Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid?

Divine 277
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Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid? Empty Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid?

Post by Nox 14.04.13 0:39

Erm, question from a newbie. I have read the AB, and I am currently re-reading it and deeply studying it (It's amazing how much more you can learn from re-reading such a powerful book Smile ) and I was curious about what to read next. Apparently Father Sebastiaan has a couple of good books especially the Vampyre Sanguinomicon: The Lexicon of the Living Vampire. I was going to buy one of Michelle Belanger's books, but I have read here that she isn't the best. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Very Happy

I'm looking for books on vampirism, Asetianism, Kemeticism, and general Egyptian spiritualties.

Thankyou so much!



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Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid? Empty Re: Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid?

Post by Kalb 14.04.13 4:22

Hello, Nox.

All the books you mentioned are different, there are no problem you read and take your own conclusion. I must tell you that the one who gives you a great development and Spiritual level and vampiric view is Asetian Bible, the book is a job very valuable in the occult world. Everyone with a degree of maturity understands how beautiful is the sight of Asetian for the vampire world, including their origins. As explained in the introduction of the book, and the site of AK, the International author Luis Marques, is a specialists in Asetian spirituality and an expert in metaphysics, vampirism and Ancient Egyptian knowledge, that has inspired other authors including Michelle Belanger and Father Sebastiaan. On site kheperu House of Mrs. Michelle Belanger you can see the description of their website something like:
<meta name="keywords" content="(...)asetian, asetian bible, aset ka(...)" />
The book "Vampyre Sanguinomicon: The Lexicon of the Living Vampire", many argue that is based on The Psychic Vampire Codex by Michelle Belanger and the Asetian Bible. So, personally, I advise you to see for yourself and read directly from the source. Interestingly, the author Luis Marques does not advertising campaigns to show their work, as other authors have done. The occult world is not about money, who makes money with the occult leaves much to be desired.


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Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid? Empty Re: Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid?

Post by Divine 277 14.04.13 5:46

@Kalb Dont you think its valuable to read more then one book on subjects ?
So that one can see different perspectives ?

Everybody earns something... sometimes ...
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid? Empty Re: Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid?

Post by Kalb 14.04.13 5:55

Divine277: I said that there are no problems in reading other books.

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Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid? Empty Re: Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid?

Post by Divine 277 14.04.13 5:56

Kalb : Im sorry, I misunderstood ..
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid? Empty Re: Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid?

Post by Jonathan 14.04.13 6:07

Nox, Vampyre Sanguinomicon is more of a roleplay book than something about the occult. No one really takes Father Sebastiaan seriously these days. Actually he's registered in this forum, has tried to publicise his books a few times in here.
As for Michelle Belanger I find nearly all of her books lacking in content. Her fiction books are ok but the occult ones have no real teachings or anything that could help you grow. It seems like Father Sebastiaan has copied several things from her, at least according to Michelle they used to be friends when they were younger but then started fighting over plagiarism. Personally I don't take any of them seriously since even the Black Veil which they wrote together and claim to be the "vampire rules" was taken from Vampire the Masquerade, a computer game. lol You can still find the original versions and its development online if you search around.

But like Kalb said you should be open to read anything, even the wrong books, and make up your mind about it finding your own opinion.

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Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid? Empty Re: Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid?

Post by Nox 14.04.13 23:48

Thankyou all for your replies, I shall be doing quite a fair bit of reading.


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Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid? Empty Re: Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid?

Post by Jonathan 15.04.13 15:56

Vampyre the Masquerade is such a plague when it comes to the occult community. A big portion of the vampire community here in the US originated in such games so they are greatly lacking in occult knowledge as it becomes clear to anyone willing to spend some time with those groups and in those forums. You do have knowledgable people over here and serious groups, but those aren't the ones you easily find self-promoting online. Most of what is called the OVC (Online Vampire Community) is a bunch of people that know nothing about vampirism, many even mentally disturbed or using the community for ego purposes, manipulation or as an outlet to express their frustrations. A real online drama circus. It's a very unhealthy thing, really, and it doesn't take much to come to this conclusion if you just make a few inside connections there.
The whole Masquerade thing also reminds me of those girls who tattooed the game's Ankh image in their left wrists a few years ago, trying to copy the well known practice from the Asetians of tattooing their Dark Mark sigil in that location, and then claiming it to be the real mark when it was nothing more than a computer game design! lol Really, you will always find all sorts of losers out there. Thankfully this case was quickly pointed out and documented, I think originally by Kalb, and those girls were exposed for what they truly are. Not always things will be detected and uncovered so quickly, and we're no "occult police" so keep your eyes open for scams and liars as they are everywhere. Wink

My personal advice is to stay away from people who live the occult as online fiction and the ones with personality disorders, both very common in online "occult" communities.

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Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid? Empty Re: Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid?

Post by seeker 15.04.13 23:30

Vampirism is a very personal path, you'll be disappointed if you look for books that focus only on Vampirism. Rather try to understand the subtle reality behind everything and understand it. There is an ocean of information out there, it's easy to get lost while trying to absorb everything in a short period of time. The heart of Occult knowledge is in uniting the knowledge, experience and emotions.

You can read all the books, but until you practice something it will be incomplete. The beauty of a spiritual path depends on how much we live in it. You're re reading Asetian Bible and there is a lot that you can take from it and apply in your daily practices.

Apart from that if you start with learning more on energy work it will make an excellent base. I'm not sure if you are energy sensitive or not, but most of the people in Occult communities are. I feel it's very important to balance yourself before diving deeper into any knowledge. So if you feel that you need more emotional balance or mental, or even need to be more creative. Start there, knowing yourself is the first step and then you will always know which direction you should take next.

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Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid? Empty Re: Books to get (other than the AB) and authors to avoid?

Post by Lightseeker 23.04.13 11:56

If you want to get a completely different alternative viewpoint about the whole vampire topic you might want to try "The Highgate Vampire" by Sean Manchester. He speculates - from a Christian point of view - how and under which circumstances "traditional" vampires (e.g. the undead type) may exist.

Also worth reading is "The Vampire Watcher's Handbook" by Constantine Gregory. While not to be taken too seriously (it is written from a Vampire Hunter's perspective and the style is sometimes reminiscent of Buffy) it gives a very good overview of the vampire mythology. I found the fact that he shows how the idea of vampires exists in almost every culture in the world (Egypt, China, Europe etc.) very intriguing.

Regarding Father Sebastiaan, I personally enjoyed reading his Sanguinomicon. He seems to be very much influenced by the writings of Dr. Aquino (Temple of Set), even re-using the term "xepher". I was always supprised that the ToS didn't sue him for copyright infringement Smile


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