Energy feeding related to enzymes and biological function

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Energy feeding related to enzymes and biological function Empty Energy feeding related to enzymes and biological function

Post by Black_Halo 18.05.13 21:31

*this is a bit long, as the beginning is a basic explanation of enzyme function. I marked a line for where to begin reading if you're already familiar with enzymes and how they work. I don't hold a PhD in micro-bio, but I have a basic understanding.

Feeding is a process in which the vampire gains energy and the source loses energy. What if one fits into both categories, taker and giver of energy?

We feed off of external energy sources as a means to replenish our own, since we have some sort of energy deficiency, either in production or retention. Retention seems to be the more common ailment, from what I understand.

This post concerns an energy PRODUCTION deficiency. Think about the body's bio-mechanics. The body has enzymes which are required to fulfill bodily functions and therefore sustain life. Enzymes catalyze reactions relating to metabolism and DNA production; the usage of energy and creation of life. For anyone who isn't familiar with biology, an enzyme is sort of like a machine. You need to have an input, or "substrate," in order for the enzyme to perform it's function, and then you wind up with a product. Think candy-machine: put in a quarter, the machine processes the quarter, and spits you out a piece of candy.

Enzymes are catalysts, meaning that they speed up chemical reactions in the body in order to keep things running smoothly. In many cases, the chemical reactions CAN STILL OCCUR WITHOUT THE ENZYME but will take significantly longer, thus leaving the body a little whack, or simply starved of the products it needs.

There are many levels of enzyme functions; the product of one enzyme may be the substrate for a different enzyme. We obtain substrates through the things we ingest.

Many vampires have physical ailments relating to digestion and metabolism, often enzyme deficiencies.

My hypothesis is that we may need the energy of others as a SUBSTRATE in order for our enzymes to work properly and keep the body running smoothly. This would explain the uncomfortable side-effects of not feeding. This means that there must be a mismatch between the body's substrates and enzymes. The substrate fits into the enzyme like a key, so if either one is not shaped correctly, it's a no-go.


This could explain two things:
1. a vampire's body is incapable of creating its own energy due to enzyme deficiency, and therefore must take energy from others.
2. symptoms related to energy starving could be caused by lack of enzyme function - you won't die, but because the bodily processes are significantly slower, your health decreases dramatically.
3. a vampire could be lacking the appropriate substrate in order for many enzymes to work, and therefore must obtain the substrate from external sources (like taking energy from another) or perhaps the body naturally lacks the energy to break down food properly, resulting in ill-fitting substrates. Substrates could perhaps be obtained through blood or energy, or maybe the energy of another aids the body in decomposing physical food.

Biology deals with what is tangible, and auras/chakras/spiritual energy is not, but this is only a thought. I have taken several undergrad biology courses, but by no means am I scientist. I'm eager to hear others' viewpoints on my ideas Smile

Number of posts : 13
Location : Wherever life takes me
Registration date : 2013-05-15

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Energy feeding related to enzymes and biological function Empty Re: Energy feeding related to enzymes and biological function

Post by Jonathan 19.05.13 3:58

Keep in mind that vampirism goes way beyond feeding as anyone with the right metaphysical knowledge can drain and manipulate energy. Also vampirism is not necessarily related with an actual deficiency. I mean, there are normal people with energy deficiencies who do practice vampirism to cope with those problems but those people usually aren't considered vampires. Just normal people using vampiric techniques to deal with their problems. Vampires actually have a different soul, it's something spiritual and they don't have deficiencies or broken chakras. I know that a big portion of the online community tends to describe themselves as vampires with deficiencies, be it on the level of their energy system or actual physical ailments. In my opinion and according to Asetianism those people aren't even vampires to begin with. Opposing all those theories and beliefs, the Aset Ka has redefined vampirism not as a problem or limitation but as an entirely different and heightened form of spiritual life. This has always stirred much confusion with different people, but after studying all forms of vampire traditions out there I haven't found any who comes even close to the Asetian culture in being the real thing concerning real life and non-fictional vampirism.

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Energy feeding related to enzymes and biological function Empty Re: Energy feeding related to enzymes and biological function

Post by Black_Halo 19.05.13 10:07

Thank you for the info! I'm new to all of this, and have heard mixed things from various sources, people or online.

Number of posts : 13
Location : Wherever life takes me
Registration date : 2013-05-15

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Energy feeding related to enzymes and biological function Empty Re: Energy feeding related to enzymes and biological function

Post by Jonathan 19.05.13 11:03

I'm glad that you have found my information useful. Look around as there are many great bits of knowledge in past threads and feel free to ask about anything and give us your input as well.
I'm not sure if you are familiar with the magickal tradition of the Aset Ka, but if not I would recommend you to read their books and research about it as it's the best resource to learn about real vampirism in a serious and mature way.

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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