Greetings New to this Site.

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Greetings New to this Site. Empty Greetings New to this Site.

Post by Victorya 24.04.12 22:52

Greetings and blessings to all. I greet all who are also new.

I am Victorya. I just joined this group. I have joined this group because I believe that Vampyres are innately disposed to the highest attainment of Spiritual attainment. Thus, my interest in within what is of the Spiritual Realm.

I read a bit about the Setians. I have not read the Setian Bible. However, the premise of being the children of Isis, spoke to me to the innermost part of my being. I hold the highest Honor and Worship to the Divine Feminine. I am a Vampyre. 39 years old.

I believe that only through Spiritual Attainment which comes from a Desire and from the Will, is the highest potential of a Vampyre attained.

I have not been able to make contact with the Setians. I don't know if I am doing something wrong . I don't have access to the website that would offer membership.

I am glad that I found this group; delighted to be here.



Number of posts : 2
Location : Hurricane Utah
Registration date : 2012-04-20

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Greetings New to this Site. Empty Re: Greetings New to this Site.

Post by Kalb 25.04.12 1:21

Em Hotep, Victorya.

Glad you find us. Just take some time and check all our Forum. Give me your feedback later please.

Feel free and enjoy around here.

Number of posts : 1280
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Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Post by Daniel09 25.04.12 8:25

The reason that you cannot contact the Asetians is because you cannot join them. If they wish to have you among their ranks, they will find you. Get the Asetian Bible and give it a good read-through. It will help.

Number of posts : 850
Age : 32
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Registration date : 2009-01-17

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Greetings New to this Site. Empty Re: Greetings New to this Site.

Post by Jonathan 25.04.12 10:25

Welcome to the community.
Read around as there is much to learn in here. Hope that you enjoy your stay!

I subscribe to Daniel's words.

Number of posts : 3062
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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