The use of Tendrils

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The use of Tendrils Empty The use of Tendrils

Post by Demonia 28.06.12 16:29

Em Hotep

How often do you use your tendrils to feed? and do you feel like sometimes they just come out on their own/feel more prominent when you're "hungry"? i know i do hahah. also, how many people dont just see them as legitimate tendrils, but as other things?

sometimes mine manifest into wings, and i grab peoples energy with them like a giant net. other times my tendrils will be pointed like a dagger towards the end, and when walking by someone i just jab into them and take energy while stuck to their aura. just wondering if im not the only one who does this/gets creative with feeding ^ ^;

its funny though because with the wings, i was just walking around the hallways in college last semester and my tendrils kindof just appeared as wings one day without me consciously thinking about it. when i feed from random people like this its usually a select few in a crowd i decide to steal little bits of energy from... i dont just target one person and prey on them, i feel bad sometimes :X

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The use of Tendrils Empty Re: The use of Tendrils

Post by Kaia 28.06.12 21:51

Wings, huh? It's an interesting way to shape them ^^
I used to see mine as "hands", because I didn't have another name for them, but the term 'tendrils' does apply better.

I can't remember ever feeding in a creative way using tendrils... I have to see what I can do with them Razz


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The use of Tendrils Empty Re: The use of Tendrils

Post by Desmeuo 06.01.18 1:05

I'd say tendrils are good for precise feeding, where you want to target specific people. They're often something I use when I am either working on precision feeding (small amounts from vital areas) or I need a quick charge at the gym.

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The use of Tendrils Empty Re: The use of Tendrils

Post by Charby 06.01.18 2:50

For me, tendrils are only a visualization I often suggest young people use for a time. Once you can feel and direct energy flow well enough, I see no need of the visualization.

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The use of Tendrils Empty Re: The use of Tendrils

Post by A.Nightside 12.01.18 0:02

I have phantom wings. I'm not sure why, I was once suggeted they could be a collection of tendrils but I personally do not agree.

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The use of Tendrils Empty Re: The use of Tendrils

Post by Jonathan 12.01.18 0:46

A.Nightside wrote:I have phantom wings. I'm not sure why, I was once suggeted they could be a collection of tendrils but I personally do not agree.

Any connection with draconian influence or entirely unrelated?

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The use of Tendrils Empty Re: The use of Tendrils

Post by A.Nightside 12.01.18 23:59

Far as I've been able to figure via just introspection and time (I found that during my journey of self-discovery, most answers just came to me if I relaxed, didn't stress and let myself exist naturally), no draconian connection. .. but unlike all the other aspects/parts of me/my identity, I've never been able to figure out my wings. I assumed they were nonhuman related, but have researched various Fae creatures, angels, etc and so far nothing seems to "click". Some angel/celestial types seem similar, but all in all nothing matches quite right. I also don't experience anything that I might consider "nonhuman" as far as sensations in relation to my wings. They aren't related to my wolf or felid shifts, they don't seem to be related to my vampiric Hunger. I don't experience any additional mental, astral or phantom shifts of any kind that relate to my wings. They're just there, have been for as long as I can remember (recognized them around the age of 8 or younger).

I've had dreams and auto-daydreams that may or may not be memories, but a lot of them have been muddled because I have taken them and altered them, sort of filled in the blanks with fantasy to make into stories and full works of fiction. This was a practice of mine for every dream and daydream that really caught my attention since I was young. So deciphering what is potentially more real or less real seems close to impossible at this point.

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The use of Tendrils Empty Re: The use of Tendrils

Post by A.Nightside 13.01.18 0:01

I know my sister once claimed that she was somehow a dragon in a human body. But it's been several years since she's made such a claim and while I identify as Otherkin, I have tried to get her to talk more about the claim only to recieve very vague, half-a$$ed answers or claims of simply not remembering. So I have no idea if it was just a phase or if she's sort of just back peddled over the years and tried to cover herself up.

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The use of Tendrils Empty Re: The use of Tendrils

Post by A.Nightside 13.01.18 0:12

*blah, I hit enter before I should.
I have come across only one other person within the nonhuman communities who identified as just a human with wings. He claimed to never feel nonhuman in anyway but experienced wings. This honestly is the only explanation I have, and meeting him (online only) opened up the possibility for consideration.

While I want there to be an explanation and feel I suppose a "connection" with things such as the Grigori or various descriptions of "earth angels" (entities sent and/or trapped here on earth for whatever reason), I don't feel that I am definitively an angel and perhaps that's because I understand not all angels are as beautiful and benevolent as the popular depictions (rooted in Christian mythology if I'm not mistaken). Humans don't just have wings. I assume my wings are nonhuman in relation, but nothing seems to fit as a nonhuman humanoid entity with wings.

I will admit, as a teen, during my heaviest period of trying to figure myself out (as opposed to now where I've gradually come to simply accept them as they just are) I mulled around the feeling of some sort of betrayal or misunderstanding which may have resulted in my incarnation into human body. .. but as I said, this also sparked or grew from dreams and auto-daydreams ("auto" a term I use to describe daydreams I have no control of. They're like lucid dreams where I know it's not waking life, and am aware that it's a daydream, but have no control over it and if I try to exert control, like a true fantasy, it falls apart and ends).

Number of posts : 523
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Registration date : 2017-06-07

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