Shielding and energy issues.

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Shielding and energy issues. Empty Shielding and energy issues.

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 10.05.13 2:23

Well, to start off, I am pretty much 100% numb to any kind of energy. No matter what happens, I cannot feel it. It also goes the same with the other senses. I cannot hear spirits, not even my own headmates (I rely on reading lips.) I cannot sense energy, and I barely have the capability to see energy (very faintly and hard to focus.)

I really do not know what the problem is. I've tried many things; Energy manipulation (based on visuals) Chakra meditation and other kinds of meditation, Visualising the energy from my partner spirits mingling with my own. Various things. I've had no success though.

I came to this Vampire forum, because I heard from a friend that the Vampire community had experience with this sort of thing. So, I was wondering what thoughts and suggestions you guys may have. I really don't know what to do, or whats wrong and needs fixing. This effects my christian life as well, because I feel no connection to God or anything of the sort, no matter how hard I try.

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Shielding and energy issues. Empty Re: Shielding and energy issues.

Post by Daniel09 13.05.13 17:10

Work on your meditation and cycling of energy up and down to get the energy flowing in a cleaner fashion.

If this doesn't work, it's possible that you just lack the ability to sense it in the conventional sense, which does happen. You may need to rely on less direct methods of energy manipulation and detection, but learning what your energy senses are is a very individual process. It could be smell, sound, tingling, etc.

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Shielding and energy issues. Empty Re: Shielding and energy issues.

Post by DrakoEthnAegis 13.05.13 17:24

Thanks for the responce. I was starting to wonder if anyone would respond.

How would you suggest I learn about the individual Senses? And what kind of Less direct methods?

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Shielding and energy issues. Empty Re: Shielding and energy issues.

Post by Daniel09 13.05.13 22:16

Well, my sense is more direct, so it's difficult for me to say. When I work with energy (if I haven't in a while), I just close my eyes, clear my mind, and focus on this force within my solar plexus that I can then use as an anchor for feeling the energy throughout every part of my body. I then just project it and manipulate it how I wish from there.

Meditation is definitely the first thing you should turn to. I did not begin to feel the stir of energy until I had meditated off-and-on every single day for a few weeks. It really just takes persistence in the desire/will to detect it in your way, whichever that might be. Work on trying to sense a general feel for your own energy, and it should eventually come to you. Maybe you'll feel a vibration, a pull, or an electricity. Maybe you'll see a color or two, or varying shapes. Maybe you'll get an emotional twinge thinking about other peoples' energy, that being a sense of their energetic state. It might be a feeling of knowing the state of your energy in varying ways, like slow/fast or high/low.

The biochemical interpretation of energy is highly variable. Just give it time and effort, and you'll be rewarded for it.

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Shielding and energy issues. Empty Re: Shielding and energy issues.

Post by c0mc5tr1p5 15.11.22 22:57

I read a book on Qi Gong by Ashida Kim and practiced the form for several days, and I could haptically sense a ton of energy flowing through my hands. I got to about 40-something and then it was gone, nothing left. I did about 9 sets a day and I was trying to get to 108 of them and the sensation just ceased. It felt like magnets although sort of like fire/tingling - the vibration of my smart watch or phone. Does anyone have any thoughts?

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Shielding and energy issues. Empty Re: Shielding and energy issues.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.11.22 14:00

c0mc5tr1p5 wrote:I read a book on Qi Gong by Ashida Kim and practiced the form for several days, and I could haptically sense a ton of energy flowing through my hands. I got to about 40-something and then it was gone, nothing left. I did about 9 sets a day and I was trying to get to 108 of them and the sensation just ceased. It felt like magnets although sort of like fire/tingling - the vibration of my smart watch or phone. Does anyone have any thoughts?

I'm not familiar with the exact practice - if, for brevity's sake, you mind sharing it, without making any breach of legality in terms of if it's copyrighted or whatnot, in any way, that'd be appreciated.

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Shielding and energy issues. Empty Re: Shielding and energy issues.

Post by c0mc5tr1p5 16.11.22 14:33

So, it was elemental Qi Gong, starting with earth, water, fire, air, and the 5th element, just some basic hand postures, and breathwork along with visualizations.

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Shielding and energy issues. Empty Re: Shielding and energy issues.

Post by c0mc5tr1p5 16.11.22 14:39

Chapter 5 of Ninja Mind Control by Ashida Kim is the exact section I am having trouble with...

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Shielding and energy issues. Empty Re: Shielding and energy issues.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.11.22 16:31

The Five Elements, page 22?

I must say I find it interesting to read as much as I only read through that chapter yet. Though I'd have to read the whole book to gather a better more educated response on it overall. Though it seems the author has established credibility? I'd like to know what martial artists here know of him.

Do you think, however, it can have anything to do with an emptying of those powers through the exercise that at first, it's been arising but then those reservoirs sunk from certain depletion whereas formerly they were unknowingly to you at the moment actually naturally stacked up? Maybe it's now a task of development to cultivate those energies anew. I haven't tested the exercises, nor plan to at the moment, so I can't ascertain, however, but can therefore only give mere theory from own understanding in the likeliest terms of what may be the case even if it may be off the mark and you'd have to come to your own definitive conclusion. [...]

[...] Could also have to do with normal expectations putting sticks in the wheels subconsciously to the free flow that was formerly likely unhindered by such expectations but that grew according to the proportion of your results and later staggered it by becoming too large. Maybe a combination of both? Formerly you may have been in a more surrendered, free flowing, relatively more "childlike" state (as to the openness to curiosity, new experience and its intrinsic wonder, and so on and so forth, which may have sparked certain elements of the energy to put itself into activated motion), but later hampered due to the lack thereof with growing, more rigid and stiffer, expectation like dead tree logs of mental stagnation upon the energy system fallen into and partly blocking the otherwise more free flowing river of energy. I'm not a master by any estimates at all so I think my reply has the tendency of being not the most advanced or exact as to its possible supposition, but hopefully it can get your own gears running in stimulated ideas to question it from yet a different angle.

Surrender is definitely a major component of magick and energy work though. It's also a major component of deeper meditation or inwardly more profound states of being and of mind. These two, surrender in both magick and meditation, are essentially the same thing in principle: the tapping of deeper spiritual energies, powers and abilities, that rely upon the non-interference of our more conscious mind so that it doesn't sabotage the subconscious operation wherein all of it takes place most importantly. The subconscious is the manifestation mechanism of magick technically though that's very common knowledge. We can sometimes find a great ability to energy work and similar but after a while we may find it not operable as easily and our practices don't yield the same results, but it could simply boil down to a lack of that state of inner surrender - and, also, sometimes we shouldn't force it.

Though, we commonly ask new members here to introduce themselves and since we know nothing about you here, nor do I really, it'd be a good idea for me to ask you to write an introduction in Off Topic, if you'd like, and what your background may be in magick and occultism, etc.

Welcome to the forum, though!

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Shielding and energy issues. Empty Re: Shielding and energy issues.

Post by c0mc5tr1p5 16.11.22 17:55

You know I went back through the chapter again today and as my first impression was to create the energy directly from my third eye, I instead drew energy from my hara instead and was able to get a little energy flowing from that chakra... Nothing like I first experienced though, but with some time I think it may be a useful technique to tap into elemental energies.

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