my feeding methods and basic energy manipulation

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my feeding methods and basic energy manipulation Empty my feeding methods and basic energy manipulation

Post by goingpostal 14.06.09 0:20

here is my guide to feeding and a little energy manipulation.
and im going to copy and past from a few of my other posts cus...yes...i am that lazy to rewrite them Smile
enjoy Smile

when you first start out(as in your first feed) you're going to have to start out small and move your way up.
for your first feed your probably going to want to start out with feeding off nature, its the safest, and easiest to do.
To start out for a quick fill: walk outside to the nearest healthy(or
near dead) tree. close your eyes and concentrate, imagine that your aura is stretching out like
tentacles(or tendrils) and "energetically asking" the tree to have some energy by sort of prodding the tree with the tendrils, and
should it allow you to do so, drain away and sense the energy moving
inside you. but dont take to much energy,we dont want to kill the tree now do we? hence me saying "or near dead tree"(kinda puts it out of its missery...)
when you get you first energy intake its kind of like getting a metaphsical high. you feel slightly different and you can get all teengely inside like ants are crawling all around you(depending on how well you can sense energy, more on that later).or instead of the "ant" feeling you might just be able to almost see the energy flowing inside you.(yet again, this depends on how adept you are) DO NOT FEED OF HOUSE PLANTS!!! it will most likely kill me...
once you have mastered tree feeding and a little bit of energy sensing you can move on to the next thing.
humans. there are a bunch of ways to feed of the unsuspecting people(or suspecting?) for ambient feeding: what youre going to want to do is close youre eyes and concentrate for a short time, then imagine everyones exess energy floating above them(in a crowd) and to start out i advise 2 methods: the first, imagine your aura expanding out and sucking in some exess energy from the crowd. or the secong methos, wich is a little harder, imagine those tendrils strching out(at least 2) into the "exess" and almost using them as straws to take in as much as you need. if you cant get the second one its ok for now.
then the next teqnique for human feeding is contact feeding.
if you dont already know this, energy flows through the body almost like blood does and in the same areas as blood does(which is y we have sanguine feeders, more on that later) so if you touch someone with them willing or not and you have the desire to feed you will take in some energy, some places are stronger than others and have more energy like around the chakara points for example. then there are some with barely any energy like mabey a shouler.
then you have my personal favorite: indirect feeding.
what youre going to do is imagine and feel your tendrills penetrating the other persons aura(depending on how deep you go) and geting the amount of energy that will hold you over. dont go to deep yet, thats called deep feeding and if you cant control how much energy you take yet you could do some major damage to the other person, or you!
there is also sexual feeding but me being 15 and still a virgin (for now Smile )
i do not have many methods for this.
but as far as tantric feeding sust having the partener close to you and being sexual will provide
here is an interesting thing tho: if you and your partner are both vampiric( Asetian or not) during sex and even making out will have a mini energy tug-of-war game going on if you dont have your sheilds up(more later).
then the last one i can teach would be sanguine feeding: the simplest of them all. all you need is a verry understanding friend and a CLEAN blade. never use a needle unless you are trained to do so! and feed quick because most of the prana(energy) will be gone in about an hour.
now on to some basics of energy manipulation.
once you have some energy built up feel it move to your hands(wich should be shaped like your making a snowball) and release the energy throug your hands to form an energy ball shape it and make it as big and as dense as you wish. and when your done soak it back up, or play psychic catch with your friends!
now for a very important lesson: how to make a sheild. guardians have an exelent ability to do this so assuming you are one you will have no problem with this. there are so many efective ways you can do this but heres 2 basic teqniques: imagine your energy expelling out of your body and forming an oval around your aura and breathe, and with every breath it gets a little biger and a lot harder. lets not take that pervertedly please... the next method: imagine yourself with mirrrors surrounding you and facing outward not letting energy in or out. both of these will fade off after a while but the first one will drain you alot faster.
hope this helps Smile
questions and comments please!

Number of posts : 80
Age : 30
Registration date : 2009-05-23

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my feeding methods and basic energy manipulation Empty Re: my feeding methods and basic energy manipulation

Post by Gilded 14.06.09 22:20

Very interesting information.

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my feeding methods and basic energy manipulation Empty Re: my feeding methods and basic energy manipulation

Post by goingpostal 15.06.09 14:31

thank you. would you use my ideas or overlook them? just wondering

Number of posts : 80
Age : 30
Registration date : 2009-05-23

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my feeding methods and basic energy manipulation Empty Re: my feeding methods and basic energy manipulation

Post by ladyflame 07.08.09 11:03

helpful Wink

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my feeding methods and basic energy manipulation Empty Re: my feeding methods and basic energy manipulation

Post by goingpostal 07.08.09 11:29

thanks Smile

Number of posts : 80
Age : 30
Registration date : 2009-05-23

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