Following your own path?

Filia Noctis
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Following your own path? Empty Following your own path?

Post by Orc2king 19.04.13 17:30

I would like to take a poll on how many people follow there own philosophy when it comes to religion/Spirituality?
I do I live in harmony and in strength with what I have gathered from metaphysically traveling to other plains and my own visions call the 11 energies Light, Dark, Death, Fire, Hate, Love, Water, Life, Wind, earth and Peace. This is a philosophy which works well for me and would like to know who else has there own. Thank you for answering.


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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Lightseeker 20.04.13 13:01

My opinion is that the only thing that is really valid when it comes to spiritual matters is what makes sense to you. There is little sense in just accepting some mainstream creed or philosophy of some individual or organisation without being convinced deep within your heart that this philosophy or belief system resonates with you.
That said, however, I do believe that it is valid and advisable to not just "make" an own philosophy but instead to at least base it on certain universal truths which provide a solid foundation upon which your individual system can be expanded.
I note that your 11 energies contain the four elements and the great opposite polarities of life (e.g. Light and Dark, Life and Death etc.). The only one I can't find an opposite for is "Peace"? Is peace in your opinion a quality which incorporates or sums up the other 10 energies? I am asking this because I would have expected it to be 12 energies, 12 being the number of fullness in most metaphysical concepts.

As a sidequestion: With travelling to other planes do you mean Astral projection (which I've also experimented with) or something more advanced?

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Orc2king 20.04.13 13:29

Peace is the energy that is created to me from earth, wind, water and fire which are elements created from other forces. Water being one of three born of light, Fire being one of three born of darkness and wind being the element of free will born from Love and Hate. Earth being the element of cycles born from life and Death. Peace is the combination of all 4 elements in harmony which I also believe is what allows for matter itself to exist. It appears to me as a Heavy Gold energy that can bind with anything.
As for astral projection I wouldn't call it that it's just as long as I can remember for the longest time at random I've just been pulled into different parts of heaven and hell randomly and over time I had to learn to control it.


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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by xnotus 26.10.13 8:27

Interesting topic to say the least. Even by following a religion we follow our own philosophy. One Christian will have a different view of God than another christian. Not just in beliefs but in values and morals.

There are many out there who deny themselves of who they are. These are the people who try to be someone they are not. Look at how many people in the Jedi and Sith community who are their only to be darth vader or yoda. I bet there are a few people in the vampire community that want to be Dracula.

It is the nature of the beast sometimes to strive to be something we admire. When I was a young boy I wanted to be The Rock.

However there are few who are satisfied with who they are. People who know them true selves. This comes from self-discovery and the pursuit of self-knowledge.

I am in constant study of myself. My emotions, my beliefs, my morals. I am yet to discover who I truly am. I believe that to follow yourself you must remove those delusions of being someone else.

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Kalb 26.10.13 10:48


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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Stapleraindrop 26.10.13 12:06

Instead of peace, wouldn't it make more sense to have order and chaos as opposing forces?

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Filia Noctis 27.10.13 5:02

Stapleraindrop wrote:Instead of peace, wouldn't it make more sense to have order and chaos as opposing forces?
I was about to say the same, although looking at the way "peace" is explained here it would also make sense to call it "spirit", like the fifth element in the wiccan beliefs.

To get back to the original question: yes, I follow my own philosophies and beliefs. It's partly based on aspects of other beliefs that felt right to me, part of it is based on my own observations and maybe one would say part of it is based on myth.
Filia Noctis
Filia Noctis

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by sikvdili 31.10.13 18:38

As much as I technically agree with this approach. I'm going to argue against in terms of semantics ( once again) to challenge the mindset. Thinking of "following your own path" tells me you aren't doing anything for yourself. You are still a follower and in terms of elitism and individuality, this is a HERESY.

SO what should you do? I say at this level, because you're not far enough into this spirituality to go further, what you can do now is forge your own path. Set your standard and beliefs, explore and experiment. Gain your knowledge.

Then destroy it. Smash that cup. Set your values and do the opposite. This is the only way to truly be an elite individual. To become "the master".

Because the elite individual isn't about following or a path in general. The elite build a castle, they build an empire.

~Dyavol Satanata

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Jonathan 01.11.13 6:19

You seem to live an illusion. There is nothing elitist about that.

Being a master has nothing to do with being elitist or never following anything. I say it's better to follow a real path with real teachings than pretend not to follow anything. Knowledge and teachings make growth possible, if you believe you can create all details of your path and invent your own tradition then you're nothing different than all the new age eclectics living a false elitism. It's like a kid trying to create a new spell without ever learning magick. He accomplishes nothing.

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Stapleraindrop 01.11.13 9:39

Like Johnathon said, there are certain things you can only learn from things, like much of the teachings in the AB. There is a difference between taking the foundations of a teaching and making what you will of it, than attempting to make a path all your own.

Anybody can believe whatever they want, but fabricating your own religion will rarely allow you to elevate your spiritual self.

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by N.Augusta 01.11.13 13:23

Every path is individual and unique as we each walk and live our own paths.

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Jonathan 01.11.13 13:46

It's unique because we all experience things differently but I see nothing wrong with the concept or idea of following a path or tradition. I don't see that as diminishing the value and uniqueness of said path.

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by N.Augusta 01.11.13 14:49

Exactly! Smile

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by 8lou1 02.11.13 16:07

i dont think the paths really matter, its the crossroads that make life worth living...


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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Maxx 02.11.13 17:28

Jonathan wrote:It's unique because we all experience things differently but I see nothing wrong with the concept or idea of following a path or tradition. I don't see that as diminishing the value and uniqueness of said path.
"Everything which captures the attention of your objective self is transmitted to your spiritual self with a corresponding intensity.  This means that careful visualization of each phase of an initiation transmits the seed idea to your inner self.  The ideal, of course, is to bring this about in reality."

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Maxx 02.11.13 17:40

i dont think the paths really matter, its the crossroads that make life worth living...

I was taken with the stark poverty presented in this video....and the quick insert of the photo of A. Jolie measuring the contrast of this in visual presentation of a gross over abundance and the stark life of poverty and lack.  But yet, both lives show a credible side that can influence millions if you look for the positive while discounting the negative. Experiencing this in such a short timeframe gives one the mental ability to live either life within the minds framework.

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Maxx 02.11.13 22:35

PS..I just learned that it took around 100 years for a solution as to how Robert Johnson tuned his guitar. He said the devil told him how and no one could figure it out until a mathematical genius that also played the guitar computed here you have all these years no one could figure how Robert exactly got that sound.......hehe...

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by 8lou1 04.11.13 9:39

aint the heart a beautiful home for the devil to live..Wink

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Nightshade 05.11.13 13:00

Jonathan wrote:You seem to live an illusion. There is nothing elitist about that.

Being a master has nothing to do with being elitist or never following anything. I say it's better to follow a real path with real teachings than pretend not to follow anything. Knowledge and teachings make growth possible, if you believe you can create all details of your path and invent your own tradition then you're nothing different than all the new age eclectics living a false elitism. It's like a kid trying to create a new spell without ever learning magick. He accomplishes nothing.
I agree with Jonathan, those ideals don't sound elitist they sound immature. The very wish to be elitist is childish. If your desire in the occult is to become a master, then I believe you will never accomplish that. Masters rise only when the ego is broken, Asetianism shows us exactly that in so many ways. Those seeking to be rulers and masters often fall before the ones that don't.

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Magician 18.11.13 13:24

I feel that spirituality is our personal and individual belief about who we are, what we stand for and what our purpose is. To know this is to know ourselves.

The most difficult thing I have found is acceptance. Accepting who I really am, and who I am really not. Then finding the courage to live it

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Kalb 20.11.13 6:32

Welcome here, Magician.

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Leira 03.12.13 6:30

I believe dreams play a big part in guiding us on our personal path if / when we take the time to analyse and meditate on the symbolic and emotional aspects of the message.


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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Maxx 03.12.13 6:49

How true. A built in GPS system with visuals......

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Leira 05.12.13 6:21

Maxx wrote:How true.  A built in GPS system with visuals......
I loved that clever analogy Maxx :)Brings to mind a picture of Frankie singing " I did it my way "


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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

Post by Maxx 05.12.13 6:56

maybe.......but he used someone else's hair.

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Following your own path? Empty Re: Following your own path?

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