Books and autors i should avoid?

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Books and autors i should avoid? Empty Books and autors i should avoid?

Post by Jin2494 17.04.23 6:36

What you guys think of Michael W. Ford, Father Sebastian or Michelle Belanger, are just fake or there is something i can learn from them?


Number of posts : 39
Location : Cuba
Registration date : 2023-04-12

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Books and autors i should avoid? Empty Re: Books and autors i should avoid?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 17.04.23 7:45

For the two latter, totally fake and garbage. Known plagiarists and fraudulent people that are well documented in this community as you can read about it on this forum. Michael W. Ford, however, is okay but not close to the level of vampirism we discuss here. More ritualistic. There's some brief value spread out throughout his books though on vampirism.

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Books and autors i should avoid? Empty Re: Books and autors i should avoid?

Post by Jin2494 17.04.23 7:58

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:For the two latter, totally fake and garbage. Known plagiarists and fraudulent people that are well documented in this community as you can read about it on this forum. Michael W. Ford, however, is okay but not close to the level of vampirism we discuss here. More ritualistic. There's some brief value spread out throughout his books though on vampirism.

I forgott to mention the temple of the vampire of course but i supose they have a bad reputation too, anyway a starting to read Luis Marques and Oizus i see those too more realistic


Number of posts : 39
Location : Cuba
Registration date : 2023-04-12

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