Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work?

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Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work? Empty Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work?

Post by Gunnar 14.06.13 22:36

I noticed that this bible is popular on the forum. I tried two books by Michelle Belanger but didn't' really learn anything. I'm not even sure if I can feel my own energy or manipulate it. I'm not sure if I'm a psychic vampire or not, but being one sounds interesting to me.

Sorry if I'm asking in the wrong place, or if I'm being unprofessional.

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Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work? Empty Re: Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work?

Post by Jonathan 15.06.13 5:59

Hello and welcome to the community. Would you mind to introduce yourself in the Off Topic section and tell us a little more about you?

As for your question I'm not sure if the Asetian Bible is the best book to learn about practical energy work. That is because this isn't exactly the kind of book with practical lessons and exercises. It's a great book and the central work of reference when it comes to vampires and vampirism but it will teach you mostly to find your own answers and to trust your intuitions and feelings. It does teach a great deal concerning metaphysics and energy work but more on the level of developing a magickal foundation within your soul, the practical work must be explored by yourself so if you're looking for a book of practical techniques this isn't the one. On the other hand the spirituality taught in the book and how it enhances any kind of metaphysical practice may well surprise you if you understand its magick.

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Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work? Empty Re: Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work?

Post by Kalb 15.06.13 15:30

I sign beneath of Jonathan.

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Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work? Empty Re: Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work?

Post by Gunnar 15.06.13 16:14

Thank you, I'll introduce my self in the off topic section sometime later.

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Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work? Empty Re: Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work?

Post by AkashaofKemet 17.11.23 10:33

I think it is a good way to learn.

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Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work? Empty Re: Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work?

Post by Lynskha 22.11.23 9:15

Hello. I believe it is a good guide to introduce about the topics, and that maybe it could help inspiring you in searching for more info about practices like meditation, yoga, and energy work. But as it was said above, AB is not a book with "practical energy work".

There are a lot of techniques related to energy manipulation, and it would depend on what you are interested in working with.

AB is a good read to get in touch with diffrerent topics, and one of the most reliable.

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Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work? Empty Re: Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work?

Post by Rieka Nyx 28.02.24 14:27

I'd like to get the asetian Bible and violet thrones but both books are very expensive.

Rieka Nyx

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Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work? Empty Re: Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work?

Post by Jonathan 29.02.24 6:23

Don't buy from scalpers. Try to source from a reasonable seller not making huge profits over these books. Asetian literature has been growing increasingly rare from the reports we get of many people trying to get their hands on the grimoires. These books are legendary occult material.

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Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work? Empty Re: Would the Asetian Bible be good for learning the basics in metaphysics and energy work?

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