core energy work

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core energy work Empty core energy work

Post by Maxx 20.01.14 16:34

Kalb,  please tell me what you think of this.  I have never heard of it before Sat. when a client told me of her daughter getting great results from it.  Thanks in advance.

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core energy work Empty Re: core energy work

Post by Kalb 20.01.14 17:21

I believe that any manipulation method of energy is important for us and for our stability. I have not seen anything new on this site. However, it is always interesting to see their techniques and learn from them. In my case, Reiki and Probing does an excellent job. However, I am also curious about the opinions of other users.

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core energy work Empty Re: core energy work

Post by Divine 277 22.01.14 9:40

Is this suppose to be new ?

For me this resembles a lot to kundalini meditation, activation, and energy flow ...
How to balance your own system ..

However I do not agree with it not to be healing, cause it kinda is self healing ...

I don't see this as a new principal at all .. Just described in a different form.

However Energy work is an interesting topic, there is such many ways to use it and move it Smile

Thank you both for sharing Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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core energy work Empty Re: core energy work

Post by Maxx 22.01.14 10:20

It seems to be set up in similar way to Reiki as a person directs this energy into your body with their hands on technique.  This person is supposed to be trained in the classes one through six....costs money to be ranked just as Reiki does.  It is not shown as a technique to be self used.

I do not know how long it has been out there and available as I only just heard of it.   A couple I had visited as a potential client with a ten million dollar estate I am working on had some physical problems and  I had fixed her insomnia and greatly improved the husbands hands of chronic arthritis.  I did not have to touch them at all like this page shows.  I also work on people all over the planet without knowing them or ever meeting them and get great results immediately .  

So these people were freaked out that they can be healed without me ever coming in contact with them and putting hands on them.  Their daughter had a C section done and afterwards she had many problems and could only get results from this core energy worker and it happened after one session.  So these people were in awe than I just went into my temple area and spent 10 minutes and got results in such a different way.  Their funny question was if I believe in God and everything in order to contact the healing element I use.   I laughed and told them that sure I believe in everything...did not mention their God....not to mention I do not go to their church structure services....  Only problem I have to ask they just keep it all quiet and not be telling everyone what happened as I do not want a group knocking at my door wanting all their problems being addressed.  Silence is Golden. But this system reminds me greatly of the Reiki structure. That is why I asked kalb about it as he is well versed in that system.

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core energy work Empty Re: core energy work

Post by Jonathan 22.01.14 10:50

This does appear to be similar to many other systems of energy work. You're right that you don't need to use your hands to manipulate energy and get healing results, sometimes it may just be more effective in certain situations but it surely isn't limited by body or hands. There are different systems that work but energy is energy.

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core energy work Empty Re: core energy work

Post by Divine 277 22.01.14 10:53

*Max Smile Then I have a problem understanding this statement : Core Synchronism practitioners are not healers. The person receiving treatment is responsible for his or her own healing, which is accomplished by the individual’s life energy, the core current.
:/ ?

However Im glad you got to help them Smile
I do however understand you don't want people knocking on your door Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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core energy work Empty Re: core energy work

Post by Stapleraindrop 22.01.14 11:26

Maxx you debonair businessman you Razz

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core energy work Empty Re: core energy work

Post by Maxx 22.01.14 11:39

"Only the Shadow knows......" From the old Shadow radio series with Lamont Cranston.!!!!!!

That statement you are referring to has to do with legal matters you will find in just about all descriptions of any system now dealing with healing in the small print to protect themselves from people using attorneys to sue them.

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core energy work Empty Re: core energy work

Post by Divine 277 25.01.14 8:58

Oh... they dont do that here ... It goes under alternative treatment, more or less anyone can work as a healer here Smile with out getting sued. ( we dont usually sue people, if now harm has been done) Its kinda use at own risk, kinda thing.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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