Metabolism and Appetite

Divine 277
Sinata Anika Asti
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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Divine 277 16.03.13 19:26

thank you for your answer @witchmark. and I can see you perspective.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Jonathan 17.03.13 3:29

It seems like Maxx sees the newbies as a very bad thing we should ignore or promptly ban. I disagree with him and have no problem stating that. If we have been studying the occult and vampirism for so many years then we are the ones that should be helping newbies. They have to start somewhere and better to start some place serious and honest like this than go into any of those vampire sites out there where they will be taught into delusion. Does it get annoying how some newbies join here and bring their crazy ideas? Yes it hell does, but if we aren't the ones trying to teach, even if we fail, then no one will. I see nothing wrong in trying to put things straight when newbies come around and say something silly. If they listen and learn that's great but if they don't that's also fine, it's their choice but at least that way they do have a choice. I'm sure you were a newbie once Maxx. Acting like we shouldn't care and don't even answer those kids that come around from time to time doesn't show growth at all. If you're not tolerant with people why should people be tolerant with you?

By the way good post Kalb, in contrast to what was being said you showed that you know well who you are and what you want. Very mature.

Maxx if all you and witchmark can do is try to stir confusion then you can't do much. I really don't agree with you on that. The community already has way too much drama to need more people trying to create issues thinking they can teach anything like that. You're deluded if you believe that. Who are you to say that we need to start moving and doing something? What have you done yourself that we haven't? Why don't you do something productive yourself instead of formulating misunderstanding in forums? Who are you to say we have to be a positive force for Asetianism? Are you a positive force for Asetianism or any spiritual path? You don't do more than anyone around here. Haven't you considered that instead of trying to stir confusion and saying crap about what others believe you might be a much stronger force if you actually taught anything or helped others in need? As I said above it's very easy to point fingers and tell others they should be more active, contribute more and share more. What is hard is actually doing it ourselves instead of pointing fingers. You're choosing the easy path, the easy way out. You complained that we're passive but that is the passive action, criticizing others instead of having the courage to act yourself, to make this a better and wiser place. You judge too much but you will only grow when you are able to listen instead of judging. Instead of trying to tell people to move or that our goal is marketing, have some maturity and strength to learn from this discussion and what we're teaching you.

Saying lies to stir some blood is useless and doesn't show wisdom at all.

Now it's my turn to say to both of you, don't be a sheep. Actually get your hands dirty and get work done. Staying idle in a forum complaining about what others do or don't do is not productive. Be an example yourself, because right now you're doing the very thing you criticize.

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by 8lou1 17.03.13 5:04

hell im a newbie here Smile

i think my almost first post was that it feels like church here. maxx used different words but it boils down to the same thing. trying to get some life in this site because it feels more death then a zombie.

maybe im missing the fasteness of chatrooms, but to me this site doesnt feel like a group of people learning together, it feels way more like a bunch of individuals who dont want to come out of their cage if it doesnt please their ego's.

since day 1 i feel like i have to be carefull with what i post and the way i put it in. there seems to be no room for new views on asetianims let alone room for critisism.

and of course the newbies are tiresome, but take yourselves down and look at you.... remember the days you were a teen and knew everything better then your parents and in the end after a fight you still loved each other learned something from each other, but also walked as a family together each with their own newly enriched view. a different view or approach doesnt mean you have to get a divorce or stop seeing your parents.....

and since you guys here revere louis marquis so high maybe you should listen to him as well. he just lately posted something about the magic of words. lets use words then and grow further together instead of using them as a tool to burn each other down.

with lots and lots of love for everyone, ( free samples available if one wants Wink)


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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Divine 277 17.03.13 5:06

GRRRR .. why the PIIIIP should we ban anyone ???

Both Max, Jonathan, Witchmark, Kalb and every (piiiipppp ) else around here should be able to discuss these topics with out it getting personal ...

( pardon my language, woke up in fire )

and all of the mentioned and quite a few more that has vanished from this site has much good knowledge and experience to teach ... STUDENT IS ALSO TEACHER :

One chooses what one want to reply to and what one wants to share ...

I understand that one can seem to be afraid to be judged for once view... and that there are quite a few strong opinions around here, But that Is Exactly what it is ... AN opinion.

Btw I think Max has done a good job with sharing ... and I (personally don't mind him around here, sturing up things, making people think and exploring new ideas )

Others has also done a good job around here : Kalb , Jonathan, Victor and quite a few others ... ( would mention them but iM going to keep this short ... )

Find solutions DO not create problems ...

BTW : stop, altering my birthday ... I feel thats a bit insulting.

MVH Luna Aurora Divine
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by 8lou1 17.03.13 5:19

to me it seems everyone is a bit afraid of a fight/ different points of views. we all learned a lot on our spiritual path otherwise we wouldnt be talking here.

sometimes a fight can clean they air and open new doors. especially when one fights with LOVE in their hearts.

ego is just like the soul a great snake, twisting and turning. the world has changed their is a new pope in town. seems we have to change as well to still be tru to ourselves instead of being tru to our ego's...

and yes im just as stupid as you guys i love my ego too otherwise its way to hard to live a life. so lets start teaching our ego's a new lesson...

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Kalb 17.03.13 5:30

8lou1: I don't be rude, but leave this topic for adults. You're new here, so take advantage of the other things on forum and leave this discussion, that is not of your concern.

Relax Divine 277.

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by 8lou1 17.03.13 5:35

you dont mean to be rude but you are very rude!

since when isnt one allowed to share their view of a site, well actually i already found out by reading old posts. everyone with a different view got im probably awaiting mine now.

ive took you guys adice and read old posts and it doesnt show onlky good things. its shows a lack of respect for other views not once but lots of times. and attacking people personally seems to be in the order of day as well.

how the hell for example, kalb do you dare to imply im a kid. you didnt even dare to walk my world when i invited you!!!

see i can attack on personal level as well, hope you enjoy...

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by 8lou1 17.03.13 5:36

btw, excuse my spelling im getting angry

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Jonathan 17.03.13 5:45

8lou1 wrote:since when isnt one allowed to share their view of a site, well actually i already found out by reading old posts. everyone with a different view got im probably awaiting mine now.
No one was ever banned in this forum for expressing a different view. Actually, in several years and in such a big forum we didn’t have that many bans so that says a lot. The few that were banned were because of disrespect and lies, usually recurring disrespect. Very different than having a different idea.

I agree with you that Kalb should let you speak your mind but what you said was just not true. Now that can get you banned, never a problem about having different views on spirituality or following whatever religion.

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by 8lou1 17.03.13 5:47

well then dare to read with my eyes, or show me yours because im telling you guys as im seeing it.


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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Jonathan 17.03.13 5:50

Then you're reading it wrong. No one can teach you how to read but yourself. Anyways just chill out. The argument doesn't need further drama.

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by 8lou1 17.03.13 6:12

yeah i got that, no drama allowed in this forum.
sometimes overdoing things, creating drama can make a blind man see. Wink

i understand most like to work alone, but ive also learned that working together, walking each others worlds, can give new insights in onesself

and maybe you guys are already doing that, but use a slow entrance for newbies. i like diving in the deep without knowing how to swim, so thats a very different approach.

and pushing one to work alone without giving proper tools except the comments in this forum can work.... but and thats a big BUT when after reading i come back and tell what ive learned you tell me im in the wrong and have to figure it out by my self well...

lets say it makes me sad i couldnt connect eventhough ive tried several times with different angles and people. i expected more from a site revering asetians. and that is indeed my own fault.

with love,

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by witchmark 17.03.13 8:10


The most dangerous game to be played by mankind is the game of thinking for himself. Congratulations for doing so!!!

Unfortunately, Jonathon and Kalb have both missed my point. They still do! They are making assumptions that there is no way possible that they could know. They don't know my world. Equally, I don't know theirs.

When "newbies" happen to post things that apparently have not been researched or perhaps had any other thought form to ask about. There seems to be a trend in which one comes in to cater to that assumed perspective and then someone finally comes in to give a small bit of advice. Now don't get me wrong, sometimes a "newbie" isn't a newbie and when they post, and I have seen it here, it shows that the individual posting has gone to great care of study. It doesn't matter in what area, mind you. But the level of study and understanding is apparent.

Lets take a birds eye look at the occult world and who is drawn. Great thinkers and doers is first on my list that comes to mind. Oh then there is a flip side. There are a bunch of individuals that are looking for an identity. A badge to know who they are. There are a ton of them!!! They ape behavior. They find a feeling of importance. They find a audience to listen to them. However, nothing is incorporated from the system in which is studied. They lie as they teach even, for they have not done what needed to be done to progress. Yet they still teach. This harms any student that would happen their way. It harms them in their growth process. Now a student has one more hurdle to get over.....anger.

After that bunch, we see the psychotic group. Actual insane folks that do not want to take their medications. These are the ones that are into alcohol/drugs as well. The illegal kind. They have a deep need to feel normal. Not special but just normal. They will buy into anything to get that. They will defend it without reason. Perfect slaves! Yet the occult world can do more harm than good to these folks on many different levels.

This is where the internet has thrown a responciblity to the wind and say.....we have none. When one does put out knowledge there should be some means to attempt to teach it.

Now with all that said, the question is, what is truly taught or discussed? All opinions should be allowed in this we can begin to teach. This is where I need to put in, I have not said anything about banning those newbies....I said something about teaching them. This perhaps is one of the more tame sites for a mentally ill person who is not taking their medications. Notice all, how I have clarified that?! Yet even here, damage can be done. Let us be responsible not only for those that I have mentioned above but also for those that are not adults that join us here.

If one is growing, one is doing, one then can help another. I work in mediations nightly with the chakras. I do healing work. I study.

Now that I have said that, no one here really knows but me....however, in this forum I know I took the time to post at least one exercise for the intent of a magickal purpose. At least I have shown something.

These are just thoughts and all thoughts belong to the thinker. I am aware of that. For if my words have offend another, then that other needs to ask him/herself why? What cage have I shaken that might be weak?

Take care


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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by 8lou1 17.03.13 9:00

thank you witchmark.

ive walked the path of the insane, ive seen the path of the addict and ive met the wrong teachers.... still i live and am here to learn more.. a different route a more sane life... feeling joy not being paralised...

on the other hand those crazy roads thought me to be proud of me of who i am, of daring to be open and tru no matter what. i can only speak for me so when i post it will always be my vision and noone elses. one can attack that vision i even like that. ( alot Wink)

so that being said, now i have to ponder about my pearls and swines and if ive learned my lesson yet...

with love,

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by N.Augusta 17.03.13 9:04

Well, this is one big cluster-fu%^% of a mess.

Asetianism is based on freedom! As Asetianists we have no problems exercising our rights to freely express ourselves, our love for our paths, what we do not agree with, to question and to debate freely. Honestly, I understand all points of view being brought into this huge mess. I will not discredit, nor debate anyone for stating their personal expressions as I really do understand. Through the years, I certainly have not agreed with all personal expressions expressed here and I know that not all have agreed with all of mine, but that really doesn't matter at all. I also know that I can look back at some of my previous posts and see how the me today does not agree with everything that I have expressed in the past, and in a couple of years I may not agree with all the things I express today-- that-- is growth. My point is that it doesn't matter if anyone agrees with you or does not. All that matters is testing, challenging Self and the growth of your own Self.

A forum is nothing more than a place of exchange for personal expression of opinions. If someone wants to look to a forum (and look to other people) for "knowledge" and "truth" and to be taught (rather than researching and doing hard work) then that is their own fault which one must, and can only hold SELF personally accountable for making such choice. We are to be free-thinkers!!!

Asetianism isn't for everyone. This forum isn't for everyone. The group of people around here aren't for everyone. It doesn't matter! We are all very different, express ourselves very differently, and that is a good thing! If one truly wants to learn about this path, then they will read the books, meditate on the information, etc..... We (meaning anyone, regardless of path) have no responsibility to teach anyone other than Self. All that really matters is what Asetianism means to the individual as it matters not what it means to anyone else.

Honestly, I like the contributions from all of you through out the forum. I expect nothing more from this forum other than the exchanging of ideas/opinions as is its purpose. Smile

"Love is the law, love under will." Smile


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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Maxx 17.03.13 9:47

This is unbelievable....leave this discussion now as it is for adults and not of your concern? is very, very rude.

Jonathan, it appears you have not gotten my attempt to wake the dead...(I believe you know exactly what I am talking about but choose not to address the real issue) are changing my words around to fit a different situation....that will not work with speak of lies generated here getting one

The only thing I will actually question is......what teaching are you doing here?
What technique are you using other than "go read the books". Even others see the same thing taking place, as stated here....but was told to butt out.....
Sorry that I have disturbed the quiet, passive structure here....but that was all I have been trying to do for some time.....awaken the sleeping element.

Drama, lol. There is enough everplace. Life is composed of it......

and the newbies I have never said discard......only those that witchmark mentioned as needing medication for help that will not use it, and the delusional, I mean not to even aid their continuing delusion...I thought common sense would dictate that to my meaning, but it appears that was not even understood...but you try to lump my words into saying get rid of the newbies....that tactic again, will not work with I see too much of this tactic used in all the cult sites out there on the even shows up in "get out of this conversation, as you are not one to agree with what I think, so you cannot enter..." Damn, it has come down to wow.....telling the truth now comes down to causing trouble and stirring up drama and discontent. It appears the button pushed was one that causes one to become uncomfortable.....

there is no teaching order to learn one needs a structured program on a daily please do not try to present that teaching is here....only to point to reading the books....and that was what I was trying to point out...i believe that people appreciate honesty.....but if you are comfortable with the be it.......just write more books......and I attempted to structure a beginning element for learning as no one else attempted it, but no one to speak of really entered...even a few made comments that they were too busy and will do it it is the bottom line that those types are comfortable here just talking instead of doing....all of that is what witchmark pointed out.....

Myself, I choose to try to learn and from your words you appear to have entered into a learning structure.....but not from this site.....even you are a prime example of what I am it from some other source.....that is fine....but there is no need to indicate that you are learning me one person here that is learning from what is posted here on a daily basis and it is changing their life.......this is what I tried to point is not taking place....if one is learning they are finding it elsewhere....and you have a missed opportunity....but the content are content, so be it, here.

But just continue to pat each other on the back and agree with those that agree with you....and things will become quiet again.....and I will stop doing all this posting causing all this drama....and Witchmark and I will let everyone go back to sleep now....Sweet dreams....nothing has be it.

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Divine 277 17.03.13 10:06

Can you tell me exactly at you want to change ? point for point ? @Max
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Maxx 17.03.13 10:13

why? it appears there is no need to continue this and state it all over and over. The horse is already dead....

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by N.Augusta 17.03.13 10:17

Maxx, I understand what you are saying on teaching, however, let me pose a couple of questions if I may. If there were to be teaching here, on Asetianism, who would be the one to do the teaching? None of us are qualified for that, none of us make such claims, and if any of us were to claim that we are, then that would be so freaking Egoic and delusional that it would turn this place into a total circus show.

Who here would truly be "certifiably" legit on teaching Asetian teachings? Nobody, other than the Asetians. So, for arguments sake, let's say there were Asetians here teaching, well, then we would be limited to learning nothing more than what they wish to share or even at their very own level/limit of understanding. And why in the world would they do so in a public forum? That is too much of a risk. I imagine that at times it is even hard for Asetians in deciphering what can and cannot be said. Someone they like may ask them a great question that they wish to answer, that they are tempted to answer, but cannot. That has to get frustrating too.

I wish there could be teaching on Asetianism here, but I understand that they cannot teach here, nor, do I blame them. This place is nothing more than a place for us to exchange ideas, and know that I do enjoy your contributions, as do many of us. It is the shared exchange on general subjects, that the learning takes place, if one chooses to, that is. We all see some teaching here, and exercises shared. You have shared, Witchmark has shared, and so many of us have, and that is wonderful!

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Jonathan 17.03.13 10:32

witchmark wrote:Unfortunately, Jonathon and Kalb have both missed my point. They still do! They are making assumptions that there is no way possible that they could know. They don't know my world.
witchmark wrote:Not all have to agree with me as within the Aset Ka it seems that only a few being born with a different soul are destined for that atribute. I am not afraid or ashamed to call a lie a lie.
witchmark wrote:Any group that will tell you that you are unlike another individual....aka....human is piping smoke up your rear. That is it in a nutshell.
I don't need to "know your world" in order to spot a lie. What you said here just isn't true and unrelated with what the Aset Ka has been teaching for years. It's like twisting everything they state and teach. Adding to that, you mention "within the Aset Ka", as if you have any access to how they operate internally.
It's easy to see who is actually "piping smoke up someone's rear". Lies are just so easy to spot, especially when people imply knowledge they don't have while failing to express understanding on what is even publicly accessible. Wink

witchmark wrote:Heck, even in the Aset Ka Bible it states openly that no internet forum will be found. That there is no need for debate on this subject which is the Asetians.
I have read that book many times yet what you are saying is not mentioned anywhere in the book. It's only found in a short article on their website. This makes me wonder, did you actually read and studied the book you're talking about?

Maxx, people often ask here questions that could easily be answered if they have read some books. I will not repeat the same answer over and over when I can simply point people to the books and let them find the answers for themselves. Sure it's much easier to ask and get a quick answer than to take the time to read and study. I won't support that. People should invest some effort if they wish to grow, so I point them in the right direction. If they chose to take it or not it's up to them. So every time that I see questions being asked that can be answered by studying any of the Asetian books, I will continue to point people to them. If you don't like that, just look away.

By the way those were two nice and balanced posts N.Augusta. I can understand your wish to remain neutral and I appreciate your contributions, in this thread and others.

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Divine 277 17.03.13 10:40

*Max .. Don't you believe in the people that are here ? dont you think that they want to learn and grow ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Maxx 17.03.13 10:48

Your illustration is an example of what I was saying........if no one here has authority at all on Asetianism........why should one think and assume their teaching is so powerful without such experience their truth one has to be exposed to their teachings......there is really no teaching about their life in the books as it only gives examples....not teaching. For those that have gotten in a rage at this point, please read the above closely 2 or 3 times to possibly see what I just said...really.

So what I was speaking of in the line of teachings, a pattern structured class working of probably two years would be required to bring a new person into the change that would enable ones body to start to see evidence of that body of energy they would now be dealing with. This is preliminary stuff that all the other groups teach out there...and you again are an example of that as you joined the OTO, Victor has his classes he teaches.....Jonathan has his study outside this site.....and Stalker has his classses he is working on with Reiki, etc........and this is what I have been saying.....that does not take place here....As there is no Asetian on this one speaks for them at all here but they are talked about time after time......and I am just pointing all this out rather than have many come here and spend time thinking they are going to learn all of these preliminarires only to not find the answer to what they are looking for, then leave, and then have a bad taste from misrepresentation. How other does one learn of Asetianism ? the books, Maxx, you dummy.

My illustration of the ghost hunters tv show talking about ghosts and nothing of any substance come of it.....evendually one gets tired of seeing the same show repeat over and over and then changes channels......

But that is one of my points.....there being absolutely no Asetians brings to my mind how one can be an authority on what they do or do not like here.....and they should be held in that high respect.....does just having read the books bring one to that level.....or should one look for answers regarding all this some other place and does this activity merit my continued search...or involvement.....or is this just another group cult activity out there declaring this or sell books. Gosh, there are alot of those.....publishers even have the authors go on travels to promote their latest book....cause there needs to have the latest info put out on it.........

but there could be a structured program to properly bring in people that are interested in the Aset Ka group that want to associate themselves with saying here is where you these continuing exercises for two years.....if you have progressed by answering and passing various changes in your body along with increased abilities, then you have shown you have structure to your life and you can be considered privy to further info about this Asetian conversation out there in the world......but there is no one here to do all of this....and as I said......that is that.....

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Kalb 17.03.13 11:27

I accept the opinion of all users in all topics, except this thread. The questions raised here are issues that should be analyzed and commented on by those who already know our home, and for that we can look at the registration date of each. So what is the argument that has 8lou1 here to participate in this thread? He had no time to deal with people or meet people like you really had. Therefore, do not use he as bait, It is ugly for you.

Jonathan: I agree with you. People really like the easiest and seek easier. I can give you an example of the computer, Microsoft dominates the world of computers with the operating system (Windows XP, 7 & 8 ), because it's totally easy, easy to configure, to use, to do everything, everything is simplified and does not leave user thinking a little. Linux world is difirente, forces you to make decisions, decide what you want to use, use what you like and what you do not like, Choose a system to your liking, set your things, and most importantly, you don't pay anything. It's all free. We can check the forums, we can visit Gentoo, ArchLinux, and Slackware or even FreeBSD and we will see dozens of questions and we'll see the repeating of questions. Therefore, Jonathan. I can perfectly understand your point of view. and guess... You know what people prefer? Rather pay the Windows operating system and not have to study, prefer to stay lazy.

Maxx and Witchmark: you two are presented as ex-MEMBERS of other groups and was you who felt cheated at least once. You know what is a blind belief? or phobias? Both are related to the past, with the experiences we have had these experiences and take and keep within us. One day we remember the memories and play on top of the other with angry. Be careful., we did nothing to deserve this from you. If you do not like and did not like the forum over time, might as well go without creating drama, you wanted attention and above all raise confusion. As you can see, it was not deleted anything that said, it's all here, we don't need hide nothing!

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by Maxx 17.03.13 11:49

again, missing the point.....we are talking about improving ones abilities here by education.....simple fact is that if I followed your illustration.....if I receive a conterfeit twenty...that would mean I would no longer accept any more twenty dollar bills and it would hurt my ability to acquire get out of the federal reserve system.....

All I have done is try to awaken the potential ..... and it appears no amount of effort is going to do that......being honest here with results would speak for itself rather than trying to take that only produces more of the examples I was trying to bring up and pose the questions about.

What is the difference in your declaring one get out of this conversation because you are new here.....also if you are repulsive to us we block you from posting.....or if you do not like it here, leave and go someplace is the same element you find everyplace all over the net and one that you proclaim that you are so very different from......but I am sorry to have pushed your button.....not trying to slam you at all....just trying to wake up a sleeping opportunity....and it seems it is not being received....for various reasons...

As I said....nothing is going to change....but it brings more clarity to the issue.
so just let it die......good enough....

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Metabolism and Appetite - Page 2 Empty Re: Metabolism and Appetite

Post by N.Augusta 17.03.13 15:46

Maxx, I understand what you are saying! I understand your frustration! We just are not at that point, yet! However, if such a thing existed at the start of when the AB was coming out, then how would that make it any different than say the other groups out there, online, that are actually out there to promote their books and some are even charging? Until there is a point in time where Asetianists are all over the place and can get together in-person and in groups in local towns, then we would be no different than those groups online. Me thinkith, but I could be wrong. Who knows!

Asetianism information is just now becoming public and there are only a few books. Who knows what the future may hold though? Who is to say? Anything is possible!

As to my involvement with the OTO, I am very happy and that is all that I wish to address about it at the moment Smile The fraternity and diversity involved is a beautiful thing.

Jonathan, Thank you for your words! Smile


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