Vampirism information

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Vampirism information Empty Vampirism information

Post by dreaaavamp 22.02.13 14:41

So I'm new to this website and know very little. But what's this dark kiss and the ab? Please help I'm clueless.


Number of posts : 4
Location : sacramento
Registration date : 2013-02-21

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Vampirism information Empty Re: Vampirism information

Post by Kalb 22.02.13 21:08

Em Hotep,

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Vampirism information Empty Re: Vampirism information

Post by Filia Noctis 23.02.13 5:30

You can look around on the forum for most of the things you need to know. I don't think it's too hard to figure it all out if you just take the time for it. If you really want to know and understand everything that's discussed here you should read the Asetian Bible though. It's said to be worth reading.
Filia Noctis
Filia Noctis

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Vampirism information Empty Re: Vampirism information

Post by Jonathan 23.02.13 6:15

dreaaavamp wrote:So I'm new to this website and know very little. But what's this dark kiss and the ab? Please help I'm clueless.
AB is short for Asetian Bible, the reference book on vampirism and vampire culture written by Luis Marques and published by the Aset Ka, a vampire order. Most here will tell you that it's the best vampire book around and I agree, but read it for yourself and make your own idea.
If you wish to learn more about vampirism you have a lot of work ahead. There is much knowledge to find in this forum and that is a great start but instead of just asking random questions spend some time reading many of the older threads as there is a lot to learn from them. Then yes, feel free to ask around about anything and we'll be glad to help.

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Vampirism information Empty Re: Vampirism information

Post by Kalb 23.02.13 7:13

Jonathan wrote:
dreaaavamp wrote:So I'm new to this website and know very little. But what's this dark kiss and the ab? Please help I'm clueless.
AB is short for Asetian Bible, the reference book on vampirism and vampire culture written by Luis Marques and published by the Aset Ka, a vampire order. Most here will tell you that it's the best vampire book around and I agree, but read it for yourself and make your own idea.
If you wish to learn more about vampirism you have a lot of work ahead. There is much knowledge to find in this forum and that is a great start but instead of just asking random questions spend some time reading many of the older threads as there is a lot to learn from them. Then yes, feel free to ask around about anything and we'll be glad to help.

You know us so well.....

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Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Vampirism information Empty Re: Vampirism information

Post by dreaaavamp 23.02.13 10:33

Thank you. I have been reading but so far I'm confused lol. I'm trying my best to keep up but I know I still have so much to learn. Where can I get this bible?


Number of posts : 4
Location : sacramento
Registration date : 2013-02-21

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Vampirism information Empty Re: Vampirism information

Post by Jonathan 23.02.13 11:49

dreaaavamp wrote:Thank you. I have been reading but so far I'm confused lol. I'm trying my best to keep up but I know I still have so much to learn. Where can I get this bible?

There are several options there to purchase online. Some local book stores can also order it for you if you give them the ISBN, title and author.

Number of posts : 3051
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