An introduction you wanted :)

Divine 277
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An introduction you wanted :) Empty An introduction you wanted :)

Post by jyujinkai-dragon 31.05.13 16:16


I am jyujinkai, a predatory vampire with a dragon's soul, i awoke sang 36 years ago and became aware of my dragon-self soon after.

i have been studying the occult since i was about 11 years old, so learning to psi feed was a natural progression, an evolution as social environments changed, in the past i have fed using most sources at one time or another, however ambient or elemental energy do nothing to quench my need, i do not imbibe animal blood, nor do i feed on the physically infirm or on children, but everyone else is fair game should the need arise, currently i mainly feed astrally, whilst dream walking.

Regarding my dragon-self, I am always partially shifted to a greater or lesser degree, although only fully shifted on other planes of existance, but always dragon, but this should remain hidden behind my shields, however should anyone be foolhardy to scan me, you may sense duality and an intense coldness.(the pain will fade eventually), on the other hand, you may only sense my shield contruct.

Whilst I follow the LHP,I am neither satanist nor luciferean, i follow my own path as i am borne of the abyss, I bow to no god as one resides within, i follow no vampire belief system, but my mark is on the inside and my flame is violet.

Whilst i am relatively active on the OVC, I am not an internet vampire and i am not aligned with any house or coven, i happened upon this forum due to the on-going friction between a friend of mine and several members here and decided to sign-up.

I did not sign-up here to fight or troll. I have known Etu for a number of years, long enough for him to call me jyu (an honor bestowed upon those unfortunate enough to know me well).

I guess that because I am not interested in AK, and my friendship with Etu, my time here will be short, as although I own a copy of the asetian bible, but i own many occult books, and have read it in the past, i do not treat it any differently from the vampire codex and TOV literature - not required, but if you need a structured belief system to float your boat then thats up to you.



Number of posts : 4
Location : UK
Registration date : 2013-05-30

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An introduction you wanted :) Empty Re: An introduction you wanted :)

Post by Maxx 31.05.13 16:34

AHHH.....that honest comment certainly lines up with the first time I looked at your name.....I thought how odd in the background of my mind, I thought a connection with Etu or either he was using your name here as another one signing up again..I was aware of him in some way...but anyway.....I do not thing there will be any flames here just because of knowing someone.....actually he was not banned here for being a certain way...I do not think.....because only the admin knows why.....Victor and Jonathan and the other admin. at the no, I do not think your time will be cut short just because you know someone.....if it is, it would be based on something you do that would cut yourself off....there are all kinds of personalities here that drop by, stay long, or short, and move on....a few hang around....but every one has a different look at the world around them.....some fit, some don't.....nothing is ever set in stone....except just refrain from causing problems on purpose......welcome....

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An introduction you wanted :) Empty Re: An introduction you wanted :)

Post by Divine 277 31.05.13 17:07

Greetings ,Welcome and ... nice to meet you ...
Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
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Location : Gate between heaven and hell.
Registration date : 2010-03-01

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An introduction you wanted :) Empty Re: An introduction you wanted :)

Post by GrandOrder 31.05.13 19:45

Hello, Welcome and darkest blessings to you

Number of posts : 23
Location : A realm of darkness
Registration date : 2013-04-06

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An introduction you wanted :) Empty Re: An introduction you wanted :)

Post by Jonathan 01.06.13 2:57

Hello and welcome to the forum.

This forum is not part of the Aset Ka so not everyone here follows the Asetian culture. Actually, some users even openly dislike the elitist stance of the Aset Ka and continue to be regular users. I can't see why that would be an issue. It's true that many of us have studied Asetianism for long years and have great appreciation for this culture and magickal tradition, but we're all diverse and think differently.

I never saw someone being banned from here because of their friendships, as long as people behave and are mature enough to be respectful. Some people in here have known Etu for many years, probably longer than you have known him, and they're still welcome here. As long as you don't come here with an agenda to drag any of that I guess you will be alright.

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An introduction you wanted :) Empty Re: An introduction you wanted :)

Post by Demonia 01.06.13 18:35

Welcome to the forum~

Number of posts : 178
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Registration date : 2012-05-26

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An introduction you wanted :) Empty Re: An introduction you wanted :)

Post by BellBook&Candle 02.06.13 15:31

Hello Jyujinkai

Number of posts : 39
Location : UK
Registration date : 2013-03-11

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