NASA Science finds actual hidden portals on earth

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NASA Science finds actual hidden portals on earth Empty NASA Science finds actual hidden portals on earth

Post by Maxx 07.07.13 12:12

Science appears to be catching up with reality somewhat.

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NASA Science finds actual hidden portals on earth Empty Re: NASA Science finds actual hidden portals on earth

Post by Jonathan 08.07.13 13:12

It will slowly get there. Or not.

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NASA Science finds actual hidden portals on earth Empty Re: NASA Science finds actual hidden portals on earth

Post by Daniel09 08.07.13 21:49

It's interesting, but I wouldn't say science is "catching up" with reality. Science is the practice of interpreting the universe through evidence of observation. You cannot objectively observe metaphysical events that are interpreted differently for each person.

Now, this is basically an article about the discovery of magnetic energy streams that occur frequently, not really portals. The concept that the "gods" would travel along pathways that can go no faster than the speed of light is silly.

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NASA Science finds actual hidden portals on earth Empty Re: NASA Science finds actual hidden portals on earth

Post by Maxx 08.07.13 22:20

Yes I agree and we all can recognize that many different people envision different ideas and pictures when they mention the Gods. That word can relate in many minds as being as far ranging as the personalities that are involved.....but it is a movement in the right direction, I hope.

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