Hello, it's my Introduction.

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Hello, it's my Introduction. Empty Hello, it's my Introduction.

Post by TheSerpent 03.04.17 2:51

Hello everyone who cares to read this, my username is TheSerpent, but you can call me Serpent or Serp, whichever you want. In this introduction I will speak a little about my beliefs mostly in regards to Asetian and Sethians since, well this is the nature of this site. I joined after seeing a few discussions and one person who always seemed to be more "outside" of the 'typical' responses I see. although this is not meant to insult or anything of the likes. I believe it was a few posts by Victor.

Now anyway on to about me, I'm 22 years old and I have been in the occult, metaphysical study, and energy work practice since I was 8-9 years old, did not get serious until I was 13 and able to access a wider range of information(soon will be reading the book of Orion hopefully). I do work with tarot cards here and there and I did notice in the AB I do have some disagreements, in terms of my own experience/practice in regards to projections, in my practices and some "group" travels I have found for me the astral to be a "joined" mental plane in the sense imagination and the likes are capable of manifestation (however still useful) and the etheric is the plane where beings commonly found in mythology or "otherkin" are found. I am not saying Luis Marquis is wrong, simply stating my own experiences, lol I feel I need to make such clear just from my own observations before joining so sorry if I am assuming too much of some of you.
Now, while I am still studying as I am sure we all are. I am currently interested in the Sethians and Asetians.

I have already read the bible and my own tidbits of research here and there and am by far no expert in either, but I have formed my own beliefs from reading this site while not a member and my own meditation on how I interpret this is and do note this is my belief and my choice to not see things in such a way that I put one side above the other and from reading here, the AB, and my own research where I am, albeit limited. My belief in the Asetians and Sethians, while I am neither nor connected to neither that I find that I find them both really amazing beings, not in a fan based way. I simply respect them both. I do not see the whole "sethians trying to destroy asetians for power" ideology or "one sided history" as all history has two sides. I see them as two sides with similar goals but simply different ways of wanting to achieve them, however those different ways may be blurred down the road. I would in fact love to learn from an actual sethian and Asetian both sides of their stories or even from an outside audience (Thoth, or any other relative) However, I am 100% sure I will never get such a opportunity. I love both Set, Aset, quite frankly I love the entire egyptian pantheon since I was a child (albeit I have read in one post one cannot love them both which I think is okay for them, but for me quite true to my feelings)
While not relevant to them I do indeed consider them teachers and the Sethians/Asetians to be the envoys of their teachings (such as Luis Marquis) and I hope the ROS comes out with a sliver of information in regards to their perspective the rest I will have to keep to myself for certain reasons, I will note I do wish there was more information within the sethian section as there is information in the Asetian section, possibly more "balanced" in terms of rather focusing on the "issues" we like to point out in the sethians, and vice versa if that makes sense.

I know my belief might sting to some or might not, but regardless, thank you for reading my belief in that matter and sorry if this is not right for the introductions. I might have rambled and it was not my intention, but if you have any constructive questions or comments I would love to hear from you all.

Also thank you to those who have comments that have sparked my interest here to finally join.

Again sorry for my rambling and possibly horrible grammar issues that may be within my introduction lol. I felt I needed to lay some things out about my beliefs and such so there's no confusion.


Number of posts : 5
Location : in the books
Registration date : 2017-04-03

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Hello, it's my Introduction. Empty Re: Hello, it's my Introduction.

Post by Jessamine 03.04.17 4:45

Hello, and welcome.
Asetians and Sethians do not have similar goals.

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Hello, it's my Introduction. Empty Re: Hello, it's my Introduction.

Post by Jessamine 03.04.17 4:50

You should try to forget what you know or think you know and read the AB again.
The ROS perspective is out in the open, you just need a keen eye.

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Hello, it's my Introduction. Empty Re: Hello, it's my Introduction.

Post by TheSerpent 03.04.17 4:57

Thank you for your opinion but I will keep what I believe until shut presents it self, but I have no other information to go off as of yet besides a multitude of bias online between sethians and asetians. I believe asetians and sethians are no different, sethians get painted as the manipulative bad guys by those who strongly follow aset, and I'm sure there's a vice versa.

Personally I choose to observe from the outside, free of bias. However, if there comes a time a complete history comes forward which I am not holding my tongue on I will look into assessing my beliefs on the matter. But I find it to be healthy that I avoid any such notions that asetians are not about control as some believe the sethians are also.

Two sides to every coin as I have since learned in my studies.

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Hello, it's my Introduction. Empty Re: Hello, it's my Introduction.

Post by TheSerpent 03.04.17 5:04

TheSerpent wrote:Thank you for your opinion but I will keep what I believe until shut presents it self, but I have no other information to go off as of yet besides a multitude of bias online between sethians and asetians. I believe asetians and sethians are no different, sethians get painted as the manipulative bad guys by those who strongly follow aset, and I'm sure there's a vice versa.

Personally I choose to observe from the outside, free of bias. However, if there comes a time a complete history comes forward which I am not holding my tongue on I will look into assessing my beliefs on the matter. But I find it to be healthy that I avoid any such notions that asetians are not about control as some believe the sethians are also.

Two sides to every coin as I have since learned in my studies.

sorry typing in the dark *such presents itself but again thank you for the welcome and your advice.

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Location : in the books
Registration date : 2017-04-03

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Hello, it's my Introduction. Empty Re: Hello, it's my Introduction.

Post by Jonathan 03.04.17 5:09

Hello and welcome to the community. Don't worry about having different opinions since here everyone is free to agree or disagree with presented thoughts, experiences and research. We're very open minded.

With that said I do agree that both Sethians and Asetians can be dangerously manipulative, they just manipulate and act in a different way. However you shouldn't really say that they are the same because they're very different in essence and that's something presented by both sides. Now if someone says that the Asetians are the good and kind while the Sethians are evil that is obviously wrong, but I believe that has been stated in nearly every post about them in this forum. Evil is just a perspective and the truth is that both Asetians and Sethians are tremendously dangerous creatures but also wielders of great wisdom that, under the right circumstances, can enlighten one's soul. They do however operate very differently on this realm and have done so since their times in Ancient Egypt, but like Jessamine stated those ways are still particularly visible if you research in the right places.

What confuses me here is your particular choice for nickname, especially because in the underground community and occult society that term is often used in reference to Luis Marques, who is called "The Serpent" by many of those who are initiated. So I don't believe many here and in other places will call you by that name...

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Hello, it's my Introduction. Empty Re: Hello, it's my Introduction.

Post by TheSerpent 03.04.17 5:27

Jonathan wrote:Hello and welcome to the community. Don't worry about having different opinions since here everyone is free to agree or disagree with presented thoughts, experiences and research. We're very open minded.

With that said I do agree that both Sethians and Asetians can be dangerously manipulative, they just manipulate and act in a different way. However you shouldn't really say that they are the same because they're very different in essence and that's something presented by both sides. Now if someone says that the Asetians are the good and kind while the Sethians are evil that is obviously wrong, but I believe that has been stated in nearly every post about them in this forum. Evil is just a perspective and the truth is that both Asetians and Sethians are tremendously dangerous creatures but also wielders of great wisdom that, under the right circumstances, can enlighten one's soul. They do however operate very differently on this realm and have done so since their times in Ancient Egypt, but like Jessamine stated those ways are still particularly visible if you research in the right places.

What confuses me here is your particular choice for nickname, especially because in the underground community and occult society that term is often used in reference to Luis Marques, who is called "The Serpent" by many of those who are initiated. So I don't believe many here and in other places will call you by that name...

Oh sorry I do not mean same in essence, simply same in what they are capable of, in a sense if asetians wanted to they could be quite the "dark" people in terms of seeing someone as a pawn and the likes, same with Sethians. I am sorry for the confusion there.

As for the name I simply like the meaning behind serpents, such as keepers of knowledge and the likes. I am sorry if my name cannot be used due to someone else they hold in high regards use it, but for me it is simply a name I chose due to it's meaning. They do not have to link it to Luis Marquis simply because I use it. I mean no disrespect here but the name is not copyrighted or solely his to use.

But I understand your point thank you for that and thank you for your welcome and input you are also someone I find that has very enlightening comments on this board and while I have been through most the threads I am glad to not have been taken offense over my words.

Number of posts : 5
Location : in the books
Registration date : 2017-04-03

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