Shielding Yourself

Raven Kyles
Ella Moor
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Shielding Yourself Empty Shielding Yourself

Post by Daniel09 18.07.09 14:26

I was slightly surprised that I couldn't find a topic here on shields already. I was curious, what are good methods of accomplishing good shielding. Myself, I think I can sense energy somewhat, and I can control it a bit (move it through different areas of my body), but I'm at a loss when it comes to shields. I can visualize all sorts of fancy doodads around my body, but I don't know how to actually manipulate energy into a shield. What methods do you use when you shield?

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Aghrab 18.07.09 22:56

We all have natural shields, and at many circumstances, can naturally shield against certain situations, attacks or drains, however, nothing compares to the vampire's shielding techniques, since they, especially Asetians, can more easily sense an attack, drain or negative energy, while humans do it unconsciously, if it is significant enough to be felt... This is why a slower attack works much more deadly than a quick one, at some cases, since it leaves the human with no shields up, since they cannot really sense anything to unconsciously shield enough.
Visualization should be key when beginning to develop your shields, human or otherwise. It helps a lot to simply visualize it forming around your aura. Another small help is to carry a grounding mineral with you, or meditate with one. Such stones include black tourmaline, magnetite and lodestone, hematite, jasper, preseli bluestone, tourmaline quartz, and many other.


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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Daniel09 18.07.09 23:28

What kind of place can I get those stones at?

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Aghrab 18.07.09 23:47

You could be lucky to find them at your local art store, if they carry semi-precious stones, or any metaphysical and spiritual shops that carries those stones in the form of wands or tumble stones. Hematite rings are quite easy to find, however, which can be a nice piece of jewelry to wear for people who wish to develop their shielding and grounding. Shopping online for such things are not recommended, since you need to hold and feel the stone to see if you feel comfortable with it in every way possible, in shape, size and its energetic feel, before you purchase it.


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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Syrianeh 19.07.09 10:34

I visualize, as Aghrab says. And, depending on the type of shield I want, I do it differently. FOr example, if I want to completely shield myself out (as in situations where there are people around and I do not want any interaction, or where I feel that there are currents of energy that I feel uncomfortable with) I imagine some sort of thin, elastic eggshell shield around me that does not let anything through.

The second type of shield is more porous and works as a filter, in such a way I control what comes in and out. This works fine when in the midst of crowds or in public transport. It also works fine when in crowds as I can use it to project the emotions I wish, or keep them in as in making myself "unnoticeable"".

Incidentally, something interesting has been happening since I'm pregnant: I feel like I have a permanent shield on, which I can't remove. It's the porous type, the kind that filters, but I feel that it works on its own. I have tried to remove it but it "sticks", so I figured that it is there for a reason, probably a protective one.

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Kotaro 02.08.09 14:27

One question on the stone usage, hematite, as Aghrab already stated is great for shielding. What if any effects, changes,ect. for anyone who has used magetized hematite?
I have worn these as a braclet and had positive results.

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Aghrab 03.08.09 12:23

Magnetic hematite, I assume, has the similar effect as non-magnetic hematite. Both are very grounding stones, and for someone who wishes to develop their metaphysical sense, should not be worn at all times, for it strengthens the shield and keeps an individual from being able to develop their energetic awareness. Hematite is a stone that would be good for a being like the Viperines, to use and meditate with, since they do not have a strong shield, it is also good for the Concubines, to ground their chaotic system... but for beings like Guardians, with such massive shields, it is not recommended, since they are naturally grounded, as it is their inborn ability to be.


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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Kotaro 04.08.09 14:13

That makes sense.
Thanks for your input Aghrab.

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Daniel09 04.08.09 14:20

I have a question... How do you know if your shield is working?

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Aghrab 04.08.09 16:56

Countless ways to know and sense it, and for each individual, it is different to know if it is working or not. You should know if your shield is working or not, if you are attempting to raise them and strengthen them, because you are shielding for a reason, whether it is something casual as feeling uncomfortable within a large crowd, or something serious as being metaphysically attacked and drained. Once you have accomplished raising your primary shields higher, or your secondary shields more strongly protecting you, it should be obvious to know that it is working. The sensations are too different for each individual for me to be able to explain.


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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Syrianeh 05.08.09 0:42

Daniel: Aghrab has put it quite well, and the feeling of shielding is quite different for everyone; but for what it's worth I can offer my own perspective: to me it feels like being enclosed within a shell; depending on how strong the shield is it can get more or less "physical". Some shields can be built to be simple filters and keep out selected types of energy. Others can be totally solid. A good way to test it, in my experience, is to see if you can feel whatever is on the outside that you want to keep out.

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by sungodaurora 05.08.09 19:41

I meditate a lot, so it has taken me many years, but I have learned to just automatically put up my shield whenever I am out. I use Hematite. And when I go out I imagine a shield that contours to my body shape, being able to be close but not to close.
As for knowing, Aghrab is right, for everyone it is different. For me I can tell by the strength of engery around me, on how strong my shield needs to be. Basically.

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Daniel09 05.08.09 20:08

I suppose I know how to tell then. When I shield it feels like I'm surrounded by a sensation of coolness, and a sense of calm. Makes it much easier to meditate. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't just imagining things, so hearing your experiences helped.

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Ella Moor 26.12.09 22:12

Well I really don't know if i shield correctly or don't but what I do is that I imagine like a outer shell around my body I imagine it still being there but not being able to see it but you can sense it.I imagine it protecting me from all kinds of attacks.I don't know if that works but that is what i do.can someone tell me if i am doing it correctly?
Ella Moor
Ella Moor

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Vertigo 27.12.09 5:58

Iam very bad at shielding, but I do carry minerals with me at all time.

I rarely go anywhere without my Spectrolite (Finnish Labradorite) and iam developing different amulets to protect myself.

But I rarely "make shields", iam the kind of person who dont want to think about things like that and use helpers (such as my Spectrolite) to take care of the shielding.

Although, the protection I currently have barely work in places soaked with bad energy...

Hey, now when we talk about shields.

How is the best way to deflect large amounts of really bad energy?

Iam hyper sensitive when it comes to energy in my surroundings and the people around me tend to act like fossil fuel power plants.

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by RudraShiva 27.12.09 6:37

Vertigo, why don´t you try a banishing ritual ? The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram works nice, very nice. Do it (or another similar ritual), then light a white candle and meditate. I´m sure you will get a very relaxed state of mind.

You can also use consecrated water to banish. And if you mix everything (consecrated water, a banishing ritual, the white candle and a meditation), the effects will be very powerful.

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by ElizabethBathory 27.12.09 6:40

sungodaurora wrote:Daniel,
I meditate a lot, so it has taken me many years, but I have learned to just automatically put up my shield whenever I am out. I use Hematite. And when I go out I imagine a shield that contours to my body shape, being able to be close but not to close.
As for knowing, Aghrab is right, for everyone it is different. For me I can tell by the strength of engery around me, on how strong my shield needs to be. Basically.

That's amazing.

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Jonathan 27.12.09 8:12

ElizabethBathory wrote:
sungodaurora wrote:Daniel,
I meditate a lot, so it has taken me many years, but I have learned to just automatically put up my shield whenever I am out. I use Hematite. And when I go out I imagine a shield that contours to my body shape, being able to be close but not to close.
As for knowing, Aghrab is right, for everyone it is different. For me I can tell by the strength of engery around me, on how strong my shield needs to be. Basically.

That's amazing.
Hematite can be a good aid when shielding, although it can cause some trouble in over-shielded beings like the Scorpions (Asetian Guardians).

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Vertigo 27.12.09 14:43

RudraShiva wrote:Vertigo, why don´t you try a banishing ritual ? The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram works nice, very nice. Do it (or another similar ritual), then light a white candle and meditate. I´m sure you will get a very relaxed state of mind.

You can also use consecrated water to banish. And if you mix everything (consecrated water, a banishing ritual, the white candle and a meditation), the effects will be very powerful.

With "using" consecrated water do you mean "use it" like dripping water here and there or do you mean "carry it with you in a small bottle"?

I just had this funny thought of me running around people and dripping consecrated water on people...

Thanks for your advice, I will try everything out.

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by RudraShiva 27.12.09 15:29

Yes, by using consecrated water I mean dripping it on the place or object you want to "cleanse".

A banishing ritual can be as complex as a full ceremony or as simple as the dripping of some water. I have noticed, however, that the effects are not the same when using different techniques. Usually the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram creates quite powerfull effects in the enviroment where I perform it and in my own psyche, of course.

You could say that such a ritual is just auto-suggestion. Well, that could be true, but I can´t negate the fact that, when you "banish", something changes in the area you are. Usually it feels like a change in the atmosphere. You may feel it like less heavy, or more fresh and pacific.

This same change on the "atmosphere" happens when you invoke (like a planetary invokation). In this case, however, the atmosphere feels like heavier and saturated.

I would say that this is what is called psychic perception. Well, try different methods and write your feelings. I would really like to know if you also feel this change on the "atmosphere".

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Vertigo 27.12.09 15:51


Both of them will be hard to do in the areas I really need to cleanse since there are always alot of not so understanding people in the environment.

However, these banishing methods could be used in private areas where I live, sleep and use for magical work.

What I need in the areas where other people are is some form of shield that negate bad energy.

Have to experiment with my amulets...

Number of posts : 139
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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by ElizabethBathory 27.12.09 15:58

^Yeah, I get the all the time. That's how I know it's working.

I just imagine a bright light emanating from me and pushing back any energy. And energy is being absorbed into it, making it bigger and more powerful until the whole room is clear. Vampires are very hard to beat because we can fuel shields (as well as attacks) with the opponents own energy. In the astral, I like to work with fire, and I use the shield as a sort of reflective white bubble but then it becomes dark and eventually becomes fire all around me. (Which is weird, by the way, because I've always considered myself more attune with water and ice, but in the astral things are different, I guess.)

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by RudraShiva 27.12.09 16:05

To banish in private areas, like your place and bedroom, is very important. As an experiment, banish in your bedroom, purify that area, and see if you have different dreams than usual. Astral attacks are first manifested in your dreams according to Dion Fortune.

And well, for your particular problem, a talisman/amulet could be a better solution, yes. Another idea that comes to my mind is a servitor/tulpa. You can create one in order to absorb that negative energy and to reflect it back to a target, for example. This would also work as a sort of permanent shield, althought it may be a little dangerous.

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Vertigo 27.12.09 16:20


A, artificial beings (that is what I call them...).

Ive been thinking for quite some time about creating artificial spirits and let them reside in objects that I create, such as my amulets...

However, I have an very high respect toward everything that could be counted as life and I only want to create spirits such as servitors for my best amulets.

However, I have reached that level of craftmanship to make a amulet of that quality and plan to make several artificial souls within two-three months.

Thanks alot RudraShiva, you have given great advices and I will try them out.

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Shielding Yourself Empty Re: Shielding Yourself

Post by Vertigo 27.12.09 16:48

ElizabethBathory wrote: And energy is being absorbed into it, making it bigger and more powerful until the whole room is clear. Vampires are very hard to beat because we can fuel shields (as well as attacks) with the opponents own energy.

How come I never thought of that before...

Thats perfect, fueling your attacks as well defence with the energy of someone else, using their energy against them.

Its at moments like this I really shrink. >.<

Number of posts : 139
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