Introduction and Alchemy

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Introduction and Alchemy Empty Introduction and Alchemy

Post by Burning Alchemist 18.12.13 13:30

Hello Everyone, I am the Burning Alchemist, it is a pleasure to meet you all. Enough pleasantries, what are your views on alchemy?

Burning Alchemist

Number of posts : 2
Location : Europe
Registration date : 2013-12-17

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Introduction and Alchemy Empty Re: Introduction and Alchemy

Post by Jonathan 18.12.13 18:41

Hello and welcome. We have some experienced alchemists around. The question is, what is alchemy to you?

A bit more depth in your introduction would also be appreciated.

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Introduction and Alchemy Empty Re: Introduction and Alchemy

Post by Burning Alchemist 19.12.13 17:59

I apologize, this is the first time I have used a forum. Well I study and practice magick and alchemy. I have been studying the occult for several years, also the history of ancient civilizations. Ancient Egypt is a huge topic of study for me, but just recently I learned of the Temple of Set, after that I discovered the Kemetic Order of Aset ka. Doing research I found this site, after browsing the topics I decided to join. Alchemy to me is working to achieve perfection of one's self and their art. Not that perfection can ever be achieved, but working towards that goal and accomplishing as much as you can.

Burning Alchemist

Number of posts : 2
Location : Europe
Registration date : 2013-12-17

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