NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Maxx 21.05.14 10:32

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Nightshade 21.05.14 11:01

Most of it is a hoax though.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Maxx 21.05.14 11:28

clarify a little if you would, please.  I know that everything presented there is very possible and already in force at present.  The 1973 movie Soylent Green is very possible.  Today I heard about soap being made of departed humans.  I already know that dog, cat, cow, pig, etc food was recycled in this manner.  One reason that mad cow disease appeared as well as Alzheimer disease increase in humans is the result of this.  What is so different about doing the same with humans as is done with animals.

So please explain the statement rather than just make a blanket rebuttal.  I would like to know why you made that statement.  Thanks.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Nightshade 22.05.14 2:00

I only had the time to listen to half of it and although some conspiracy theories out there may have some basis of truth, the way she is presenting it is clearly being deceptive. If you pay attention she doesn't fully believe in what she is saying. Not to mention that if she would disclosure such secret projects of people in power she would no longer be alive, not making YouTube videos releasing all the horrible truth from some of the most powerful organizations and governments. It comes off as a sales pitch. That's not how it works. Killing someone is way too easy and you know this as well as I do.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Maxx 22.05.14 6:56

Yes, that is easy.  But I am finding how strange it is that so much actual information is coming forth and the bearer is left alone.  One thing, she has a false right eye and that may make her appear odd when watching her. But the info she has I found nothing but one section that was questionable.  I have dealt with this for years so that is where I am coming from.  The cyborg part is real.   More than once a Group of strange seals on a US warship when all others are told they are not to be engaged in conversation and above all, one can not touch them.  This I know as fact. They had their own food. But again, I found nothing that was out of place.  Guess we just see things differently based on our backgrounds.  Thanks.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Maxx 22.05.14 6:58

one thing forgot to list.   This was not a secret find as it was listed on the NASA sight.  They do not do anything of importance without broadcasting it to the victims first in just such a manner as this.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Demonia 22.05.14 16:58

i feel this is all already happening and has been happening whether the video is a hoax or not. literally our lives are not in our own hands from the day we were born. so i dont doubt anything. i don't really trust NASA. i dont really trust anything anymore. but why hide it if its going to happen eventually. people have no power in this apparent war they're proclaiming and people arent interested because people are just cattle to the ones higher up on the line. we have nuclear bombs and countries constantly angry at each other someone could push the big red button at any time and no one would have any say in that either. idk.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Demonia 22.05.14 17:05

also she says around 16:00 "they will dole out poisonous foods, and those who decide to eat these will see the consequences". we already have that going on with monsanto and GMO's.

really absolutely nothing good will ever happen unless people as a whole, start thinking as a whole- like ants in an ant colony, or a school of fish are able to. a unified people with the same mindset and direction of wanting to make the world a better place. all the diseased lazy fat asses who are already suckered into the 'american way of life' would have to get out of the hypnotism of convenience and unhealthy food and realize the importance of reverting back to regular farming and living like we once did when we were all a native of somewhere on our ancestral lands. but that is a very difficult thing to do. even if every celebrity or person of 'importance' said so.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Maxx 22.05.14 20:56

And I bet many of you are wondering where is the Aset Ka and the Red Order of Set in all of this?

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Jonathan 23.05.14 2:44

Maxx wrote:And I bet many of you are wondering where is the Aset Ka and the Red Order of Set in all of this?

What is your take on this?

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Maxx 23.05.14 6:59

no, no, no.  I post too much. I found that when I stop, there are more people that come out and reflect their mind with different things rather than just sitting back and reading.  There will be very little here from me from now on.   Smile   That way there will be more of a reflection from other parts of the world and more thoughts on a subject rather than me smothering a topic.  I retired. Lol.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Stapleraindrop 23.05.14 9:06

Random thought, but what if these soldiers were genetically modified somehow? Wasn't Hitler into that kind of stuff? It would also explain why other soldiers would be told to stay away from them.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Maxx 23.05.14 9:45

this was even 15 to 20 years ago.  it is much farther advanced than that.  That is what caught my attention when she said the 4th generation.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Maxx 26.05.14 20:31

But I agree somewhat with Nightshade... that NASA is a complete fraud.  Now, whether that was all a lie posted to create fear, I do not know but much of that listed has merit and much is actually taking place.  The US air force is drawing $81 billion a year to fund the actual space program, if you can call it that.  NASA is only there for misdirection.  Nothing in the media is the truth at all.  Anything that happens there will be a false story of sorts.....  We are not told any truth.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Demonia 26.05.14 20:58

what can we do about it though?
being some of the few actually aware of whats going on around us...
are we doomed to sit here and watch or... ?
perhaps too broad of a question to ask or something to even fathom... but i feel like action needs to be taken- every day i wonder what can we do though. i try to be patient just gathering knowledge but it gets unnerving continuing to be passive about everything Sad

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Maxx 26.05.14 21:13

learn to heal yourself with energy work.  Do not be quick to join groups that advocate chaos.  Maintain a low profile in all things.  Do not become part of the stupid group.  they will eliminate themselves.  become dependent on yourself.  study the ancient ways.  all religions were created as a means to control the ignorant masses.  know your real and true friends as you will find they are far and few if any.  Sit back and enjoy the show as everyone is here for a reason at this time.  learn the universal laws and study them as those will help you survive whether in this physical world or the next one you move up to.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Troublemaker 26.05.14 21:31

I'm ready to let whatever will happen, happen. The only thing I can do is sit back and let the world do whatever it's going to do... and perhaps develop my Self as much as possible.
@Maxx... when you advise against joining groups that advocate chaos, where are you factoring Asetians in the equation? I'm just a beginner but the impression from the AB was that they are beings of chaos and change... but that this chaos is a good thing.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Maxx 26.05.14 22:54

the example you can see all around you.  They have been silent as a whole with things that are happening that you can physically see their results.   My own personal thought is that they tend to stay out of the midst of stupidity.

You do not find them at the front of things visual.  they have not joined in the turmoil of riots and marches.  These are generally spiritual beings that choose the right time and place. Minds can be changed without riots.   I mentioned learning how to connect to the spiritual side and take control of your being rather than let others manipulate.  Affecting everything is done with learning to control your surroundings with mental alchemy.  But one has to become knowledgeable with the laws of the universe around them.  Very few study and learn what they are and how to use them.  Just look at the two books.  They do not teach anything other than that which is of utmost importance which first begins in the spiritual realm. This is how one takes control of their own will to move mountains.  This is true chaos that affects change.  All the lessons you read of there are tied to the spirit forces.

I also mean stay away from joining the militia groups to think that change will come about through that type of conflict. Good intentions are very often paved with the cobblestones of red blood.  knowledge and wisdom pay great dividends.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Maxx 27.05.14 7:15

BTW.  You have probably a year below real chaos does break loose.  The conflict in the Ukraine was used as a dry run and practice to find out if there were any problems to be refined.  so breathe easier.  smile.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Kalb 28.05.14 15:45


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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Stapleraindrop 28.05.14 17:23

Also off topic; new moon tonight

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Maxx 28.05.14 17:30

the actual reason for saving all the data in every form is to build a log of any and all info on everyone.  They do not look into it at this time so much.  The real reason is in the near future if someone gets into trouble by doing anything or saying something that is not in line with accepted standards, all of the back info that is stockpiled will be pulled up to make a case against the individual.  Which means, no one will have a chance at all as everyone has enough info out there to hang.  Not long into the future.   Face recognition, voice print, eye print, etc.  Once you are arrested, "you gone, baby."

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Demonia 28.05.14 20:42

its inevitable though unless you start by being born not in a hospital and live under a rock in a forest.

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by Maxx 29.05.14 11:02

Maxx wrote:the actual reason for saving all the data in every form is to build a log of any and all info on everyone.  They do not look into it at this time so much.  The real reason is in the near future if someone gets into trouble by doing anything or saying something that is not in line with accepted standards, all of the back info that is stockpiled will be pulled up to make a case against the individual.  Which means, no one will have a chance at all as everyone has enough info out there to hang.  Not long into the future.   Face recognition, voice print, eye print, etc.  Once you are arrested, "you gone, baby."

Use your vision to see how this will be extended.,0,5499277.story

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NASA document reveals "End of Mankind" Empty Re: NASA document reveals "End of Mankind"

Post by shinigami_kris 22.06.14 1:24

Maybe just continue doing the small things that help. And encourage others to. We as a society will have to eventually come to a point where we don't choose the way we live we will do it to survive. It will be the only way left to live. Unless they find other sources of resources. Isn't there a guy saying we will get someone to mars by 2026? Great. We can start mining that planet too.

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