why is it assumed all concubine are females?

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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by DCxMagus 26.02.12 6:38

This is something I have noticed and never really understood.

It seems when people talk of the other 2 lineages more care is made to make them uni-sexed when referring to them. Yet the moment a discussion of a concubine occurs "she" is the pronoun not only of choice but seems to dominate the conversation. As a male that really only relates to this lineage I've always been confused by this. I can't possible be the only male up to this point in history to relate to this lineage. Yet even when I was talking with people about the psy vamp codex and the related "caste" of concubine this is something I noticed. So much to the fact that some people were even locked to the idea that a male could never be a concubine because no "male" soul would chose to reincarnate like that. The topic of a female soul in a male body did come up as well, but I don't really relate to the fact that a soul has a predetermined gender.

It's not that this annoys me or anything, just wondering why this seems to be the case? Is it because at quick glance the concubine lineage seems to be "weaker" and more "subservient" to the other 2 lineages and it's just peoples social conditioning bleeding over to assume that role HAS to fall to a woman?

I do have a theory on this but I would like to hear some others ideas on the subject or if they even noticed this before?


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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by Victor 26.02.12 10:32

That does happen a lot. Ignorance is the reason.

You are correct as the Asetian lineages are not connected with gender, just like there is no weaker lineage. Each has its weaknesses and together they make a greater whole. Even if historically Viperines were prone to hold positions of leadership in the Order or even religiously and politically as pharaohs, that doesn't make them stronger than other lineages, but simply taking advantage of something they excel at. Asetians don't compete for power amongst themselves, that's a human concept and mindset, and a reason why many people don't understand Asetian union. Each has its own special place and existence, as they don't battle to be wiser, cuter or more powerful than their brothers and sisters. That's what humans do.

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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by witchmark 26.02.12 10:58

I feel that the gender related topic of concubines being female comes from stories found in the Christian Bible and then took that image to other stories commonly related to the collection of women found in certain books and then finally the big screen.

I have always felt that both male and female were to be found amongst concubines. Perhaps it simply makes for a more visually portrayed stories for making a female a monster. Who really knows at the end of the day? I know I sure do not.

I think that those without understanding, (I for one do not hold a great deal of knowledge in this area but do hold a speculation), turning to the portrayal that the media and fiction writers have given concubines is a way of knowing. Again, this is speculation on my part. It is a normal mindset to use ideals found easily until one takes the time to seriously do a bit of studying. Sometimes, that is simply getting to know a few. Smile


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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by Kalb 26.02.12 12:32

Em Hotep,

It's a interesting view about stories found in the Christian Bible, witchmark. I agree with what Victor said. We need keep in mind that information that we do not know, it is completely private and only Asetian Family can approve.

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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by witchmark 26.02.12 13:17

I fully agree, Stalker.


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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by Jonathan 26.02.12 23:09

Victor wrote:Each has its own special place and existence, as they don't battle to be wiser, cuter or more powerful than their brothers and sisters. That's what humans do.
Battling to be cuter... lol! Sorry I just couldn't resist, that is just so typically "low human". I just don't like calling it simply human as not all humans are that shallow, even if most are. But yeah, I get what you mean, and that was really funny! Smile

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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by N.Augusta 27.02.12 9:46

“When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you.”

“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.”

“Mastering others is strength. Mastering oneself makes you fearless.”
Lao Tzu

I agree, no competing! All are important!


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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by N.Augusta 27.02.12 9:49

Those three quotes are from Lao Tzu

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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by Jonathan 27.02.12 13:41

N.Augusta wrote:
I agree, no competing! All are important!

Oh hi there, you've been missing! Smile

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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by N.Augusta 02.03.12 13:27

Hiya Jonathan! I'm never too far away though. Smile

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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by Kalb 02.03.12 14:53

I can agree with Jonathan. You seems a interesting person N.Augusta. We wish see more of you around here again you always have a interestings views and ideas about occult and Asetianism.

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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by N.Augusta 04.03.12 17:28

Thank you for your kind words, Stalker. I really appreciate them, a lot! Smile


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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by Matttt 31.12.13 22:01

In the Asetian bible it is stated that the majority of Asetians are of the concubine lineage. It is my belief that because of this there would have to be a decent amount of male concubines.

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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by Jonathan 31.12.13 22:11

There are males and females of every Lineage.

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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

Post by Kalb 04.01.14 15:11

Jonathan wrote:There are males and females of every Lineage.

Women are at an advantage.

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why is it assumed all concubine are females? Empty Re: why is it assumed all concubine are females?

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