Reincarnation and a belated introduction

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Reincarnation and a belated introduction Empty Reincarnation and a belated introduction

Post by Troublemaker 19.12.13 3:05

Hopefully this will not look like a load of crackpot nonsense, because I am being completely serious here.
Interestingly enough, right as I am starting down this new path and seeking truth, I'm remembering my great-grandmother...
She used to insist to the entire family that she was the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian slave. She also had constant dreams where she got her artistic visions, and made several works of Egyptian art. She actually took a large pillar of wood and carved it into a sarcophagus, then painted it to look like one. It was such an impressive work of art that she got offered millions for it but refused to sell it. Her house was covered with these phenomenal paintings of ancient Egyptian warfare and everyday life.
The only time I met her, I was only nine or ten, and she sat me down and told me long stories. The stories were about how my dad could read auras as a child but later lost the ability because he became too jaded, depressed, and emotionally weak. She frequently dealt with the occult and told me about her spiritual beliefs, which in retrospect appear to mimic those read about in the Asetian Bible.
Anyway, as she was telling me all these stories, I literally started to shake with the excitement of hearing about it. Other members of my family had convinced me she was completely crazy but now her stories are beginning to make sense.
I feel like something has been awakened inside of me--I was always afraid to pursue this path because others told me that it was wrong/bad. Now, though, I'm feeling more courageous and accepting of my own self. It was strange, because tonight, as I was driving, I was thinking about Aset and how everything she stands for seems to be reflected in my own life/soul, and as I looked up, I saw a huge, orange moon that filled me with peace. (It may sound cheesy and lame but it really resonated with me).
This is just the culmination of my thoughts from today that I thought I would share because I'm feeling more spiritually free than I have in a while. Sorry if the post is way too long, and thank you to anyone who reads it Smile

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Reincarnation and a belated introduction Empty Re: Reincarnation and a belated introduction

Post by Kalb 19.12.13 4:52

Em Hotep,

It is always difficult to talk about things we do not know, particularly people who are exceptional and mysterious beings. We are a mirror of what we were in past, and I strongly believe we followed a path that was desired and walked in past lives because the root of our intuition and feeling always leads us to somewhere. I do not really believe that Ancient Egypt was about slavery, slavery comes after with Judaism and then developed strongly by religion.

But this issue about past lives has been debated here, and I will leave a written by one of our colleagues that in my point of view shared important knowledge of reality.

Victor wrote:Caution when seeing other people past lives without yourself being in it, that may simply mean it is your own subconscious mind playing a trick on you. Remember that the information for past lives is stored in the Akashic Records, and the soul can only access its own records, not the records of others, for the sake of Maat (Universal Balance). This makes sense even from a spiritual evolution standpoint. Although there are many people out there saying they can freely read the past lives and experiences of others, please take those claims with a grain of salt. Our knowledge of the past and access to the Akashic Records only goes to where our own soul may reach... not beyond. That belongs to the realm of someone else's soul, and it is up to them to cross that door and pursue that avenue.

Very careful when making assumptions of past-life work and taking the output from regressions for granted. It is a very tricky practice and many times filled with influences generated by our own inner mind and ego. It is a path that even the wisest should take with caution, for there are many reasons of why even the most experienced powers over the Akashic Records and past lives, like the Masters within the Aset Ka, take the most advanced of techniques to metaphysically validate all of the past-life work, like the Asetian-developed methods of Triangulation, and don't rely on their own intuition and visions alone...

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Reincarnation and a belated introduction Empty Re: Reincarnation and a belated introduction

Post by Troublemaker 19.12.13 5:14

Thank you for the time you took in responding.
My great-grandmother could have been wrong about her past life, I honestly have no clue. You make a good point, saying you are the reincarnation of this or that person isn't something to be taken lightly and for all I know she could have easily been mistaken. It is interesting to me though, that my family actually has history in dealing with or being interested in the occult. There are other stories there as well, for instance my great-grandmother had people staying at her house who had bad experiences. Many said they were visited by figures shrouded in black and entities that felt malevolent and very threatening. She also messed around with Ouija boards as well conducted seances. My father told me that he always felt 'wrong' in the house after that point, like something evil was watching him. It's sort of fascinating to hear all these things- I have no idea if they were true or not but hearing so many family members insist that there was something odd about that house makes me really wonder if she opened a doorway of some kind. Apologies if that sounds convoluted or hard to understand!

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Reincarnation and a belated introduction Empty Re: Reincarnation and a belated introduction

Post by Jonathan 19.12.13 7:18

Rhea Kaye wrote:She also had constant dreams where she got her artistic visions, and made several works of Egyptian art. She actually took a large pillar of wood and carved it into a sarcophagus, then painted it to look like one.  It was such an impressive work of art that she got offered millions for it but refused to sell it. Her house was covered with these phenomenal paintings of ancient Egyptian warfare and everyday life.
Thank you for sharing those experiences and some personal family background.

Do you have any photographs or reference of this sarcophagus?

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Reincarnation and a belated introduction Empty Re: Reincarnation and a belated introduction

Post by Troublemaker 19.12.13 14:14

Unfortunately, I do not have any of her artworks. I have two busts of Pharaohs that were pre-made that she painted, but none of the purely original things. (She passed about five years ago and her son, my grandpa, auctioned them off.)

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