RPG sites-why?

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RPG sites-why? Empty RPG sites-why?

Post by Lupus de Umbras 23.04.13 6:30

I have a minor gripe.No,nothing to do with this site.My beef is that when I sometimes conduct a search involving vampirism or otherkin,a bloody plethora of RPG sites clog the search results page!I am certain that if I wanted an informed or honest answer to my my musings or enquiries ,I could always other members of this site.Especally in view of the wealth of wisdom and knowledge displayed at this site.However, I'm an awkward old sod who likes to find out things for himseif.Plus,there is no substitute for diligent study and practice.Though I do find it hard to acquire literature pertaining to vampirism.Hence, the web searches.

Notwithstanding this,I do see a role in the scheme of things concerning RPGs.I posit that there may unawakened vampires answering a call to become aware of their true selves.Plus,these things often start with the imagination.Fanciful,or not?What thinkest thou?
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

Number of posts : 64
Age : 67
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Registration date : 2012-12-06

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RPG sites-why? Empty Re: RPG sites-why?

Post by Victor 23.04.13 6:55

I have posted something this week that I will leave here for you to read and although the recommendation was not directed towards you what I said there may give you my view over what you have asked.

Victor wrote:Recommended homework:

Read through the many threads that explain the difference between real life vampirism and its origins, like the Aset Ka and their spiritual tradition in Ancient Egypt, and the fiction and roleplaying reality known as the Online Vampire Community (OVC). If someone's interests are in the later, it's important to make clear that we don't deal with that in here. There are plenty of others forums where such questions and ideas will be well received. In here we only deal with the real thing without cloaks or illusions, and I dare say that in the field of vampirism this forum is the major online reference. No doubts about that. Sometimes this causes hatred towards this community followed by the typical flaming, which is a common reaction from people that breath competition instead of embracing learning. I have looked elsewhere and besides honest closed circles there is currently no other place online to discuss vampirism seriously. Elsewhere anyone new pretending to be the next Dracula will be welcomed and assisted in their delusion, this I have seen and tested. Here you will only survive if you are real and have the maturity to study and understand what real life vampirism is all about, which may be hard and confusing to many.

Concerning sanguinarians, psychic vampires and hybrids, a good and respected resource that can teach you the reality of those terms and their actual differences is this article, mentioned before in several threads: http://www.asetka.org/vampirism.shtml

For your own sake, good reading and good hunting.

There is also an old thread from 2008 that discusses the subject of role-play, which you may enjoy to read and participate:


Number of posts : 578
Location : A pool filled with naked horny vampire girls.
Registration date : 2008-06-12

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RPG sites-why? Empty Re: RPG sites-why?

Post by Lupus de Umbras 24.04.13 6:11

Thanks Victor.Much appreciated.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

Number of posts : 64
Age : 67
Location : UK
Registration date : 2012-12-06

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RPG sites-why? Empty Re: RPG sites-why?

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