and learn. and yes it can heal or hurt or be neutral. its your intent what makes the difference. i never tried it consciously on someone else though. since its my believe one needs to heal ones self first before helping others.
with reiki i always had the feeling i wasnt connected to me but to something else. just like in religion....maybe it has become an other way of ancestor worship
i am also initiated into the reiki system, even though i have trouble following rules for handpositions and i cant stand sigils/symbols.
still i learned what they teached and it didnt feel right. it was to rigid and simplistic. in my view energy should be free so why use those rules?
just like you kalb i discoverd something else wich fitted way better. for me that was shamballah 1024 reiki. its only an initiation, an opening of a portal and the rest is up to you.
it gave me the freedom to explore myself in the way i wanted it: flow with the energy and learn. and yes it can heal or hurt or be neutral. its your intent what makes the difference. i never tried it consciously on someone else though. since its my believe one needs to heal ones self first before helping others.
with reiki i always had the feeling i wasnt connected to me but to something else. just like in religion....maybe it has become an other way of ancestor worship
8lou1- Adept
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Re: Usui Teate
Em Hotep,
Self-attunements are not part of the original Reiki practice, in fact, attunements are against to Usui teachings. The dogma and concepts of self-initiation are the new method of new-age. Anyway, Everyone is capable of working with energy for healing, mainly Vampires.
Self-attunements are not part of the original Reiki practice, in fact, attunements are against to Usui teachings. The dogma and concepts of self-initiation are the new method of new-age. Anyway, Everyone is capable of working with energy for healing, mainly Vampires.
Re: Usui Teate
usui teached a path with years of study and development of inner knowledge not like takata in the western world who introduced the different levels with huge financial payments.
so yes i agree with you attunements arent part of the original form of reiki.
still the western world these days is so disconnected that most people cant do without an attunement. they have lost their ways so to speak.
could you explain the dogmas and concepts of self-initiation? to me those things dont combine. self initiation to me is being at the right time and place so you can learn further from you new (energy) surroundings.
maybe its not the safest route, but its the one i like
so yes i agree with you attunements arent part of the original form of reiki.
still the western world these days is so disconnected that most people cant do without an attunement. they have lost their ways so to speak.
could you explain the dogmas and concepts of self-initiation? to me those things dont combine. self initiation to me is being at the right time and place so you can learn further from you new (energy) surroundings.
maybe its not the safest route, but its the one i like
8lou1- Adept
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Re: Usui Teate
Em Hotep,
8lou1: We already know that Reiju was created with a single purpose - to encourage people to use Reiki. Therefore, the point here is to realize the direction the story took, especially the manipulation that was done to get a lot of money over the years. Anyway, according to Asetian Bible, Reiki is just a magickal vibration of metaphysics and I agree, not only for what is well explained in the book, but because I tested by myself many times. When you use magick, or manipulation of energy you use various methods you intend to feel the vibration and frequency of things. Sexual Energy, Elemental Energy, is about Manipulation of Energy, with Reiki is the same thing.
Here we go again .. What is magick? Aleister Crowley defined Magick as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will." Interestingly was told in the past century, a different Djehuty. Now we live in a new Djehuty where the concept of magick is totally different. According to Writer and Master Luis Marques:
Really makes sense. Understand Magick, we can understand how things really work.
8lou1: We already know that Reiju was created with a single purpose - to encourage people to use Reiki. Therefore, the point here is to realize the direction the story took, especially the manipulation that was done to get a lot of money over the years. Anyway, according to Asetian Bible, Reiki is just a magickal vibration of metaphysics and I agree, not only for what is well explained in the book, but because I tested by myself many times. When you use magick, or manipulation of energy you use various methods you intend to feel the vibration and frequency of things. Sexual Energy, Elemental Energy, is about Manipulation of Energy, with Reiki is the same thing.
Here we go again .. What is magick? Aleister Crowley defined Magick as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will." Interestingly was told in the past century, a different Djehuty. Now we live in a new Djehuty where the concept of magick is totally different. According to Writer and Master Luis Marques:
Magick is the fine art of crafting the invisible. - Liber Aeternus I.2 (Aset Ka, 2012)
Really makes sense. Understand Magick, we can understand how things really work.
Re: Usui Teate
do i understand you right when i say selfinitiation is a form of magic?
8lou1- Adept
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Re: Usui Teate
Kalb I'm not sure if I understood what you meant, but I don't see Crowley's and Marques definitions of Magick all that different. In fact I think both would agree with each other from how I see things. Marques seems more intuitive and mastering magick through energy while Crowley was more ceremonial in nature, but otherwise they appear to have many beliefs and powers in common.
Jonathan- Master
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Re: Usui Teate
Jonathan: Well, I see a major difference. Crowley said: "The Science and Art of Causing Change to Occur in conformity with Will". Much has been said about the"Will", but, the point here, and looking for the magick world, not everything happens according to our pure Will, not all our will is done, often we join a world that we does not understand and do things just by Inner Will, based on fantasy and dreams that end up being a disappointment, putting things limited. Or I can tell you that this is nothing more than the Law of Return, What you desire is what you have, whether real or unreal. Of course, it is not so linear, there are things that we can through by our will, especially in the occult world. Magick is not only about Will.
Now, about the Master Luis Marques. "Magick is the fine art of crafting the invisible. - Liber Aeternus I.2". According to the Book Of Orion, this citation is inside of Sebayts. Sebayt, is an approximation to our understanding, means "Meanings / Concepts". This literature was developed in the temples of Ancient Egypt by hierophants and passed the young started to self-development and initiation into the higher mysteries. Which have now been passed to us. I see this quote as something more complex, more elaborate and we must remember that the most important part of the teachings of Writer Luis Marques is dealing with our inner demons, give the quantum leap, and be aware of our weaknesses and strengths.
8lou1: I think so.
Now, about the Master Luis Marques. "Magick is the fine art of crafting the invisible. - Liber Aeternus I.2". According to the Book Of Orion, this citation is inside of Sebayts. Sebayt, is an approximation to our understanding, means "Meanings / Concepts". This literature was developed in the temples of Ancient Egypt by hierophants and passed the young started to self-development and initiation into the higher mysteries. Which have now been passed to us. I see this quote as something more complex, more elaborate and we must remember that the most important part of the teachings of Writer Luis Marques is dealing with our inner demons, give the quantum leap, and be aware of our weaknesses and strengths.
8lou1: I think so.
Re: Usui Teate
Usui Reiki is a great form of light energy work, especially for people starting out in the world of energy use.
Nightshade- Adept
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Re: Usui Teate
I have been initiated into Usui Shiki Ryoho and Tera Mai Reiki. My Reiki Master taught me how to use the Reiki Symbols for meditation purposes, astral travel, Akashaic Records Retrieval, etc. Each Traditional Reiki Symbol is used for a specific level (physical, emotional,mental, and spiritual). As Nightshade stated above, Reiki is a great form to use when starting out with energy work.
I have also used Runes, Hieroglyphs, the Pentacle/Pentagram, and other so called non Reiki Symbols in my healing practice, as well as for defensive and offensive purposes with great results.
I have also used Runes, Hieroglyphs, the Pentacle/Pentagram, and other so called non Reiki Symbols in my healing practice, as well as for defensive and offensive purposes with great results.
OmegaRavenSpirit- Beginner
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