Magick by the Aset Ka

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Magick by the Aset Ka Empty Magick by the Aset Ka

Post by Jonathan 29.05.12 16:04

I don't know if you have noticed, but with the update of the AK Web to their latest version, besides the preview to the Book of Orion that we have all been discussing for the past few days it was also silently added a new article on Magick. It's not long but I'm finding it a beautiful read that explains what Magick truly means to the Asetians. It clears some misunderstandings and separates the Aset Ka from the more fictional and superficial side of magick that some embrace, showing how spiritual and deep the art magick is to the practitioners of the Asetian path. I liked it a lot.

It also includes some intriguing sentences from the new book!

You can read the new article in here:

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Magick by the Aset Ka Empty Re: Magick by the Aset Ka

Post by Kalb 30.05.12 16:03

This link was my first reading, was even before read the Book of Orion. I really agree with you.

Jonathan: What do you think about the new color of Dark Mark? wrote:

Do you think that black color means Black Flame? Some part of "Asetian transmit a little knowledge of Dark Flame" Something like that.

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Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Magick by the Aset Ka Empty Re: Magick by the Aset Ka

Post by Jonathan 31.05.12 14:18

Stalker I'm not sure if the use of black in the new Dark Mark image has a special meaning. We know the Asetians have a unique aesthetic sensitivity and taste so this choice could be simply artistic.

Number of posts : 3052
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Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Magick by the Aset Ka Empty Re: Magick by the Aset Ka

Post by Kalb 31.05.12 17:33

True. Was just an idea. study

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Magick by the Aset Ka Empty Re: Magick by the Aset Ka

Post by N.Augusta 02.06.12 7:58

That is so strange, I typed my response, hit "enter" and boom- twas gone. Let me try this again.

My first thought on seeing it was that it is a representation of "balance" of both "light" and "dark," and that what we see is a perfect unison of the two joined together in completeness which serves as a reminder that we should always strive for balance. Now, I realize that this sounds very simplistic, but remember that there is also beauty in simplicity-- and often the answers to things are quite simplistic when you pull apart the layers to discover the answers. We (people in general) have a tendency to over complicate things which clouds us from seeing that which is standing before us. With that said--most likely I am way off. Smile There could be a special meaning, maybe not.

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Magick by the Aset Ka Empty Re: Magick by the Aset Ka

Post by N.Augusta 02.06.12 8:04

I LOVE this article! It is simply BEAUTIFUL!

Number of posts : 439
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Registration date : 2009-12-29

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