Love within a Dark Path

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Love within a Dark Path

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 19.06.19 14:05

How do you view the quality of love within contrasted perspectives of varying alternatives, particularly with vampirism?

Asetianism promotes Love in its purest form, unity, honor and loyalty. But how do you apply this if juxtaposed with the notion and practices of vampirism which sometimes can become overwhelmingly dark and even considered evil by some? Should one maintain a balance, acting according to the laws of Ma'at? Might one say, "Does the lion become less loving because it feeds off of the gazelle?" It merely acts according to its own nature and takes what it needs.

Food for thought, hope to open up a debate.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 19.06.19 14:27

Clarification: What is being talked about here is not love of a romantic type but more universal types of love, love as the quality or state of being, independent of relationships, partners or external thigns or people, that can be given to all or anyone.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by Maxx 19.06.19 16:50

I can only relate what the lady I work with that is a medium says as I do not feel love except for animals or young I cannot throw my opinion into your answer.

She has just returned from a week-long session with a Shaman in Costa Rica and took ayahuasca and it has totally changed her life...completely.  She said that she was shown and experienced true love from the Source and there is no explanation or any way to describe what it is or what it feels like from a physical form.  

So I would only venture there are many degrees of what is called love but that it is incorporated into our very existence.  And from that perspective, it appears that being a vampire or not would have nothing to do with the love of the universe placed within each of us.

So go ahead and be a vampire and do not worry about being a kind one or a meany.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.06.19 8:24

I have found out that if I act contrary to this love it becomes difficult to retain it, like a broken vessel cannot keep the content of any water or liquid; to act contrary to love would be to inharmoniously disrupt it. Rather it must be kept single-mindedly in focused purpose. This is not to say that other emotions do not exist but that it is better to control them or channelize them productively. There is a necessity for balance but that balance must not become a pretext for uncontrollably letting out negative emotions in a destructive way towards people, other than if they really do deserve it and it has to be done, but even then it must be administered correctly under wiser understanding. It becomes an essential tool to possess a level of self-mastery in regards to these emotions. One can even act out upon those more severe emotions out of love, in different ways, and doing what is perceived to be right. A mother scolding a child might be an act of love in one sense because if the child was allowed to do whatever he wanted without rectification, then he might just do about anything and cause all sorts of troubles, so it is within the responsibility of the mother to correct the child out of love so that he can grow into a better person that does not harm people for instance. The mother who would not scold her child would be an apathetic and ultimately unloving, or uncaring, mother. So, circumstances and other variables determine this. That is how I view it.

Anyone think about Crowley's "Love under will" when mentioning this? That comes up in my mind concerning the subject, probably because it seems to fit in in some way, in my mind.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by Maxx 20.06.19 10:03

yes.  because two days ago and prior to your post I was led to go to my bookcase and pull out two books....The Book of the Law and Konx om Pax.  Nothing happens with me unless there is a direction or connection from my friends in the Spirit World.

In reading your reply, I feel that your emotional connection with all your thoughts play an important part in how you are going to relate to your first post.  It shows even in the way that you were prompted to ask the question in the first place.   This is actually an individual response and reflects differently with each individual.  That persons' values and total lifetime experience will manifest the response of each individual with this topic.

My own experiences total my values aligning with the warrior military class of the desert as in the times of Seti I.  Most everyone just assumes that Seti I pledged alliance to Seth because of the name.  Each Pharaoh pledged and aligned with one side or the other.   Seti I never completed his alignment with Seth and therefore his entire military following only pledged their life to follow and protect Seti I.  A very odd and strange happening.  I, also for reasons not mentioned, align with Ay.
There again, the actual facts regarding this individual Pharaoh are not openly known and I have spent time involved in this search.   All my choices reflect my total experiences in all my lives just as yours reflect how you relate to the present from the past.

Yours, I am assuming, reflect your experiences with the opposite type Egyptian past.  It would be interesting to search out your past history of other lives lived within that Egyptian time frame.  I think everyone would enjoy learning their past, but that is just my own thoughts.

But I compliment you on your thoughtful approach and it speaks volumes in itself.  The fact you are asking questions of self shows you are way ahead of most others that just wander around in the dark asking how can I exhibit my proof that I am a vampire.  lol.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.06.19 10:37

Why thank you, how flattering, but... yes, and you are right, however it feels very limiting that I can only speak from my own point of view. Everything is a reflection of me that I see in my life and hence bound to the subjective matrix. Where is the ultimate reality for me?! This question frustrates me. lol!

Yet, there is the exchange of thoughts and perspectives with others who come from a different background and set of experiences so that is always a relief...

On another note, what makes you think that I have had past lives in Ancient Egypt? I have indications of it from my adolescence, as thoughts that merely revolved around Ancient Egypt without any direct present-life associations with the subject, as well as some mystical or psychical things that I will probably not go into detail about here. But what makes you think that I have had such past life associations yourself?

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by Maxx 20.06.19 10:55

over the centuries that ancient Egypt existed the percentages of the present population that lived a life there is, indeed, very high... and if we are all coming back for another life experience now, the odds are very high that took place.

Also, the very fact you were drawn to this forum, and have spent time here rather than just coming and going, would show the probability of that past connection being high.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by Troublemaker 20.06.19 12:26

Nice discussion. This turned very interesting.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.06.19 12:53

Aye. Wonder if that good ole' Jonathan has anything to comment upon it. I would like to see his input. Smile

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by Ramla-Meryt 22.06.19 16:30

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:How do you view the quality of love within contrasted perspectives of varying alternatives, particularly with vampirism?

Asetianism promotes Love in its purest form, unity, honor and loyalty. But how do you apply this if juxtaposed with the notion and practices of vampirism which sometimes can become overwhelmingly dark and even considered evil by some? Should one maintain a balance, acting according to the laws of Ma'at? Might one say, "Does the lion become less loving because it feeds off of the gazelle?" It merely acts according to its own nature and takes what it needs.

Food for thought, hope to open up a debate.

Would not love with like kind and mind(s) eliminate the moral quandry that you present?

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 23.06.19 1:19

Yes. I believe that is one way to view it, and probably how most who study the Path would view it actually. I cannot speak for everyone, though, but that makes the most sense to me, so I suppose it to be the case by mere suspicion. But yet there might be an element in what I said in a certain way or to some extent... People differ as well, and there is a rich diversity of Asetianists within the path. Some which have completely different backgrounds, sets of experiences, skills and expertise.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by Veiled One 16.07.19 20:37

Love is beyond duality. It is not light or dark; it simply Is within the embrace of all things.

One might say it was Love that inspired Aset to participate in the Epic Wars - perhaps including Love for her enemies (although I'm sure some would dispute the second point here). Violence and predatory-prey relationships are deeply embedded within existence, at least in this realm. Sometimes those who preach peace and love for all beings inflict immense suffering upon others through their unrealized shadows.

I think the pertinent question should be - what end do these "dark practices" serve? What ideals do they support? What ethical philosophies or considerations govern their use?
Veiled One
Veiled One

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 17.07.19 4:00

Interesting points and worthwhile for consideration although I wouldn't say that it was Love that inspired Aset to participate in the Epic Wars, at least not for Her enemies, but moreso a necessary, whilst quite reluctant (in the face of the proportions of the war and its consequences), sacrifice for the preservation of Her legacy. That has been my take on it for a time. I will have to read the Book of Nun once more, but I think it had more to do with righteous self-defence and stopping the ongoing Sethian attacks than any Love for them. It was to leave a deep scar on every Sethian that has ever walked this earth, as the Asetian Bible mentions, as She unleashed the immensely feared force of the Imperial Guard.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by Maxx 17.07.19 7:18

Veiled One wrote:Love is beyond duality.

I think the pertinent question should be - what end do these "dark practices" serve? What ideals do they support? What ethical philosophies or considerations govern their use?

In a dual universe, there is no obvious progression forward or advancement without opposition, whether visible from the physical or the unseen non-physical. The opposite or reverse has as much a chance of taking place as progression.  The whole scene is composed of thought-cells grouping together to form a majority to overcome minority.  But this is part of each person's free will operation.  Think habit.  I will not explain the thought cell statement and why and how it is formed.  Too long.

The word LOVE has many variables as far as meaning in this 3D.  To experience the actual element one would have to move the mental and emotional being into a higher dimension to even begin to understand what it is.  On a 3D experience, it cannot be experienced.   Most have no idea how it relates to the plan of this dimension.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by Maxx 17.07.19 7:26

One can find no better example or illustration of growth or disposition spoken of..................... than Mystic and myself. LOL.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 17.07.19 8:22

Maxx in his teaching role again. All appreciated and valueable.

Do you mean that by thought cells in a majority (I guess unenlightened and ignorant) versus a minority (enlightened and rich on positive and fruitful ideas), it has to do with shaping the collective consciousness, perhaps by scientific measurements albeit negative through systematic propaganda in school systems, education, government - all posed as knowledge and truth whilst in fact being misinformation or a shrouded veil drawn over a more real understanding of the world?

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Love within a Dark Path Empty POST

Post by Maxx 17.07.19 9:07

No.  An easier visual you might understand better is an astrological horoscope.  Future Progressions might state bad planet alignment is approaching for you and it states one is in for a bad time of it through various aspects showing up and approaching.  

So is there any way to take charge and change the bad happenings to come?   Yes.

Turn direct mind focus on visual creation of desired result change as well as bombarded affirmations.  One can change things quickly by changing thoughts and sustaining them.  EVERYTHING around us is created by our thoughts.  We must learn to create rather than just be at the mercy of the universe.

By using this as well as other similar techniques, one can create within the mind process an additional million or billions of new thought-cells.   Our physical body is created with multi-billions of cells.  One kind is a cell that its function is thought.  Multiplying and creating purposeful thoughts cells will change and influence any situation in one's life.

To prove my point, just look at what the thought-cells create around a person who is in a depressed state all the time.  This is creating a majority of negative thought created cells.  This group is in majority and one will have atrophy of positive creative cells just like muscle atrophy when not used properly.  Most people are not habitual thinkers educated to take control of their life in this fashion so life just controls them any which way the wind blows.

Being conscious of this would change a person's life tremendously if they used the information properly.  Strictly on the take action and do habit situation.  Believe it or not, one can even have their appearance changed by practicing the thought-cell creation method in their life.

But this has nothing to do with the word LOVE mentioned above.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 17.07.19 9:36

That's true, very good point. Thought you meant cells like sleeper agents, connecting it very differently to what you meant.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by Maxx 17.07.19 9:50

Based on the info above, what do you think might happen if a person focused thought creation half into the astral or etheric realm and half within the physical realm??????

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 17.07.19 9:56

A splendid balance of forces in mastery over your reality to shape it.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by Maxx 17.07.19 10:16

To help one understand what I mean better, it is a well-known fact that it is said our body is newly recreated completely over a specified time frame.  Our cells are dying and being recreated in a constant state at all times.  For instance, our organs are recreated with new cells over a certain time frame.  Our body muscles are created in a different time frame.  Eye cells created in a different time frame. Brain cells are recreated over a specific time frame.  Most people are familiar with having heard all this before.  

But not many are aware of how your thoughts can be created using this same process and creating yourself.

Only recently, by chance, I came across a statement detailing how one can talk to your cells within your body structure and give them strength, happiness, joy, etc, and invigorate them in showing LOVE for yourself.  SELF-LOVE is a process and is needed in a 3D dimension.  (This is PART of the word LOVE mentioned above and how to use it to benefit your whole being).

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 17.07.19 11:12

I like to call it thought magick. Becoming a Thought Magician is an essential discipline for any occultist. Mastering the mind - and not just the mind but life itself (both inner and outer) which hangs upon it - via the creational procedure of thought magick is very effective when knowing what to do. Meditation and intuition as well as inner stability and balance might be helpful towards that. Realizing the possibility that you can and it is possible to do many different things with this form of magick, according to natural law (look up Seven Hermetic Laws in the Kybalion) and spiritual realism (which by the way might hold far more potential than our incarnated minds are ready to accept or believe), and that any perceived limitations in regards to its realization are only raised by yourself, is important in giving the desired effects wished by the use of thought magick. Belief systems are what hinders us the most in magickal work and exploration. These belief systems must not be readily apparent or obvious but can be very subtle and ingrained in the details of our thinking and is requiring of an ongoing process of questioning oneself or more readily becoming aware of the fact that we are carrying such self-imposed limitations. It is no wonder that we do because most of humanity does. Even our very use of ordinary day-to-day language in this day and age, in this culture, heavily reflects upon that. It is symptomatic of general confusion and existential ignorance so prevalent in this day and age.

Great topic, Maxx. I enjoy exploring this and it is very enriching.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by Maxx 17.07.19 11:20

yes. as said before, it is important what we believe.

We are exactly what we believe.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 17.07.19 11:27

Indeed, good point.

Now, however... I would like to add that thought magick should not be misperceived or misinterpreted in such a way so as to cause harm or mental conditions due delusional beliefs of having all-mighty power and riskfully experimenting in blowing themselves up, for such power can be conceived of and run haywire. It is, afterall, also a delicate art, of crafting your reality. What we are discussing here are quite serious applications of magick, although basic and rather simple. But they can easily be misunderstood by people who have no prior magickal knowledge or greater experience, but who would anyways somehow catch up on its utilization, whether with success to the proportions of blowing themselves up or with inadequacy in dealing with their own mind. Maybe I'm just overcautious because this used to be me when I was in my teenage years even if what I did was far more than merely this alone. Haha.

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Love within a Dark Path Empty Re: Love within a Dark Path

Post by Maxx 17.07.19 12:14

I disagree.  You cannot post any disclaimer on this as it is not magic for one. I do not know where you came up with the term of thought magic. lol. It is a biological process.   It is everyday living because it is a process open to everyone which is a necessity as a part of actual living....whether one realizes it or not.

And telling someone they should not be using it to harm anyone is a sterile statement. This is a creative application everyone is given.   This is entirely a choice one must make at the crossroads, and make that choice on their own and every second of their life.  We continuously create whether it is positive or negative.  Remember, We said this is a dual universe, so it is not all positive, AND FOR A VERY GOOD REASON.

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