False Memories Planted in the Brain

Divine 277
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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Maxx 25.07.13 18:18


Some here might be able to associate with this and what it means.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Divine 277 26.07.13 5:41

this is a very interesting read .. I have read a bit about it before when I was studying the human physique.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Demonia 26.07.13 10:12

Interesting. i studied things like this at my college two semesters ago, specifically a course about dreams and looking into the actual possibilities of memory implantation being a regular thing in the future like in the movies 'total recall' 'inception' and i can't remember the other titles but there's many... this could be a great form of therapy. or on a sci fi note, another way for the gov't to brainwash. or pre condition humans before they're even born. but that's just my own paranoid thoughts hahah.

on a similar page yet less scientific,

has anyone tried to implant thoughts into others with energy manipulation? like light persuasion? i've done so before only simple things like say we're on a road trip and a friend is driving under the speed limit, i'll coerce them to go faster with my mind and they will for a while as long as i concentrate... i'm unsure if i'm describing this the right way, but i hope others know what i'm talking about. not really memory implantation but.. still having to do with the mind. hope i didn't wander off topic Smile !

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Maxx 26.07.13 12:03

My own answer to the last question is yes...I work with this more and more....I test it and get feedback and see how it works with the target.

On the first paragraph.....it has been used effectively by our own gov for more than 30 years as I know about it.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Victor 26.07.13 17:29

Demonia wrote:has anyone tried to implant thoughts into others with energy manipulation? like light persuasion? i've done so before only simple things like say we're on a road trip and a friend is driving under the speed limit, i'll coerce them to go faster with my mind and they will for a while as long as i concentrate... i'm unsure if i'm describing this the right way, but i hope others know what i'm talking about. not really memory implantation but.. still having to do with the mind. hope i didn't wander off topic Smile!
Yes, and it works. It can be a very potent weapon. Especially dangerous if put to misuse.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Troublemaker 31.05.16 13:05

I dropped by today to perform necromancy on this old thread. What a Face

Anyway, I've been looking for this for a while, because I remembered seeing the title but had not read it. My own (unneeded) two cents- this is in fact extremely dangerous, especially if the manipulations manage to get into the mind undetected. It's also another reason why it's so important to learn how to control the mind, a fact that many of the more knowledgeable users have known for long.

Being the recipient of attempted mental control, implanted memory, or etc. is quite humbling. In the midst of all the fanfare surrounding the occult, it's easy to forget the necessary and simpler exercises that allow for the more complex workings. One thing I've learned in my time here is that without control of the mind, all other attempted dealings with energy tend to either fall flat or be mostly ineffective. Anyway, recognizing the "flavor" of your own thoughts is, in my opinion, quite important because it makes for easier recognition of an intrusive thought that does not match your own fingerprint. And controlling the mind is no easy task.

Minds feel different.  Some feel dumb and slow, like that of a herd animal. Some are a bit in-between, balanced in a somewhat healthy but also mundane way. Still others are quite tenacious and hard to crack into. I would imagine (I use the word 'imagine' because I am certainly no expert on this subject) that the topic of memory/thought implantation is a bit similar to the medical subject of organ transplants and blood transfusions. Some attempted organ transplants/blood transfusions are rejected immediately by the body, causing strong adverse reactions. Increasing the likelihood of success is achieved by taking the correct blood type into consideration, but from what I understand this can still fail sometimes. I see a bit of an analogy here, albeit slightly clumsy. Some attempted thought or memory implants appear to work in a similar fashion. Sometimes the "immune system" of the mind rejects the attempts immediately, or at the very least, the attempts are not well-received and only take hold partially. Personality and willpower are interesting factors when it comes to the amount of resistance met. It probably takes less skill to influence someone into behaving in a fashion that more closely resembles their current attitude/personal approach on things than it would to make someone act in a way that is entirely opposite of their personality. For example, I imagine it would demand a greater amount of skill to influence an old, die-hard Christian woman in the South to speak something disrespectful about her religion than to, say, influence an emotionally lost teen into picking up a cigarette. Therefore, I would theorize that "going with the flow" of the mind and personality is more conducive to success. (Or rather, matching the blood type/energy fingerprint/prevalent thought pattern).

With many individuals being so unaware of the subtle reality, they are unfortunately open to all sorts of things. It's similar to how people with weak immune systems are susceptible to all sorts of unfortunate illnesses, becoming afflicted with numerous nasties that manage to worm their way into the body and wreak havoc. Those who are unaware of how to control their minds are, in my opinion, afflicted with a sort of weak "immune system" of their own. No wonder society as a whole is so unstable, so confused and afflicted, unable to use thought as a tool to reform into a cohesive whole and fight back against whatever disaster is currently happening. Weak immune systems... with a mind soaking up all kinds of dirty and useless commands and manipulations from those few in power (as well as the simpler side of things, which merely involves being unaware).

I am by no means an expert on this form of danger/tool, or even very knowledgeable about it compared to some others, but it's a topic that interests me a great deal.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Maxx 31.05.16 13:56

that is one way the creation of the cell phone tower is used .  They know what frequency is used to confuse the mental state and keep it in a flux as well as what frequency is perfect for transmitting messages desired to be input in the mind of those in the area.  In years past this ability was entirely done by humans that have developed their psychic skill through long hours of practice.  Today, they rely mostly on the computer and machine creations.  But this is something the group that I have begun to work with teaches (along with many others like this).

Also, I just saw another conversation in regard to knowing your own thoughts compared with those coming from something else mentioned in a forum on Franz Bardon.  He teaches in his second lesson in the book IIH how to begin to study and become aware of those thoughts that are your own and those that come from another source.

As far as being aware of other peoples thoughts, I have found that a technique used to enter a body and change their astral counterpart to enable healing for their body to take place without them even being aware of it, shows me that every person has a very different feel from another person. I have yet to find two that vibrate and feel exactly alike.  So your comment that we are all different is correct as far as my view...which I must add, means nothing at all to anyone except myself. 

My studies have taken me back to ancient Egypt and even far beyond that to see that

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Maxx 31.05.16 14:05

hmmmm   computer has a mind of its own.... to continue...

the ancient early Egyptians had a complete knowledge of what is actually taking place in the universe, but they did not allow that info to bleed out to the common sector.  They taught the people a different belief system than they knew and in the 
process they controlled everything and found a way to feed their pockets by created a dependency on that priesthood.   Sound familiar?  Boy, is that same thing taking place today.  All of the religions of our time and even 3000 years ago all have a common thread in them but the variance has been set up to create a control by their priesthood.   But the head and center of that religion is aware of the real workings behind it all.  And they cannot even come together to create the real truth as to what is happening the world over because of losing some sector of that control. lol.  It is a sicko leadership the world over.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Maxx 31.05.16 14:16

And go back and look at the words of Victor.  You can read between his words as to how emphatic the meaning he is conveying in those words.  There is absolutely no doubt of his statement in his mind as he knows first hand it is correct.  He knows it is common place to put ideas in the minds of others without them knowing it.

See, he put it in your mind to read this....see how strong it works....?

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Maxx 31.05.16 14:19

that is one way the creation of the cell phone tower is used .  They know what frequency is used to confuse the mental state and keep it in a flux as well as what frequency is perfect for transmitting messages desired to be input in the mind of those in the area.  In years past this ability was entirely done by humans that have developed their psychic skill through long hours of practice.  Today, they rely mostly on the computer and machine creations.  But this is something the group that I have begun to work with teaches (along with many others like this).

Also, I just saw another conversation in regard to knowing your own thoughts compared with those coming from something else mentioned in a forum on Franz Bardon.  He teaches in his second lesson in the book IIH how to begin to study and become aware of those thoughts that are your own and those that come from another source.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Kalb 31.05.16 17:20

Scientifically, the false memory implementation is possible, and it's been tested on monkeys and some people claim they've done these experiments with human beings, but as this is a sensitive subject, they keep the whole subject in secret. The human brain, is virtually all explored, we know nowadays where memory is and we know that if this part of the brain is damaged, the human being will suffer mental problems or amnesia. Let's assume that someone loses his memory, this part of the brain is damaged, what happens to the soul? Ends its evolution at the moment that does not have the ability to use their own brain memory? Asetianism advocates that we are part of our past, and there is a magnetism around us that indicates the road we travel in the past to the present form, for example, if in a past life were musicians, in this life will have the tendency to like or even go back to be musicians, but what happens to a person who suffers from amnesia for 40 years? Back to reincarnate? Or their reincarnations ends when it is no longer able to have memories? What does means "evolution" in a world where we are influenced by everything? Therefore, the field of telepathy and empathy is a subject that is constantly growing in the scientific world, there are concrete and real evidence of their effect. Since we're talking about the brain, we can get in some important points, currently, there is no room in the brain for inhabiting the soul, said that, for science, anyone who believes in a Soul and who believes that there is something divine inside you, is completely wrong and is considered a person mentally unstable. But, the part of the divine, can perhaps I can accept, despite of monotheism be a hoax there is a grain of truth, they claim that the human soul was created separately from the divine soul of God, which is totally acceptable in scientific and spiritual argument. Now, if we're talking about a "soul", scientifically, as I have said, does not exist in the brain, if we say that the soul is our conscience, again, is extremely complicated, because the consciousness interprets the external signs of the world shaped by our families and cultures. When a scientist implements a false memory in the brain, he knows that's not spiritual, and that has nothing to do with magick or wizards, is pure technology, used by computers. When a wizard implements a false memory in someone, what is he doing? Putting the memory only in the brain or in their soul? or both?

Taking now the subject to the spiritual side, control the thoughts, is extremely difficult and requires many many many hours of boredom and dedication to achieve some result.. but, it seems worth. Often, when I look at my thoughts, I come to the conclusion that I'm sending all my thoughts to a cloud, and it basically who knows my IP, can access that cloud, without requiring a password, it seems that when these thoughts are being sent there,is of easy access for people to have their intuition to work and practically correct conclusions, but, when I decide to stop thinking through the brain and create a link in my root shen,I feel that the thoughts are mine, and that I'm not sending to the cloud. But, whatever my technique to practice mind control, I can't remember what I thought the last week or the day 31 of May in the year 2000, I know I went through that moment, I know that I lived, but where are my memories? have been deleted? Forgotten? How long does a false memory implemented in the brain of someone? Certainly not a long life to survive.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Victor 31.05.16 18:15

Maxx wrote:And go back and look at the words of Victor.  You can read between his words as to how emphatic the meaning he is conveying in those words.  There is absolutely no doubt of his statement in his mind as he knows first hand it is correct.  He knows it is common place to put ideas in the minds of others without them knowing it.

See, he put it in your mind to read this....see how strong it works....?

Maxx trying to expose my secrets.

Just kidding. Move along kids. Twisted Evil

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Maxx 01.06.16 18:43

kalb,  regarding your spiritual section.  There is a method I am learning that shows that it is possible to connect to and recall all the past lifetimes and different events from them at will.  Even tho it is called the Akashic records, that in itself, is an allegorical term.  There is a method that allows one to completely see all the lives a soul has lived in its existence.  Doesn't the Asetian Bible speak of recall of reincarnation?  Certainly it is possible.  Learning how to input an outside thought into an unsuspecting person is also taught by a correct technique of learning how to correctly use what you refer to as the shen locations. Boring, you say?  I feel that if a person finds the practice of these techniques boring, they would not be aware of any of the final results anyway and would not even be allowed into the group.  That may possibly be a word you are using since English is not the first language and you possibly might have chosen a better word to convey your meaning... I do not know.

By and large, the population as a whole does not understand or even become aware of the astral or energy realm that they exist and live within constantly. Only a very small section actually are aware of what is happening around them in the other realms 24/7. If there is ever going to be an awakening, this will have to change.  Humans will have to begin to think in the energy dimension they live now in this body to move higher and get out of the lower elements where living in the physical within the thinking does not help a person grow in any way.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Troublemaker 01.06.16 19:43

This is a pretty interesting discussion so far. I don't have much to add simply due to being slightly uneducated in the area, but I have enjoyed reading the other inputs. Actually, reading Svali's material was what got me interested in this subject to begin with. The sheer complexity that can be involved is very overwhelming to contemplate at first.

However, the topic of the Akashic Records and memory regression is highly interesting to me. There are statements flying around that no one can access your Records or memories but yourself. If that is the case, then how does the AK accomplish things such as the triangulation used to verify past lives? (Or am I misunderstanding this?).
What I noticed so far: Memory regressions are tricky without knowing and controlling the mind fully. This may be yet another faulty analogy, however, the mind is like a vehicle, and how can you drive to a desired location without being able to use the steering wheel? (And I certainly do not claim to be a master in this area.) There is also the possibility of mistaking wanderings in the mental plane for actual memories, as was explored in the AB. I also know that it is fully possible to construct a "past life memory" from scratch and plant it into someone else's head for one's own benefit or manipulation, which was more along the lines of what I referred to in my first post. Scary but cool stuff Razz

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Maxx 02.06.16 11:39

I agree with that statement, Rhea Kaye, if your info is not allowed to be accessed by anyone else, how then would one access and view anything in anothers' life at all?  Visibly viewing anyone from the past, present, or future would be impossible.  Also, It is very interesting to look closely at the wording triangulation of past lives.  Do you think it means that 3 individuals are looking at one individual to confirm the finding of past lives, or does all it require is that one individual see 3 different lives of the person in question? Irregardless, it is common for many individuals to have a meeting and discuss things outside of the physical body in a meeting agenda.  I know you are aware this is common place among those of the Aset Ka and the Elders mentioned.  

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Troublemaker 02.06.16 15:39

I must admit that the concept of viewing the future is confusing to me. Some say it's impossible because it changes too much, but then again, precognition is still a very real thing. And looking at the (alleged and theorized) actions of the ROS, it appears that the future layout must have been at least partially visible to them? Then there is the idea (or rather, fact) that individuals plan out what they intend to do here before they even incarnate, and the occasional deja vu that COULD possibly relate to this.
When triangulation is mentioned, I always thought it referred to one individual from each Asetian lineage checking out the past lives, and likely multiple past lives.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Maxx 02.06.16 16:29

Thanks for that.  I had never considered one from each lineage.  Always something new I can learn.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Kalb 02.06.16 16:57

Maxx wrote:By and large, the population as a whole does not understand or even become aware of the astral or energy realm that they exist and live within constantly. Only a very small section actually are aware of what is happening around them in the other realms 24/7. If there is ever going to be an awakening, this will have to change.  Humans will have to begin to think in the energy dimension they live now in this body to move higher and get out of the lower elements where living in the physical within the thinking does not help a person grow in any way.

I accept what you say, in fact, I have the same opinion than you, and I use the Tree of Life in order to understand the things that intrigued me. But if we are evaluating a mental issue, why not turn to neuroscience? Day after day, science has made brilliant discoveries about the functioning of our brain and the perception of reality is changing, it would never be possible with religion. The most fun part is that Aset Ka insists that Asetianism is not a religion but a culture and supports the exploration of new knowledge, and when we make new scientific discoveries and return to analyze for example the Asetian Bible, we see that there are also correct details with the new discoveries, for example, according to AB, the soul does not dwell in the brain but in the Solar Plexus Shen. According to Aristotle, the soul dwells in the heart, but when we start to follow a religious version is said that the soul dwells in the brain… The brain today is seen as the true kernel of human life, but, again, if we go back to ancient egypt, we see that the embalming of mummies, the brain was taken out, was seen as useless in the spiritual world. Therefore, my question remains the same, what happens to the soul when a person lives without their memory? We can take this to the world of dreams, we know almost nothing we do while we sleep, except the parts that reach REM's points and we remember things, there are also experiences that we can remember things in the states of NREM, it's all very complex, anyway, in both cases one thing is the key: Memory. Without it, we do not have any experience. It seems that what makes us think that we are someone is that to know we live in a past and we are living in this right now. Resume: The Matrix movie is a great example of reality and unreality of the brain.

Rhea Kaye wrote:I must admit that the concept of viewing the future is confusing to me. Some say it's impossible because it changes too much, but then again, precognition is still a very real thing.

Well ... I'm at the same level than you. Have you noticed that it is easier to get a memory of the future than the past lives? Perhaps our current brain knows nothing of "past lives" and how has no experience can not create any reality scenario for our despair. We can, of course... create fantasies. This is why I am very critical when it comes to memories of past lives, is known that a computer only understands commands based on binary language, when a person makes a regression to the past the brain is just a compiler to interpret all the data for its own database. - The brain does the same job than a computer to interpret codes. But, in this case, we do not need to use a compiler for interpreter things of the past, we are using our own brains to go to the future and I have personally got some success in experiments. So, my belief in the wisdom and knowledge of others great masters, and cultures becomes a dogma, and there is a struggle within me between what they teach and what I live.

Analyzing the teachings of Asetian culture, they claim that the future is not written, and that we are masters of our own path. But this struggle between what the others teach and what I live, may be related to false knowledge in-built in my brain about the reality of spirituality and scientific, is a hypothesis.

I confess I am a little lost. To finish I will leave here a small excerpt from the Book of Orion - Book of Sakkara. I don't know if it's related to what I wrote, but it's something that's messing with my reasoning.

24. Heka was made for them, to use as a weapon for warding off occurrences. And they created dreams for the night, to see the things of the day.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Maxx 02.06.16 17:55

kalb, I see the ultra sub conscience and the soul as one and the same.  It is aware of all of our lives we have ever lived and it can recall what we did on May 12, 2009 at 1:32pm.  It can access those and relate any of that that is required when we learn how to access that material.  And that memory recall is aware whether we are alive and passed out on an operating table and viewing our operation from above and hearing the conversation that takes place by the operating team.  That memory bank is not located in the physical brain.  It is located in the astral section. Because it can also view the scene after the physical body has ceased being the active battery and charging the energy body when so-called death occurs. You can even sit in a chair and look at yourself and move around 360 degrees and view yourself and remember it.  That is the conscience being aware and remembering it.  One can be catatonic for 10 years and still come out of it and recall and see what happened during that 10 year period.  

So I am at a slight loss at where you are coming from with the memory remark connected to the soul and what happens to it.  Maybe I am incorrect, and if so, please make the picture of the process for me and I will reassess what I am looking at and if I am wrong I will change my view and the way I look at myself as I move around looking at myself....

I see part of the soul being the oversoul and extends above and overhead of each of us while a section of it is inside the area of the physical body and that location will extend into the solar plex location as you mention.  It has all the info from all of our past lives.  As far as the future, that would be a different type of subject as the thought creation we have talked about here in the past is the act of creating the future for each one of us and those thoughts are vibrating and changing millisecond by millisecond creating what we are thinking and does create what we think.  We can change our thoughts about a time in the future and that will change what we have designed for our future.  Also, there is the collective thought process of groups that are even more powerful.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Troublemaker 02.06.16 21:50

When I mention past life regressions I am more along Maxx's line of thinking. The Captain Obvious section of my own little brain says that, well, when we are born, we are born with a new brain each time. Since this is the case, being born with a brand new microcosm of neurons and synapses, etc. each time one incarnates, how are memory regressions possible? I personally think it is done in the higher realms and not in the mind. That was the reason I spoke so enthusiastically about wanting to gain better control of the mind, because regressions done in the mental plane are probably just delusions and the mental plane seems to have a tendency to pollute things. (And it also brings me back to my reference of being able to 'control the steering wheel', so to speak.)

Kalb wrote:This is why I am very critical when it comes to memories of past lives, is known that a computer only understands commands based on binary language, when a person makes a regression to the past the brain is just a compiler to interpret all the data for its own database. - The brain does the same job than a computer to interpret codes. But, in this case, we do not need to use a compiler for interpreter things of the past, we are using our own brains to go to the future and I have personally got some success in experiments.
Here you refer to the brain as a computer which is a good analogy. This only reinforces the fact that we are not our brains/minds. In my opinion this is why getting out of the body is so important for regressions, but of course I'm not an expert so this is just a compilation of my own interpretations of things. While still inside the body it can perhaps be kind of hard to interpret correctly. While in the body the "distracting mundane noise" (as Luis Marques puts it) is a huge and negative interference.
You ask what happens to the soul without memory. In the case of brain damage being an impediment to memory formation, I'd say it doesn't matter much to the soul at all. The soul seems to be native to a different plane of existence and therefore not affected by something like that in the long run. I see what you were saying, though. I've seen a few discussions about the concept of the soul holding onto past life injuries and it affecting the subtle body to the point where it actually affects the physical, but it isn't something I've looked into.
On the subject of 360 degree OBE's, it is interesting to read someone else talk about that. I always thought I was doing it wrong, because I would often be looking at myself, and controlling myself while also outside of myself. It was also a nice way to check the surroundings.
It is interesting to think about how the soul actually influences the brain in many instances. The brain is part of the shell, after all. I've heard of, and seen, instances where a soul actually will take over a body entirely and kick out the current soul/host. There is oftentimes a complete 180 degree personality change, but the new soul is still using the same brain. Razz
Also interesting to contemplate: some people who have the famous 'Near death experience' return and end up behaving as an entirely different individual, sometimes ruining relationships and turning the lives of loved ones upside down. As a disclaimer, there are obviously a lot of biological factors to take into consideration here, such as a change in behavior due to brain damage or perhaps just the shock of almost dying. But I have to wonder if some souls in these instances wander off or move on, with a new one taking its place. Such a thing would probably be visible in the eyes.

(To anyone who got all the way through this tangent... you deserve an award. jocolor )

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Maxx 03.06.16 5:25

what you speak of is exactly what Franz Bardon came in this dimension doing.  An exchange.  It was agreeable to both souls.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Kalb 03.06.16 6:44

Maxx wrote:We can change our thoughts about a time in the future and that will change what we have designed for our future.

I have an exercise for you. You have to be honest with me and you have to promise that you will do this with the utmost honesty.

I want for a month, you create thoughts where you are totally HAPPY in your life, you're a person who deserves to be happy and do not need problems around you, also I want you to have such a positive experience that you can ignore all wickedness and negativity that dwelleth in you. Give me feedback in two months, I wait patiently for your experience.

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Maxx 03.06.16 7:31

I do have other designs and planning exercises I am involved in.  Sorry to burst your experiment but I do have another life.  lol.  All you are saying with this is that you disagree with what the two of us have posted and you are trying to prove your thoughts about this is correct and we are incorrect. I know I told you to give me your picture....but I really do not have time for this to try and help you prove you are right and I am wrong.  I live my life based on what I have already found to be true.  But, you go ahead and design your life as to how you think it should be...then you will continue to be satisfied and I will be satisfied with what I do....etc.  I no longer will waste my time with this.  Have a good life....and I will see you on the other side.  I see it is best with just to let people live an existence in any way or fashion they think is best for them. This aspect about me being honest with you implies that I have not been honest in my statements to you in the past.  That shows me your thoughts from your inner being about this.  Anyway.  This is my last reply to you.  Have a good balance.

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Age : 108
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Kalb 03.06.16 12:31

I did not say you were wrong and I right, I respect what both of you say, I just do not agree with some things, but I have not spoken in right or wrong. The context of "be honest", is a way of speaking, something like a regular conversation. I'm not saying you've been telling lies. Now, I disagreed with something, it does not make me be more right than you, I'm talking from my experience and analysis in general of humanity. I argued your answer, and ask your if you are able to be completely happy using the method you said. Where is the offense?

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Registration date : 2009-10-28


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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

Post by Maxx 03.06.16 12:55

I am

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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False Memories Planted in the Brain Empty Re: False Memories Planted in the Brain

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